Chapter 229 Here! It’s my kingdom!! The shock of the two women!

“Since you don’t want to, what are you waiting for?” Don’t go in yet! Wait for me to invite you? ”

Lin Fan’s words directly woke up all the women, although it was not a vicious-looking drink, but it still made them terrified!

No one is not afraid of death, especially these women, under the threat of death, this time there is no longer any thorn dare to speak indiscriminately, and the courage is about to be scared by Lin Fan.

The picture in the projection is so scary! It’s like a slaughterhouse, killing people like pigs! It was all these women, there were broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, and when I looked around, none of the corpses were complete! That’s the scariest thing!

The women did not dare to hesitate at all, just like there was a fire burning behind their butts, running madly into the space passage, and after a while, all the women in the corridor disappeared, and there was no one left.

18th floor…. 19th floor…. 20th floor….

Until there was no longer a woman in the whole building, Lin Fan stopped.

Looking at the space gate in front of him, Lin Fan raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the direction of the space passage changed and went straight to the north gate upstairs.

Li Yun’s position was on the side of the North City Gate, Lin Fan felt that Li Yun had chosen this for a reason, if he did not bring back Chu Hanyan, her mother would not give up.

Now that Chu Hanyan has found it, it is also good to take her directly to the past and let their mother and daughter reunite, as for Hu Yuefei, this woman is also lost at the North Gate, so that she can enhance her strength, which is a very good seedling, Lin Fan appreciates.

“Go, go in, and take you to see my kingdom!”

Looking at the smile on Lin Fan’s face, Chu Han Yan powdered his face and ran into the space passage with his head down, Hu Yuefei also had expectations in her heart, and she was very curious about Lin Fan’s power!

She really wanted to see how powerful Lin Fan’s forces were, and how strong those men were! She wanted to try to get the kind of thing that Chu Hanyan had eaten before, like ‘Da Huan Dan’, and she longed to become stronger!

Watching the two women walk in one after another, Lin Fan smiled slightly, his fingers moved, and two kilometers away, a huge hole appeared in the wall piled up with simple waste cars, and the zombies who had not been cleaned up much in the north rushed in.

Looking down at his feet, Lin Fan’s corner floated a sneering smile, and thousands of people shrank inside this building, and the smell emitted was as dazzling to the zombies as a bright light in the night.

After today, there will not be a living person in the entire Baiyuan Business Building!

Tomorrow, those few thousand will be his experience and points.

Through the space passage, Lin Fan’s figure appeared at the North City Gate and the city wall, and the two daughters of Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei, who had just walked out, were already stunned!

Standing on the tall and majestic city wall, at a glance, the indescribable waves are magnificent, the walls on both sides spread all the way to the sky, there is no end in sight, a wall seems to separate the world, the inner city is quiet and dead, and the outer city is full of zombies!

Even under the city walls, there were hundreds of female warriors facing the boundless sea of corpses, constantly destroying one zombie after another.

Pedal ~~~

Just when the two were shocked and could not return to God, a dense footstep came from the front, and along with the footsteps came a wave of hostile murderous qi, and the momentum was very strong! It was terrifying, like a mountain pressing down.

Concubine Hu Yue and Chu Hanyan looked forward vigilantly, their eyes stunned again.

In front of them, several figures galloped forward, yes, galloping! The speed was fast, and there were afterimages in Hu Yuefei’s eyes, which made her heart unspeakably shocked.

There were four women rushing over, four women wearing uniform combat uniforms, black and white, holding Tang knives, walking neatly, four people like an army, angry.

Very strong! This was Hu Yuefei’s first feeling, the four speeding women in front of her gave her tremendous pressure, that kind of speed she couldn’t keep up with, she even felt that one of them could hang her!

This feeling is like facing Chu Hanyan who has just broken through, the momentum is powerful and terrifying, but compared to Chu Hanyan, the women in front of them are more terrifying, the breath is condensed like a steel knife, Chu Hanyan is facing one of them, and it will be destroyed in minutes.


A distance of tens of meters was about to blink, and in the humming sound, the four Tang knives pointed directly at the door of the two people’s faces, and the cold breath that came from the face almost froze Hu Yuefei’s body.

Such a strong breath! What a scary woman!

Not only was Hu Yuefei frightened, Chu Hanyan was also frozen in place, and at this time Lin Fan came out of the space passage.

Seeing Lin Fan, the four female warriors looked frightened, their eyes flashed with enthusiasm, and they all half-knelt on the ground and shouted in unison: “See the Lord!” ”

Awakened by the voices of the female warriors, Hu Yuefei looked at the four female warriors in front of her in surprise, and then turned her head to look at Lin Fan, although she had already guessed some in her heart, but it really surprised and shocked her!

Is this Lin Fan’s subordinate? Too strong! That kind of speed and anger was beyond her reach!

With a faint smile on his face, looking at the four female warriors who were half-kneeling in front of him, Lin Fan’s face was almost full of smiles!

Pretty! It’s beautiful! It’s simply beautiful! This combat suit is simply praised, he bowed his head at this angle, Wuhu …. There was nothing he couldn’t see.

It’s comfortable!

“Get up, there’s nothing for you to do here, go over there and do your duty.” With a smack, Lin Fan casually waved it, and four bottles of Yuanli Dan flew in front of the four female warriors.

