Chapter 209 I don’t want you to feel, I want me to feel! I have the final say!

“This…. This is…. What? ”

Zhao Wanqing looked at the huge metal instrument in front of her in a daze, and her eyes were a little sluggish, so that the power supply to the generator was almost cut off.

Lin Fan also wanted to ask, what is this thing? It’s different from when he bought it! It’s not that big when you buy it!

“Lord, your personal space is too small, and it was only by using space technology that the light generator was stored in your personal space.”

The systematic explanation made Lin Fan a little speechless, in the final analysis, it was because his personal space was too small, which was simply amazing!

The behemoth in front of you is very large, the rectangular pedestal is as big as two houses, fourteen and fifteen meters long, six or seven meters high, the rectangular pedestal is all silver, it looks bright, and above the base, there is a radar-like thing, and there is also a concentrated essence version of the Eiffel Tower?

With Lin Fan’s look, the radar-like device in front of him began to light up with white light, and the cauldron-like radar slowly moved, and finally aimed at the light dropped from above, seeing this situation, Lin Fan probably understood that these eight achievements were collecting light energy, and then began to store electricity.

Turn out a manual of use, the instruction manual is not thick, about a hundred pages of look, Lin Fan is not interested in this, shouted at Cao Shan in a daze, let her come over, Lin Fan handed this instruction manual to her.

“Today, your task is to connect the hospital’s power line to this generator, let the hospital supply power normally, and then slowly connect the city’s power supply system, understand?”

Cao Shan took the instruction manual, looked at the light energy generator next to him, swallowed the spit, and nodded.

“Now that you understand, then study it carefully, your accommodation and various supplies, I will let people arrange it for you and work hard.”

After instructing Cao Shan, Lin Fan walked to Zhao Wanqing’s side, spent 10 points to exchange for an energy stone, and then threw it into the generator, the role of the energy stone is like oil, which can make the generator run normally for a period of time, so that Zhao Wanqing can be liberated.

The generator side did not use more than a few hundred people, so the maid who rushed over took some of them, and Lin Fan pulled Zhao Wanqing back to the second floor of the supermarket.

Watching Lin Fan and Zhao Wanqing return, Lin Youyou greeted them and asked, “Is the matter resolved?” ”

Wrapping his arms around Lin Youyou on the sofa, Lin Fan replied: “Solved, I brought back all the surviving women from the Changbei Power Station, these are all technical personnel, we don’t have to worry about this problem in the future, there are those women in it, what line problems, all can be solved.” ”

“Since it is solved, let’s eat, the time is not early, today should be the latest day for us to eat.” Lin Fan’s words made Lin Youyou breathe a sigh of relief, judging from the current situation in the inner city, it was impossible to have no electricity.

Supermarket side of the steamed rice stir-fry, is the use of electricity, if the power will be cut off will be very troublesome.

Subconsciously glanced at the clock on the wall, unconsciously the time was already more than nine o’clock in the evening, usually this time has already finished eating on the sofa salted fish.

After eating, Lin Fan held Su Xiaoluo like a doll and collapsed back on the sofa, if it was before the end of the day, he would also worry about whether he would get fat when he sat down just after eating, and now there is no worry about this, in terms of current physical fitness, all the calories carried by those foods will be digested, and there will be no fat accumulation, and there is no possibility of getting fat.

Holding Su Xiaoluo in his arms, Lin Fan looked at Li Yun and the three people walking back and forth in the living room to clean up the mess, until the three daughters had completely cleaned everything up, Lin Fan beckoned to the three women who came out of the kitchen.

“Li Yun, Yi Ren, and Qiu Yue, the three of you come here.”

Suddenly named by Lin Fan, Li Yun’s third daughter, who had just come out of the kitchen, was slightly stunned, did not hesitate, and obediently walked to Lin Fan’s side.

“Lord, do you have anything to command?”

“The three of you have also been on the second floor for a long time, I have seen all aspects of your performance, you have done a very good job, so I have decided to give you the strength to ascend to the heavens in one step, from today on, the three of you are the same as Yan Yan, the status is promoted to Lv8, under the jurisdiction of Lin Youyou.”

After eating, Li Yun and the three of them found that Lin Fan’s eyes had been looking at them, which made the three of them very nervous, and they thought that there was something to do that made Lin Fan dissatisfied, but they didn’t expect that Lin Fan had prepared such a big surprise for them!

O divine power! How many people dream of that? Li Yun’s three daughters usually talk about it in private, and they don’t dare to think about it at all, after all, they are married wives, and they have children, and they are certainly not as clean and noble as Lin Youyou’s main mothers, and they do not dare to expect to be recognized by Lin Fan and become the master mother who is high above.

But the result was far beyond their expectations, and what they didn’t dare to think of turned out to be true!

Although mother and daughter are very shameful to talk about together, they prefer that their daughters can climb up step by step, after all, Liu Mingyue is pure, completely qualified to compete for the master mother, unlike them who are already human wives, but as a result, Lin Fan did not mind that they had been married once, which made them excited and did not know what to say.

