Chapter 210 Human sorrow and joy are not connected, I just think they are noisy

Space power level is too difficult to rise, now only Lv7, promotion requires 100w experience, are you not joking? Now that the Space Alien Ability has reached the requirement, the Space Portal can span hundreds of kilometers of distance, and if the city is used as a base, it is completely sufficient.

Now the space energy can be put aside for the time being, with Li Yun, let the space ability slowly rise, Lin Fan’s idea is that anyway, there are many points, and it is completely possible to get another high-order ability, even if this high-order ability belongs to the nature of playing tickets, it does not matter.

He has more points now, and there will be more and more points in the future, as the strength of the female warriors increases, it is estimated that it will not be long before the zombies of the Demon Capital may not be enough to kill.

The wisdom zombie directly took away more than ten million zombies to find trouble for the military region, Lin Fan did not have the idea of helping his enemies, if the military district was destroyed by the wisdom zombie, it would be interesting.

When the time comes, he will fly over, destroy the wisdom zombie with his backhand, and destroy the corpse tide by the way, so is it not beautiful?

Moreover, the place over there of the military region is relatively empty, he wants to amplify the moves, if the wisdom zombies fail to destroy the military region, it does not matter, then change him to play with the military region, tens of millions of corpses Ah, even if the military region can win, it is also a tragic victory, at that time he can easily destroy the military region, both worry-free and labor-saving.

“Ding! Deducting 10,000 points, the spatial ability has been taught. ”

During the thought, the prompt tone of the system came, and the high-level special ability even doubled the points required for teaching, from the previous 1,000 points to 10,000 points, but fortunately, Lin Fan had long been mentally prepared, and the system had given hints very early.

Looking at Li Yun, the space around Li Yun’s body that was fusing spatial abilities was faintly rippled, which was a vision brought about by fusion powers, and the vision effects brought by different abilities were also different.

The time required to fuse the power was very short, and as the faint spatial fluctuations disappeared, Li Yun slowly opened his eyes.

“Thank you Lord for the gift.”

Li Yun had joy in her eyes, she had the ability to space, she also had the capital to become stronger, and all of this was given to her by Lin Fan, for Lin Fan, the unspeakable gratitude and admiration in her heart, if it were not for Lin Fan, she would not have everything now!

“Don’t thank me, all this is obtained through your own efforts, and if you don’t behave well, I won’t consider giving you the space power.” For his own woman, Lin Fan will never be stingy, Li Yun did not give him the first time, but brought back his daughter, right?

Besides, Li Yun didn’t have the habit of messing around, if there was, they couldn’t enter the door of the supermarket at all, and he Lin Fan was not a person who was hungry and did not choose food.

Snuggling up next to Lin Fan, Lin Youyou looked at Li Yun’s gaze with some curiosity, “Li Yun, what ability do the spatial abilities have, are they powerful?” ”

“Show it, show it.”

Zhao Yanyan coaxed at the side, Li Yun heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Lin Fan.

“Everybody wants to see it, just show it, don’t destroy what’s in the room.”

Li Yun heard the words, got up from the ground, used the space power for the first time, Li Yun was still a little nervous, standing in place for a moment, in the eyes of the women, Li Yun’s figure suddenly disappeared, instantly appeared a meter away.

Teleportation, the simplest way to use spatial ability, but Li Yun’s current ability level is still low, and he can only teleport a distance of one meter, which is a real teleportation, not a visual deception caused by too fast.

After having the first time, Li Yun teleported up a lot more smoothly, in the living room, under the gaze of Lin Youyou and others, Li Yun’s figure kept disappearing and reappearing, each time the distance was one meter, and it had been teleporting seven or eight times, and Li Yun stopped.

The load of space energy on the body is far more than ordinary energy, if you teleport, you must withstand some of the pressure of space on the body, so that you can complete the teleportation, which is also a factor that limits Li Yun’s teleportation distance.

Even if the energy is sufficient, with Li Yun’s current physical fitness, the teleportation distance is more than one meter, and the body may be unable to withstand the pressure of space on the body, resulting in the rupture of internal organ tissue, or the blood spray of capillary tissue on the surface of the body.

The stronger the oppression on the body, the greater the damage caused, and if Li Yun tried to teleport at a distance of five meters now, maybe when the body disappeared and reappeared, it would become a corpse.

After teleporting seven or eight times in a row, Li Yun’s face was a little pale, but the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

Looking at Li Yun’s somewhat hesitant steps, Mu Yueqing, who was closest to her, quickly got up to help her, and then pulled her to the sofa and sat down.

“Is this a spatial power?” That’s awesome, right? Is that just the legendary teleportation? With a whimper it disappears, with a whizz it appears. Li Siqi’s small hand kept paddling, and the excitement on her small face was indescribable.

Looking back at the two daughters of Yue Yi and Zhang Qiuyue who were kneeling in front of him, Lin Fan waved at Yue Yiren.

Yueyi people have the softness of those women in Jiangnan Water Town, and their temperament is as warm as water, seeing Lin Fan’s gesture, they obediently climbed to Lin Fan’s near.

“Yi people, your personality is like water, so I have prepared for you the water element ability, water is the source of life, the importance of water, everyone understands, as the end of time becomes longer, water resources may be very scarce in the future, when the time comes, it will depend on you.”