The four female warriors stood up with joy and some unfinished thoughts, Lin Fan’s gaze did not hide it, the four of them were sensitive in perception, they had already discovered Lin Fan’s gaze, but it was a pity, they did not kneel for a while, Lin Fan let them get up.

“Thank you Lord for the reward.”

After taking over the source power dan in front of me, the female warriors were very happy, took advantage of it, and also prostituted a source force dan in vain, this wave is really not a loss! Blood earned!

They felt that if they went back for a walk around and told the situation on this side, it was estimated that the envy of the other female soldiers on duty would want to kill people and kill them.

Watching the four female warriors go away, Princess Hu Yue turned her head to look at Lin Fan, and saw that Lin Fan still couldn’t take back her gaze, and her heart was a little sour.

“Does it look good?”

“Looks good.”

“Then catch up and see?”

Retracting his gaze, Lin Fan shook his head, “Then forget it, the feeling of distant view is the best, if I walk over now, they will definitely be willing to do anything, there will be no taste.” ”

Although from the performance of those female warriors, Hu Yuefei knew that what Lin Fan said was true, but looking at Lin Fan’s appearance, she really felt angry!

“Well, my city is okay, right?” The palm of his hand was clapped on the wall stack next to him, and Lin Fan’s eyes could not express the pride, which he had built by his own hands and cost him a lot of effort.

This is his masterpiece!

Although she didn’t want Lin Fan to continue to be proud, Hu Yuefei had to say that this city wall was really too shocking! This can simply be listed as one of the top ten wonders of the world!

“It was great! Spectacular! It was shocking! It was simply amazing! Such a magnificent city wall, I have only seen in the ancient capital, and that one is too dilapidated, there is no current situation, this width, can be raced side by side! ”

Chu Hanyan did not skimp on praise at all, his beautiful eyes bloomed with brilliance, and his glowing eyes kept looking at the surrounding city walls, and even couldn’t help but touch the wall stacks with his hands, and his small face was shocked.

“Lick the dog and don’t house!” All the words to be said were robbed, and Hu Yuefei whispered next to her, with the same shock in her eyes.

With such a wall, it is really difficult for zombies to invade, and the inner city can really be said to be the safest place in the end times!

As long as the inner city can be developed, it may not be able to become a pure land in the end times, or even restore the glory before the end of the world!

The lights are red and green, the neon lights illuminate the sky, and the people repeat the prosperity of the ocean field ten miles ago.

Chu Hanyan’s praise and listening to Lin Fan were very comfortable, which was not worth the effort he had taken so hard to build the city wall before.

With a smile on his face, Lin Fan looked outside the city, with the increase in the number of female warriors, as well as the daily cleanup, the zombies outside the city were no longer as dense as before, and it would not be long before the nearby zombies would be cleaned up, right?

Lin Fan was thinking about whether it was time to expand the scale of the inner city, push the front line farther away, and after being silent for so long, the sphere of influence should indeed be expanded.

Buried this idea in his heart, Lin Fan scanned a circle, and soon found Li Yun’s figure with a familiar breath.

In fact, Li Yun was no longer under the city wall, this woman had already advanced two kilometers, the main road tens of meters wide was killed by her alone, and the speed of the zombies rushing over could not catch up with the speed of her killing!

Li Yun really worked hard, Lin Fan felt that she probably didn’t want to live up to the powerful ability he gave her, and there was another reason, probably because she wanted to become stronger faster and push farther, so that she should be able to find Chu Hanyan earlier.

There are some things, even if Li Yun’s identity has changed, he does not want to mention it to him more, this woman still has some inferiority in her heart, because she did not give him the complete body, in fact, Lin Fan really did not mind.

He really didn’t mind the good family, and it wasn’t a bus and broken shoes, but he didn’t bother to say it, and it was useless to say it anyway.

Mature women will hurt people, thinking of the morning, Lin Fan couldn’t help but smack.

Raising his hand to grasp the void, Li Yun, who was two kilometers away, disappeared in place and was directly grabbed by Lin Fan.

The figure appeared on the city wall, facing Lin Fan, Li Yun’s eyes flashed a touch of joy, raised his arm around Lin Fan’s neck, tiptoed up and kissed it.

I had the heart to remind him, but they were all sent to the side, and Lin Fan had no reason to refuse, and he hugged Li Yun and went back.

Although the two were very happy, Chu Hanyan was a little uncomfortable.

Just now Li Yun’s figure appeared, although it was only a back shadow, but how familiar was Chu Hanyan? Without looking at the face, I knew that this must be her mother, but before she could open her mouth, she saw the scene in the next step, and her heart did not mention how sour.

After a pitiful look at Chu Hanyan, Hu Yuefei didn’t know what to say now, and could only comfort Chu Hanyan’s shoulder.

She doesn’t know what it’s like to see her crush on someone making out with someone else, but it must be uncomfortable to think about, especially ….

That woman is still her mother!

“Good sister, you have to be strong! Big deal to fight a wave! ”

PS: Every once in a while, people in the comment area say that it will collapse and collapse, the protagonist is already invincible, where do you see that it will collapse? The military region has not yet been destroyed, the Eastern Empire has not yet conquered, let alone the stick, neon and other places, how did it collapse?

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