Chapter 230 Mother and daughter get together, and the battlefield that can’t see the smoke of war is too terrible!

Although she knew that Princess Hu Yue was comforting her, but….

But what if Chu Hanyan really wanted to cry? Do you really want to grab it? This…. Not quite right?

However, there is always a feeling of excitement!

Especially looking at Li Yun’s back, she is now…. She really wants now…. If you want to shout, if nothing else, at least it is good to interrupt the two of them.

“That….. Mother? Is that you? ”

Finally shouting out this sentence, Chu Hanyan’s heart did not mention how refreshing, it was like a large cup of ice water poured into the three volt heavens, through the cold, the heart soaring!

Suddenly hearing such a sentence coming from behind him, still such a familiar voice, Li Yun was confused on the spot, and quickly let go of Lin Fan, looking behind him in disbelief, when he saw Chu Hanyan standing there, Li Yun was unspeakably surprised in his heart!


Just wanted to pounce on it, but found that there was still Lin Fan’s arm around his waist, recalling the scene just now, Li Yun was numb…..

Looking at his mother’s sluggish appearance, Chu Hanyan felt comfortable in his heart, right! That’s the expression! That’s right! Tell you to my face…..

However, Li Yun was Li Yun after all, and she quickly reacted, but she had said that there was nothing that did not dare to face her daughter, just like she said, in the face of Chu Hanyan, she had nothing to be embarrassed about.

Pulling Lin Fan’s arm in his arms, Li Yun walked over to Chu Hanyan and introduced: “Han Yan, mother introduce you to you, Lin Fan, the man and dependence of mother, if it is not the Lord, maybe the end of the mother is unbearable, you can be saved by the Lord, it is really great.” ”

Li Yun was so blatant, or a generous introduction, Chu Hanyan was a little embarrassed, this title is outrageous, what is the Lord, what should she be called? Chu Han’s cigarette butts were all bigger.

Seemingly seeing Chu Hanyan’s distress, Lin Fan nodded at Li Yun and got a gesture, Li Yun said softly, “You don’t care so much, each one is called each other, you… Or call the Lord the Lord? Anyway, everyone in the inner city called it that. ”

“Farewell, don’t teach the bad boy what you call so, if Han Yan is angry, just call me Lin Fan or Brother Fan.” Interrupting Li Yun’s behavior of teaching bad children, in fact, this kind of thing Lin Fan secretly said to Lin Youyou, those maids and female warriors and the like are called so, Lin Youyou They are also called so, not very good.

As a result, Lin Youyou’s meaning is that it is called Shunqing, and now it can only be changed slowly, but it seems that the progress is not good.



Li Yun still wanted to say something, Chu Hanyan was faster than her, and it was two words that came up, directly blocking Li Yun’s words back.

Hu Yuefei went to the side without a trace, good fellow, this face is too terrible, the battlefield that can’t see the smoke of war is the most terrifying, she doesn’t dare to get too close, she is afraid of how to die does not know.

After taking a deep look at Chu Hanyan, Li Yun gave up on saying anything more, she had already seen some signs of it, and she did not correct Chu Hanyan’s title problem again.

Looked at by Li Yun, Chu Hanyan was a little weak-hearted, and quickly looked away, the whole person was like a deflated leather ball.

Chu Han Yanren brought back, but also let the mother and daughter two reunite, Lin Fan but a heart matter, exchanged a Tang knife to throw to Hu Yuefei, looking at her doubtful eyes, Lin Fan said: “If you want to become stronger, this Tang knife is a must, use this knife to kill zombies can become stronger, just like those female warriors just now.” ”

Looking at the Tang Dao in her hand, Hu Yuefei recalled that the four female warriors just now were indeed holding such Tang swords, including Chu Hanyan, and the knives that those female warriors had just looked at under the city wall seemed to be like this.

Although it is somewhat incredible that you can become stronger by killing zombies with a knife, and there is a feeling of playing online games to fight monsters and upgrades, but what is incredible now?

The zombies are out, and the superpowers have appeared, even if it is no matter how outrageous it is, it seems that it is not unacceptable.

“Oh, I almost forgot, this is a watch, something that represents identity, your future achievements and so on, all recorded on it.” Taking out two watches and handing them to Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei, after doing all this, Lin Fan left the three daughters and wandered to the city gate tower.

Upstairs at the city gate, it was Xu Yan on duty today, seeing Lin Fan coming, although she had just learned the news of Lin Fan’s appearance from the team members, and now that Lin Fan came over, she was still very excited.

Although he hated men in his heart and regarded all men as maggots, except for Lin Fan.


Half kneeling in front of Lin Fan, Xu Yan half tilted her upper body, she and her team members had studied it, such a posture could allow Lin Fan to discover more beauty.

With wide eyes and some appreciation, Lin Fan nodded with satisfaction, waved his hand, and a force pulled Xu Yan up.

“Get up, leave me alone, I’ll just stay here.”

“Yes…” Xu Yan’s tone was a little pitying, the time he had just knelt down was too short.

With a wave of his hand, a comfortable recliner appeared on the city gate tower, Lin Fan turned over and lay down, seeing Lin Fan lying down, Xu Yan thought about it, beckoned to the female warrior next to him, and softly commanded two sentences, and the female warrior quickly nodded.