Dazed, this surprise is too big, beyond imagination, usually dare not think of things suddenly came to the body, just like never bought a two-color ball, suddenly a person with a huge prize money to knock on the door, said you won the two-color ball billion jackpot, as long as you sign this billion is yours.

In particular, everyone has to be confused, and everyone has to doubt life.

Now Li Yun’s three daughters are in such a situation.

Looking at Li Yun, who was stunned by the surprise, Lin Fan asked, “What’s wrong?” Is it hard to accept? Don’t want it? ”

Li Yun turned back to God, and looked at Zhang Qiuyue and Yue Yiren next to him, swallowed his spit hard, and nodded: “Think! Would love to be, just….. It’s just….”

“Just what?”

Li Yunxiao moved, did not say it, Zhang Qiuyue said next to him: “What Sister Yun means is that we… After all, we have not given our complete selves to the Lord, and we have been married and had children, so do we deserve it….”

Zhang Qiuyue’s words are very realistic, Zhao Yanyan sitting on the sofa several women are silent after listening, the current society, although most women are very open, play very open, change the groom every day, and even some have achieved the achievement of a hundred people chopping, a thousand people chopping, but I have to say that many women are still very concerned about this aspect.

Not only women, men are particularly important to this aspect, no matter how the female dogs on the Internet criticize, how to make cerebral palsy remarks, the Eastern Empire has been passed down for thousands of years, a certain complex, almost imprinted in the DNA, can not be erased.

It was all the same before the end of the day, now it is the end of the world, Lin Fan has an unattainable status, these wives of these people, it seems too small, can get a night of joy and a good position, has been very satisfied, do not dare to think too much, and even feel inferior.

The entire City of Judgment now has more than five thousand people, and is rushing forward with tens of thousands of people, and there are many who are beautiful for the first time, and the competitiveness is not generally large, and they are obviously not comparable to each other.

Lin Fan could completely reward those women with divine power, such as Ye Ruolan who came to the second floor today, or Wang Ziwen and Liu Yu’er, in Li Yun’s eyes, Ye Ruolan was more suitable.

Zhang Qiuyue’s words made the living room quiet, Lin Fan grabbed Su Xiaoluo’s small handle in his hand and played, the look on his face remained unchanged, “I ask you, who has the final say in the City of Judgment, Li Yun, you say.” ”

“Lord, it’s You.”

“Is it me? How do I feel that I said it doesn’t count? Just like just now, I just said a word, and I was refuted by the three of you. ”

As soon as Lin Fan finished speaking, Li Yun’s third daughter fell to her knees in front of Lin Fan in fear, and her head was almost buried on the ground.

“Don’t dare, we never dare to question your orders, but we just think that the three of us are not worthy of you, for fear of humiliation….”

“What do you think?” Do I need you to feel it? I don’t want you to feel, I want me to feel, my power to whom I want to give, and you know what? Do you really understand all men? ”

Speaking of this, Lin Fan propped up his body, hooked Li Yun’s chin, looked at her mature face with some panic, and whispered in her ear: “You are not a man, how do you know that a person’s wife is good?” ”

“For example, if I lie down, you know to sit up, I pat your ass, you know to change positions, these things take time to precipitate.” 」

The women in the living room were very strong, plus Lin Fan did not deliberately lower his voice, almost everyone listened to it clearly, Zhao Yanyan’s eyes fluttered, and he giggled: “Lord, I also know this.” ”

Looking up at Zhao Yanyan, he ignored Li Siqi’s daughters who were laughing into a circle, looked at Li Yun’s third daughter with a confused face, and asked, “Do you have any questions?” ”

At this time, Li Yun, Zhang Qiuyue, and Yue Yiren’s three daughters had already raised their heads, the slender five fingers were placed on their knees, the posture was unspeakably eye-catching, Lin Fan said so clearly, the three daughters shook their heads.

“Lord, we have no problem.”

The unspeakable excitement in the hearts of the three daughters of the Yueyi people at this time, Lin Fan’s attention made them feel happy, they originally thought that they would be like this for a lifetime, and even prepared to use such an identity to serve Lin Fan for a lifetime, until they Shaohua was old, they would automatically leave here.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fan didn’t even mind the identity of their wives, and also gave them divine power, which made them feel incredibly moved.

Waving at Li Yun, Li Yun took the first two steps and climbed in front of Lin Fan.

“As the eldest sister of the two of them, today I will give you the Space Ability, this ability is very strong, but correspondingly, it will be difficult to improve, this kind of power is very important for the development of power in the future, so I hope you will work hard, understand?”

Li Yun’s heart was lifted, inexplicably, and he felt a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

“Lord, you can rest assured that your subordinates will certainly not fail to live up to your expectations, and will certainly do their best to raise the spatial ability to a higher level, and share the worries of the Lord!”

PS: The picture is Li Yun’s personal design, not very clear, where is not leaked, why has not been given ah?

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