Chapter 217 Good fellow, I’m in the wolf’s den

The hospital square, at this time had gathered all the female warriors of the City of Judgment, and the maids were also arranged in a phalanx, encircling the entire square.

Whether it is the female warrior or the maid’s gaze, it is very hot, and the center of the focus is in the middle of the square.

Today’s Lin Youyou and others are different from usual, all of them wear well-fitting white combat uniforms, carrying Tang knives around their waists, and their postures are collar, which is simply the center of everyone’s attention, incomparably dazzling, even if they are also women, female soldiers also feel amazing.

Today is the day of the advent of combat uniforms, early female soldiers have received the news, for a unified combat uniform, female soldiers have long been looking forward to.

Nowadays, seeing the white combat uniforms worn on Lin Youyou and others, not to mention how envious, the combat uniforms are simply tailor-made for them, incomparably fitting, and the most beautiful curves of women are outlined vividly, regardless of whether the combat uniforms are comfortable or uncomfortable, whether it will affect the battle, the female soldiers have not considered.

Mainly, this combat suit is so beautiful! The female warriors were all about to look at it, and if they didn’t abide by discipline and didn’t dare to make a mistake, they would all rush up and touch the combat uniform with their hands.

In the array, Liu Yu’er stared dead at Ye Ruolan standing at the end of the square, and the jealousy that had just subsided last night once again surged into her heart.

Assie! She’s going to be mad!

Last night to live on the second floor of the supermarket has been very unhappy for her, today ???

Today, she actually walked out wearing a beautiful combat suit, with a heroic and sassy appearance, Liu Yu’er was really angry!

Why wasn’t she standing there? Grass! It’s not fair!

Even if no matter how angry in her heart is, it won’t help, Liu Yu’er can only hold it all in her heart, if her eyes can kill people, Liu Yu’er will 100% want to see Ye Ruolan’s body full of holes, and directly kill her into a honeycomb.

Not only Liu Yu’er, in the crowd, Zhou Xiuyan, Wang Ziwen, Jasmine, everyone is looking at Ye Ruolan, it can be said that Ye Ruolan has come to the position they have always dreamed of, how can they not envy?

The square was silent, everyone was waiting, and there was unspeakable anticipation and excitement in their hearts, they were waiting, waiting for Lin Fan to come!

Today is the award ceremony, the battle uniform and the badge representing the status are out, Lin Fan, as the king of the City of Judgment, will personally come to the scene to award the medal to the female soldiers above the rank of squad leader!

This award ceremony includes not only female warriors, but also women engaged in ordinary professions, as long as the status reaches Lv3 and above, they can get Lin Fan’s award!

Lin Fan rarely appeared in front of all the women, unless it was some big thing, otherwise it was already a blessing to see Lin Fan’s shadow occasionally.

Every time something major happened, it was the rare time for the women to see the living Lin Fan appear in front of them, and all the women were looking forward to it, even the maids.

People have dreams, what if Lin Fan has a crush on one of them? If you don’t even have this kind of dream, what’s the difference between that and salted fish?

The silence of the square was maintained for a long time, until a black crack appeared out of thin air in the square, and after Lin Fan’s figure came out of it, the atmosphere suddenly became restless.

With Cao Shan and the others coming out of the space passage, looking at the crowd of black pressure in front of him, Lin Fan’s eyes were very plain, turned his head to look at Cao Shan’s several people, pointed to the array to which the female workers of the power plant belonged, and said: “Go over there.” ”

After taking Yuanli Dan and Yuanli Liquid, I got the supplement of Life Yuanqi, whether it was Cao Shan or those dozen women, the haggardness and dark circles on their faces were swept away, and they were full of energy, and they did not have the fatigue of staying up all night.

Walking to the center of the square, they nodded to Lin Youyou, indicating that they could start, Lin Fan turned his head to face the many women, and his eyes could not express the majesty.