Yue Yiren tapped Zhen’s head, and the beautiful eyes looked at Lin Fan without blinking and said softly, “Lord, subordinates can.” ”

Smiling slightly, Lin Fan put his hand on the top of Yueyiren’s head and meditated in his heart: “System, teach the water element power, target Yueyi people.” ”

“Ding! Deduct 1000 points and start teaching powers now. ”

The 1000 points disappeared, and the water element in Lin Fan’s body was separated into a sub-species, which flowed down his arm and poured into the Yueyi person’s body.

A stream of sober breath swept over the face, the air became much purer, and the water element quietly nourished the body of the Yueyi people, and it didn’t take long for the Yueyi people to slowly open their eyes.

After fusing the water elemental power, the eyes of the Yueyi people became more and more moving, as if there was a clear spring flowing all the time, looking at those eyes, it was like seeing a pool of blue waves, which made people feel relaxed.

“Thank you Lord.”

“It’s all right.”

Raising his hand to pull the Yueyi Man up, the flawless little hand of the white concubine was incomparable, as if with a little force, it could drip water.

Letting Yue Yiren sit on the side of the sofa, Lin Fan looked at the last remaining Zhang Qiuyue, did not use Lin Fan to open his mouth at all, Zhang Qiuyue would realize Lin Fan’s meaning, took the initiative to climb over, and put his chin on Lin Fan’s hand.

This afternoon I spent a lot of time with Lin Fan, although I was just hanging out on the city wall, that feeling made Zhang Qiuyue enjoy it very much.

“Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, now only gold is left, I think it should be suitable for you.”

“Ding! Deduct 1000 points and start teaching powers now. ”

The Golden Elemental Ability poured into Zhang Qiuyue’s body along Lin Fan’s palm, and as the Strange Energy began to fuse, a stream of sharp breath emanated from Zhang Qiuyue’s body.

After the fusion of the strange energy, the sharp breath was also withdrawn into Zhang Qiuyue’s body, and the arm was raised, and with Zhang Qiuyue’s thoughts, soon, the entire palm turned into a sharp sharp knife, and he waved it twice, and the air emitted a shrieked sound of tearing.

This is just a superficial application of the gold element, if Zhang Qiuyue wants to, he can also condense all kinds of metal weapons at will, and between several major elements, there are almost the same magic.

Passing on all three abilities, Lin Fan subconsciously glanced at the points.

Score: 18,0140

Before it was 30,2110, exchanged for two low-level special abilities plus 3,000 Tang knives and 5,000 watches, this is 100,000 points, 10,000 points exchanged for light energy generators, teaching special energy to add up to 12,000 points, unconsciously, 300,000 points are only 180,000, but the sewer cannibal vine has eaten a lot of zombie rats, up 30 points.

Well, sustainability.

After reading the points, Lin Fan’s gaze swept over Zhang Qiuyue’s three daughters, and the attribute column of the three daughters appeared in front of him.

Character: Zhang Qiuyue

Strength: 15

Agility: 13

Intelligence: 14

Physique: 15

Belief Value: 100

Powers: The Gold Element controls Lv1


Character: Li Yun

Strength: 16

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 16

Physique: 18

Belief Value: 100

Powers: Space Control Lv1


Character: Yueyi people

Strength: 14

Agility: 14

Intelligence: 15

Physique: 16

Belief Value: 100

Abilities: Water controls Lv1

Among the attributes of the three women, Li Yun’s four-dimensional attributes are the highest, especially the physique attributes, which will soon break through 20 points, and the space ability is after all a high-level ability, and the strengthening effect on itself is very group, that is, it is somewhat difficult to improve, which is ten times that of ordinary ability.

Maybe wait for the Yiren to have their special ability level Lv7, Li Yun can reach Lv6, this is still her extra hard work, otherwise, it is estimated that Lv6 is still far away, the same level of ten times the experience, it is simply desperate.

“Wow! It’s really frozen! ”

The sudden exclamation attracted Lin Fan’s attention, you know that it is summer, what is frozen?

The voice was very recognizable, it was Li Siqi, Lin Fan looked at the past, and when they saw the ice ball in the hands of the Yueyi people, everyone was stunned.

Where did this ice come from? Didn’t he pass on the Water Elemental Abilities of the Moon Yi people? What’s going on with this ice cube?

Li Siqi’s voice not only attracted Lin Fan’s eyes, but also, the eyes of everyone in the living room were looking at the Yueyi people.

Seeing that Lin Fan and the others all looked over, Yueyi people’s face turned slightly, explaining: “Water and ice are interconnected, water meets cold and frozen, ice meets heat into water, the change between the two depends on the temperature, so I try to change, the water element constitutes water, the water element is controlled by me, I emptied the temperature of the water element that makes up the water, originally I just wanted to try it, and the result became like this.” ”

Looking at the ice cube in the hands of the Yueyi people, Lin Fan thought about it, raised his hand, the water element moved, and finally formed a water ball in his hand.

What is it? Isn’t that typical, brain: I will, eyes: I will too, hand: ???? What are you talking about?

Giving up the idea of turning water into ice, Lin Fan silently opened the system mall.

Looking at the dazzling array of high-level powers, Lin Fan looked up and down, and his mind kept thinking.

“What kind of power am I exchanging?”

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