Not long after, two female warriors came up with a table and a fruit plate.

Now the hospital’s orchard momentum is very good, Xu Yan they often spend money to buy some fruits to eat, these fruits contain some wood element energy, eat is good for the body, but Xu Yan their physique is too strong, this benefit is not very obvious, but delicious is certain!

Now Xu Yan they all live in the villa close to the city wall, all kinds of conditions are very good, every day to eat hot rice and fragrant stir-fried vegetables, when not on duty, you can also watch some TV series and the like, by the way, melon seeds and fruits and the like, living conditions are very high.

The end of the world, although because of the explosion of the Changbei power station and cut off the network signal, but many of the villas of those computers, ah, there are some downloaded to the local video, these can still be watched, not to mention the CD, U disk and other things.

When Cao Shan, the power supervisor, dredged the power in the inner city and the base station was restored, it was possible to access the Internet again.

The two female warriors put down the table, and by the way, the snacks they brought were all laid out, Lin Fan did not stop it, and the female warrior next to him also deliberately washed her hands with water several times, and then picked up a strawberry and sent it to Lin Fan.

Another female warrior was sitting on her knees next to Lin Fan, gently massaging Lin Fan’s big squat, seeing this scene, Xu Yan turned her head satisfactorily and continued to stare at the situation under the city wall.

Lin Fan’s side was not comfortable for a long time, there was a roar under the city wall, it was the direction of the inner city, and after a while, Mu Qingxue came to the city wall under the leadership of a female warrior.

Looking at Mu Qingxue who rushed to the hospital unexpectedly, Lin Fan looked at Xu Yan, she thought it was thoughtful, and called Mu Qingxue who was staying in the hospital.

Looking at the guqin held in Mu Qingxue’s arms, Lin Fan nodded, and yesterday he listened to a song from Mu Qingxue’s scene, which was indeed very good!

Mu Qingxue walked to Lin Fan and gave her a salute, so she walked to the side and sat down, the female warrior had already prepared everything for her.

The melodious piano sound is different from yesterday’s excitement, but after Mu Qingxue’s playing, it has a different taste.

The piano sound fluttered, Lin Fan comfortably lay on the chair, listening to the live version of Mu Qingxue playing, and there were female warriors waiting around him, which felt really good!

Under the city wall, Li Yun had already brought Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei’s two daughters to the outer city, along the way, Li Yun and Chu Hanyan talked about some things that had happened before, such as how Lin Fan saved her, how she got to this position today, basically Li Yun told Chu Hanyan.

Chu Hanyan also told Li Yun about her situation for more than a month, but Hu Yuefei was a little embarrassed, she ran to the side of her daughter before the end of the day, and the result of wanting to kidnap the ticket was not successful, in front of the mother, Hu Yuefei was really embarrassed.

However, Li Yun didn’t care much, the past was over, and now it was different from before.

Hu Yuefei has her own skill, Chu Hanyan has also eaten the source force crystal, Li Yun did not arrange the two of them to the big troops, if the two of them are arranged, it will drag down those female warriors over there, there are so many zombies in total, Hu Yuefei and Chu Hanyan kill more, others will definitely be less, and the promotion will be slow.

Instead of this, it is better to stay here, if the two of them team up, there is absolutely no danger, and the adaptation will be much faster, especially Chu Hanyan.

It takes a lot of combat to adapt to the sudden surge of power.

“You two pay attention, there will be no problem, I will not be far from you, improve your strength, strength is the root of everything.”

Leaving this sentence, Li Yun left, rushing up to the corpses, with a wave of his hand, the space cut through the air, and the zombies that rushed over were instantly cleaned up.

Looking fierce, killing zombies is like cutting wheat, at once is a large piece of Li Yun, Hu Yuefei swallowed a spit, looked at Chu Hanyan with pity, patted her shoulder, and said: “Good sister, otherwise let’s forget it?” Your mother is too fierce, you see, this time there are hundreds of zombies in seconds, the two of us are like this, it is estimated that tying together is not enough for your mother to wave her hand. ”

“The enemy’s strength is too strong, not that the sisters don’t help you, but in this case, the enemy is already invincible, and if we don’t know each other, we will die and send you to understand what I mean, right?”

Chu Hanyan originally thought that he had eaten a ‘big return Dan’ and had already slammed it off, but he didn’t expect it, Jiang was still old and spicy, and sure enough, your mother was still your mother, and there was no discussion about beating you!

As far as her strength is concerned, it is estimated that before she reaches the near front, she has been scrapped, is this reasonable? Is it reasonable to come up to the level of the world boss?

This is obviously very unreasonable!

The rebel army just had some signs, and it was crushed on the spot, and Chu Hanyan felt depressed in his heart! This is also unreasonable! Where did anyone come up and play like that?

Chu Hanyan’s head shrugged, just like the eggplant that had been beaten by frost, and the spirit was destroyed.

Looking at Chu Hanyan like this, Hu Yuefei helplessly slapped her head on the door and finished the calf.

In front of the two people, Li Yun has been paying attention to the situation of the two of them, seeing Chu Hanyan’s appearance, Li Yun rolled his eyes, this girl is really not worrying, just this bit of perseverance? That’s it?

That’s it? Just want to rob men? Shame on her when you say it!

Unpromising! It’s too much fun!

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