“Presumably everyone knows what is going to happen today, I will not talk nonsense, let’s go directly to the theme, today’s ceremony is to distribute combat uniforms and be awarded by me personally, the rank is Lv3 squad leader or above, because the combat uniform was only determined yesterday, the number of production is limited, and it is currently only distributed to Lv3 squad leader.”

Hearing that the combat uniforms were limited, many of the female soldiers who were eagerly awaited seemed very disappointed, but they soon disappeared, and they understood that it would not be long before they could wear the uniform white combat uniforms.

“Less gossip, now start the ceremony, next, the people I call to step forward.”

“Li Fengjiao!”


At the front of the female warrior phalanx, Li Fengjiao’s spirit was shocked, and with a face full of excitement, she strode out of the queue until Lin Fan stopped a meter ago.

Looking at this cold woman full of heroism in front of him, Lin Fan smiled slightly, beckoned to the side, and a maid who had been waiting for a long time walked to Lin Fan with her head bowed in her hand holding a white combat suit.

Turning his head to look at the top badge of the combat suit, Lin Fan picked it up, and there were three golden stars on the badge at the bottom of the battle, which represented the position of Lv4 Squadron Leader in the City of Judgment, and the highest rank in the current combat sequence.

Holding the medal in his hand, Lin Fan took a step forward and pinned the medal to her heart in Li Fengjiao’s excited eyes.

Unlike men, the woman’s heart part is high and bulging, the touch of the hand is very good, as a party, Li Fengjiao does not know whether it is excited or how, the face can drip blood, the waist plate stands straight, the heart is high, just like I am afraid that Lin Fan is inconvenient.

Pinning the badge well, Lin Fan withdrew his hand, listening to the sigh in his ear, Lin Fan shook his head in his heart, he was in the wolf’s den.

Holding up the combat suit in the hands of the maid next to him, Lin Fan handed it to Li Fengjiao, “Your performance has always been very good, continue to work hard.” ”

As the first batch of female warriors, Li Fengjiao can say that the degree of poisoning of Lin Fan can be said to be the deepest, although she knows that there is no possibility, but this cannot extinguish the flame of fanaticism in her heart for Lin Fan.

Raising his hand to take the combat suit handed over by Lin Fan, during which he touched Lin Fan’s hand, Li Fengjiao also had the courage to touch it twice, and only then did he receive the combat uniform in his hand.

Half kneeling on the ground, Li Fengjiao said excitedly, “I will not disappoint you!” ”

“Well, back off.” Lin Fan nodded, for Li Fengjiao’s sneaky two strokes, Lin Fan did not care, touch two times to touch twice, he is not a woman, and he will not suffer losses.

Watching Li Fengjiao retreat into the queue, Lin Fan shouted again, “Zhu Fangfang! ”

Li Fengjiao, who had just returned to the queue, Zhu Fangfang was happy in her heart and hurried out of the queue.


Like Lin Fengjiao, Lin Fan put the badge on Zhu Fangfang, and then handed the combat uniform to her, not knowing whether it was a united front, Lin Fan could feel that his hand was touched twice.

Glancing at Zhu Fangfang’s face, Lin Fan asked her to retreat.

“Xu Yan!”


From the third position on the left, the cold-looking Xu Yan took a step forward, since he had been bullied by men, Xu Yan’s expression had become this cold look, and the hatred for men was simply deep into the bone marrow.

At this time, Lin Fan pointed out the name, the expression on Xu Yan’s face changed, the dizziness spread from under the neck to the top of the head, the degree was more serious than Li Fengjiao and Zhu Fangfang, looking at Xu Yan who walked over like a cooked prawn, Lin Fan did not know what to say for a while.

Personally wearing the badge for Xu Yan, as a man, Lin Fan couldn’t stand this enthusiasm, and his hands were pushed back.

After sending away Xu Yan, who was a little unfinished, Lin Fan opened his mouth in turn, and the female warriors who were named stepped forward one after another, and then walked back to the queue with a pink face and a flutter.

