Chapter 216 either tries to perform or holds the complaint in the stomach

No matter how terrible the night is, it will eventually pass, and as the first rays of sunlight on the horizon appear, the whole world is illuminated, and the light brings warmth and security to those who are huddled in the darkness.

In the body fragrance of the nose, Lin Fan opened his eyes, his arms were a little heavy, Lin Fan looked down at the past, Li Yun lying in his arms exposed half of his side face, mature and elegant face that emitted a faint dizziness could not be said to be moving.

After a little recollection, Lin Fan remembered last night’s battle, and Li Yun, who had gained the spatial power, was extra enthusiastic, but he misestimated his strength, and finally fell asleep in his arms tired.

The palm of his hand gently stroked on Li Yun’s back, Lin Fan slowly closed his eyes, enjoyed the comfort of his palm, and began to sleep.

The time is still early, not in a hurry to get up for the time being, the emperor, there must be the emperor’s son, sleep later than the dog, get up earlier than the chicken, then play a fart, he is determined to be a faint king.

Anyway, to manage this kind of thing, there is Lin Youyou and them, he honestly can be a moth, at most go out every day to fight zombies, expand the territory of this sub-son, there is no need to do anything else.

He is like a male lion on the grassland, only need to be responsible for guarding the territory, and then everyone is happy at night, what hunting management and other work is a matter for female lions, this is handed over to Lin Youyou.

Not long after closing his eyes and pretending to sleep, the door of the master bedroom was pushed open, and Lin Fan opened his eyes to look over, it was Yue Yi and Zhang Qiuyue, the two daughters who had made breakfast.

With Lin Fan’s eyes on each other, the two women walked to the side of the bed and climbed to his side to lie down.

“Lord, do you want to get up and get dressed?”

Relying on Lin Fan, Yueyi people’s voice is warm as water, and their beautiful eyes are filled with unspeakable love.

“No, wait for them to be together, it’s not fun to get up so early.”

“Well, it’s all up to you.”

The master bedroom was quiet, and it wasn’t long before the confused Su Xiaoluo opened his eyes with a few yawns.

“Brother… Kiss. ”

Su Xiaoluo crawled to Lin Fan’s side, soft and cute kissed Lin Fan’s face, and then he got up and got dressed with a smile, and Lin Youyou’s daughters kissed Lin Fan’s face one after another and got up.

Holding down Li Yun, who wanted to get up, Lin Fan did not move, busy with his own, at the door of the master bedroom, Lin Youyou turned his head to look at Lin Fan, left a word and walked out.

“Autumn moon, you dress the Lord.”

After more than an hour, Lin Fan walked out refreshed, and after a while, Zhang Qiuyue and Yue Yiren, who were neatly packed, helped Li Yun, who was still a little weak, out.

Lin Youyou and the others, who had long been busy in the living room with their own affairs, saw Lin Fan come out and put down the work in their hands and walked to the dining table, before Lin Fan came out, they would not eat first.

On the sofa, Ye Ruolan, who also got up, looked at Li Yun who was helped out, with surprise and unspeakable happiness in his eyes, in this era when eleven- and twelve-year-old children knew those things about adults, seeing this scene, Ye Ruolan immediately understood why Lin Fan would come out later than Lin Youyou.

After eating, Lin Fan looked at Li Yun’s third daughter, thought about it, and instructed: “Today the three of you will temporarily improve your strength outside the city gate, don’t follow to go further away, despite your special ability, in essence, you are still an ordinary person, when you encounter zombie cats and these things, you still can’t react.” ”

After eating to replenish some vitality, Li Yun had almost recovered, hearing Lin Fan’s concern, the three daughters rose in their hearts with boundless warmth, “Knowing the Lord, we will pay attention.” ”

Nodding, Lin Fan walked to the door of the second floor, Ye Ruolan quickly followed, in Lin Fan’s somewhat surprised eyes, Ye Ruolan knelt next to him, learning from Li Yun’s previous appearance and changing Lin Fan’s shoes.

Accustomed to being served by others, Lin Fan didn’t say anything, just a change of person.

Leaving the supermarket, Lin Fan did not rush to the sewers, but went around and ran to the side of the light energy generator, far away, Lin Fan could see more than a dozen women around there constantly tinkering with something.

Lin Fan originally thought that these women got up early, last night at 12 o’clock, Cao Shan and these people restored the power of the hospital, and Zhao Yanyan also received a special report on this matter.

Just before approaching, Lin Fan saw a woman hurriedly walking out of the light energy generator cabin, the woman raised her head, and Lin Fan recognized the identity of the other party at a glance.

Cao Shan, the female repairman who had been saved by him, was smoked like a by the explosion at the time, and said that he should not be so anxious, she could make a promise, and as a result, he was mercilessly ridiculed.

But later, after Cao Shan washed her face, she was really beautiful, even in that group of flower-like women, it could not be said that it stood out from the crowd, at least it was slightly better.

Looking at the thick dark circles on Cao Shan’s eyes, Lin Fan was stunned, is this a night without sleep?

Looking around, Lin Fan found that not only Cao Shan, but more than a dozen women had tired faces on their faces, and the dark circles around their eyes could be pandas.