After coming down this morning, Lin Fan felt that his hands were about to be touched off a layer of skin, and this group of ‘first-generation’ female warriors was really too enthusiastic.

After dealing with those ‘first-generation’ female warriors, the award ceremony took the turn of those women who performed well, that is, Liu Yu’er, Zhou Xiuyan, and other women with great potential and even great competitiveness.

“Liu Yu’er.”


Liu Yu’er, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly took a step forward, and the whole person was like a chicken blood, and she almost walked out of the steps that the six relatives did not recognize.

Looking at Liu Yu’er who walked in front of him, Lin Fan still remembered the look this woman had when she was on the ninth floor, and said that she would rather die than give in? This really fragrant transformation is really fast.

Liu Yu’er is very beautiful, bright eyes and teeth, picturesque eyebrows, skin crystal jade, especially after strengthening, the lines are more perfect and tall, indescribably beautiful and moving, speaking of, if it is not to start to leave a bad impression, it may go further than Li Yun.

To put it simply, it is a good hand of cards to play thin, self-esteem is too high, the result is to pit themselves, and now they are desperately climbing up, trying to climb to Lin Fan’s side.

Last time Liu Yu’er had already been named once, Lin Fan didn’t say anything this time, put her badge on, and two words of encouragement made her retreat into the queue.

After returning to the queue, Qin Shiyue secretly asked, “How does it feel?” ”

Liu Yu’er made a perfect gesture and whispered, “Great, powerful and powerful, but unfortunately the contact surface is a little small.” ”

Lin Fan’s hearing was very sensitive, so the words of the tiger and wolf made Lin Fan’s face suddenly go black, and he had to speed up the progress.

After Wang Ziwen, Zhou Xiuyan, and Jasmine had all finished their awards, Lin Fan turned his head to look to the other side, and what came into his eyes was a relict and independent, cold as a fairy, with a long skirt fluttering, as if he was going to ride the wind.

“Mu Qingxue.”


Hearing Lin Fan call his name, Mu Qingxuelian moved gently and slowly stepped forward.

Looking at each other, Lin Fan quickly withdrew his gaze, and Mu Qingxue was relieved, every time she looked at Lin Fan, she had an unspeakable sense of tension.

Pick up the badge for Mu Qingxue goodbye, Mu Qingxue can be counted as a clear stream in so many women, others are all hard enough to go forward, only Mu Qingxue shrank his body, which made Lin Fan breathe a sigh of relief, finally there is a fairly normal.

Since he is not a combatant, Mu Qingxue does not have a combat uniform, just a badge, and when the female soldiers’ combat uniforms are all ready, they will probably consider the clothing of non-combatants.

After Mu Qingxue, Lin Fan looked at Cao Shan’s side, and in her expectant eyes, she said, “Next, I will introduce you to the upstart of the City of Judgment, Cao Shan, the director of Lv4 Power!” From today onwards, Cao Shan will be responsible for all the power issues of the ruling city. ”

As Cao Shan walked out of the queue, thousands of eyes looked at Cao Shan, with an unspeakable feeling in their eyes, curiosity, doubt, unlike Mu Qingxue, almost everyone knows Mu Qingxue’s name, Lv5 exclusive song Ji is deserved, but Cao Shan….

Lv4 power supervisor, in terms of status, has been able to compare with Li Fengjiao, these ‘first-generation’ female fighters, the status is equivalent to the squadron leader!

No matter what the women think, Lin Fan holds the medal and wears it in Cao Shan’s heart, the whole process is directly hooked by Cao Shan, Lin Fan feels a little overwhelmed, now the woman is too enthusiastic, can’t stand, can’t stand, sooner or later to cut you off.

The award ceremony was basically over, just when all the women thought that the ceremony was going to end here, Lin Fan waved behind him, and the three daughters of Li Yun, Zhang Qiuyue and Yue Yiren walked to Lin Fan’s side.

And Lin Fan’s next words were like a bomb explosion, which instantly caused a huge sensation and blew up all the women present.

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