Lin Fan saw Cao Shan, Cao Shan just came out, the first time he saw Lin Fan, after all, a man suddenly stood out from among more than a dozen women, not to mention how conspicuous it was.

Seeing Lin Fan’s first glance, Cao Shan subconsciously took a step back, no way, she was indeed frightened by Lin Fan, but she took a step back and felt that it was not right, and she had the courage to take a step forward, this step back and one advance, coupled with the change of expression, gave Lin Fan a good look.

Dude, what are you doing here?

“Have you guys slept all night?” Isn’t the power supply already in order? Why not go to sleep? It will also take time to restore the city’s electricity, don’t exhaust yourself. ”

This is not Lin Fan’s hypocrisy, a total of hundreds of people were brought back last night, this is all technical personnel, technical personnel are treasures at any time, unless it is those who only want to enjoy for a while and do not think of making progress, otherwise they will pay special attention to technical personnel.

Without these technicians, there is no way to develop other industries, and you can’t always live in the primitive era or start from scratch, right? Isn’t the crystallization of hundreds of years of science and technology wasted?

Finding that Lin Fan’s tone was better than last night, Cao Shan was almost sure of what she thought in her heart, last night must have been too dark for her, otherwise Lin Fan would definitely not be so fierce, if it was normal last night, she had more than fifty percent certainty that Lin Fan would agree.

How to say that she also belongs to the senior technician, the length is not bad, the figure is good, she is not full of brains to study the light energy generator this night, from the side of the maid who has been listening to the command, she also learned about some of the situation in the City of Judgment.

First of all, Lin Fan is the lord of this city, and he is not vegetarian, people eat meat, and he eats a lot, and the current master mother is much better, and there are a bunch of reserves that break her head and have to climb up, which makes her instantly feel at ease.

Since it is not a vegetarian, then everything is very good to say, her conditions are not bad, senior technicians, to have a figure, to have a look, people are sweet and sweet, why not?

When she was dying, Cao Shan regretted it in her heart, the mother’s fetus solo for so many years, so inexplicably died, it was a blood mother’s loss, and then she was saved by Lin Fan, who had planned to save her life, and the result was also abandoned.

Now found the problem, Cao Shan is full of confidence, what master mother is not the master mother put aside, this man, she must fight!

Now is the best opportunity, she must eat the light energy generator thoroughly, show her indispensable value, this is to be an important chip and hole card, the result is a boring head to study for a night.

To tell the truth, if there is no instruction manual, in the face of this super-era light energy generator, Cao Shan is really a dog biting a hedgehog, nowhere to mouth, she can’t understand what this thing is doing in front of her, what those lines are doing.

Now hearing Lin Fan ask, Cao Shan also felt sleepy and yawned uncontrollably.

“This light energy generator is too advanced, there are instructions also find it difficult to do, unconsciously studied a night, but the harvest is still there, give us some time, the entire city of rulings will restore electricity.”

“You have worked so hard to bring us back, how can we show our value, and we must also contribute to the City of Judgment.”

Sweeping a glance at Cao Shan, Lin Fan felt that this woman was a bit interesting, and the words and lines were expressing their efforts and roles, but no matter what, this effort is worth recognizing, and there is no boss who does not like employees who work hard and work crazy overtime.

Casually throwing more than a dozen porcelain bottles in front of Cao Shan and the others, looking at their doubtful eyes, Lin Fan said: “Eat it, there are good things inside, many people want to spend money to buy, just to supplement your body.” ”

When the women were still hesitant and doubtful looking at the porcelain bottle in their hands, Cao Shan did not hesitate, pulled out the stopper and looked up and ate it.

Chewing on the fudge-like elixir in her mouth, Cao Shan muttered, “What is this?” A little fragrant and a little sweet, it feels very comfortable, as if there is a warm current rotating in the body. ”

“The food for you is called Yuanli Dan, which costs 1200 ruin coins, which is about one-third of the salary of the bottom personnel per month, and if a female warrior is killed, she needs to kill 120 zombies to redeem such a one, which can greatly improve people’s physical fitness without any side effects.” For Cao Shan’s decisiveness, Lin Fan still appreciated it, as for those women who looked at the bottle in a daze and hesitated, Lin Fan had nothing to say.

People are under his hands, if he wants to do anything, who can resist?

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, the women were surprised, coupled with Cao Shan’s description, these women knew that this was a good thing, and they pulled out the cork and drank it in one gulp.

Yes, drink it.

“How can we be water here?”

“I’m the same, is it a transformation?”

In the face of the women’s questions, Lin Fan said calmly: “What you are drinking is Source Force Liquid, worth 100 ruin coins, which belongs to the first level of the Source Force Series, and the medicinal power is much worse than that of Source Force Dan.” ”


“No, but do you mean to ask why Cao Shan is better than you?” Looking at these women, Lin Fan said, “Because here I have the final say, good things can be given to whomever you want, in addition, don’t you think that there is a big gap between your performance and Cao Shan?” ”

“Where the specific performance, think for yourself, good things will only give useful people, either try to perform, or hold the complaint in the stomach.” 」

PS: Chapter 213 can’t read the author and don’t understand, anyway, it’s vulgar, I only have two words, wonderful! In fact, I don’t know what to write, so I decided that I needed to be rectified, anyway, my head was big, and it was very uncomfortable.


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