Chapter 231 Expansion Plan? The dilemma facing the City of Judgment

As the sky darkened, the female warriors returned to the city, the zombies at night were much more terrifying and violent than during the day, and affected by the vision, many dangers were hidden in the darkness, and no one would joke about their lives.

Waving his hand to extinguish a wave of zombies rushing over, Li Yun withdrew and retreated, and his figure flashed several times, appearing next to Chu Hanyan and Hu Yuefei.

After killing a zombie for a day, half a drop of zombie blood on Li Yun’s body was not stained, and even his face did not change in the slightest, still so mature and moving, indescribably elegant.

“Han Yan, it’s not too early, it’s going to get dark soon, let’s go here today.”

Chu Hanyan turned his head, looked at Li Yun, who was elegant and moving, dignified and atmospheric next to him, and then looked down at himself, his heart was even more frustrated, this was an all-round crushing ah!

Hu Yuefei also shook her head in her heart, this gap is also too big!

“Got it.”

Chu Han replied sullenly, and Li Yun shook his head as he looked at the dog.

Walking back to the city, starting the vehicle, Li Yun drove towards the hospital, on the road, the atmosphere in the car seemed very dull, Chu Hanyan did not have the heart to care about anything else, bowed his head and did not know what he was thinking.

Princess Hu Yue did not open her mouth, and looked through the car window at the scene of the inner city.

In the hospital parking lot, Li Yun turned off the car, pushed the door and stepped out of the car, on the back seat, Chu Hanyan also silently pushed open the door and walked down, looking at Chu Hanyan’s look, Li Yun really had a headache.

“Before the battle, I don’t remember teaching you like this before, Han Yan, you let your mother down too much.” With disappointment in his eyes, Li Yun beckoned to the maid next to him, “Take the two of them to the female warrior’s dormitory, and arrange it next door to Mu Qingxue.” ”

Originally, Li Yun also planned to personally send Chu Hanyan and the two of them to the female warrior’s dormitory, but Chu Hanyan’s performance made her not feel this way at all.

Watching Li Yun’s figure disappear in place, Chu Hanyan blinked, turned his head to look at Concubine Hu Yue, and said uncertainly: “Concubine, what did my mother mean by what she just said?” ”

Hu Yuefei is also a little confused now, just that word, how to think is that there are words in the words, right? But the problem is…. It seems that no matter how you think about it, that doesn’t mean much, right?

Where is the mother who teaches her daughter to rob a man? If that’s the case, that’s a show!

“Don’t ask me this question, you should ask yourself, how did your mother teach you before?” That’s your mom, you asked me where I knew. ”

Chu Hanyan was also a little confused in her heart, was it really what she thought? Thinking of this, Chu Hanyan’s originally low mood instantly began to warm up.

On the second floor of the supermarket, Lin Fan hugged Su Xiaoluo and collapsed on the sofa, and when he came back early today, he listened to Mu Qingxue play a few songs on the city gate tower, and tasted Mu Qingxue’s craftsmanship by the way, and the mood was very good.

Li Yun’s three daughters have all been recovered, and the cannibal vines in the underground area of the inner city will all be done tomorrow at the latest, it can be said that now there is nothing to do, how can Lin Fan be in a bad mood?

The next step is to go out every day to kill zombies, earn points, and then improve the time ability, simply do not be too leisurely, as for the expansion of the sphere of influence, there are female warriors under the command to do, the more men are this good, just command it, someone will do it, don’t worry about him.

After the expansion of the sphere of influence, the only thing to worry about is the problem of the city wall, but this thing has points, and the minute system will be arranged, which is the power of kryptonite!

It’s a lot of points, but fast! The important thing is to be fast! One-click generation is much less troublesome than spending time and energy building it yourself!

After dinner, Lin Fan sat back on the couch and talked about this matter with Lin Youyou, Lin Fan was the master of the general direction of the City of Judgment, and the detailed arrangement of this kind of trivial matter was all Lin Youyou’s doing, hearing that Lin Fan wanted to take the initiative to attack and expand the sphere of influence, Lin Youyou’s several women looked at each other, and their faces were a little worried.

In fact, if it were not for the appearance of zombie animals, the expansion of the sphere of influence would have been on the agenda long ago, or because of the appearance of zombie animals, there were as many as three thousand female warriors shrinking under the gates of the city in four directions.

Even because more and more survivors have been brought back these days, the population base in the city has expanded rapidly, and the female warriors under the city walls have jumped to nearly seven thousand!

Not everyone is Liu Mingyue, Qin Yuwei and Chu Hanyan’s relationship households, just came to have source force crystals to eat, want to upgrade from ordinary people to the level of four-dimensional attribute 20 points, no two weeks is impossible, even if the ruling coin can buy source power liquid, source power Dan this can quickly improve the strength of things, it will take at least more than a week!

For various reasons, there were more and more female warriors under the city wall, and these nearly seven thousand people were forced by zombie animals not to leave the city wall too far, which not only slowed down the speed of the female warriors’ strength increase, but also greatly hindered the expansion of the City of Judgment.

The greater the population density, the less resources are obtained, and can the same resources be spread equally to 300 people, and can they be equally distributed to 500 people or even 1,000 people?

The more female warriors under the city wall, the slower the improvement speed of all people, the previous day can increase the attribute of 2 points, now two days may not be able to improve a little, this is the bad place of many people, resources are limited, all crowded together, the improvement will only become slower and slower.

For this situation, Lin Youyou They have racked their brains to find a way to solve, less resources to improve slowly, right? Yes, the high-level side gives you additional resources, who performs the best, kills zombies the most actively, will get the reward of Yuanli Dan, so the strength improvement will always be faster, right?

Source Force Liquid, Source Force Dan and even Source Force Crystal, even if there is no cost, it is impossible to give it out in vain, either buy it with ruling coins, or use it as a reward, and give it to the female warriors under the White Force, although the strength of the female warriors will increase quickly, but it will develop a kind of inertia.

Since there is a reward for not killing zombies, why bother to kill zombies? Once this inertia is developed, it is difficult to correct it.

Therefore, even if the speed of the female warriors’ ascension slowed down, Lin Youyou did not directly reward such a precious thing as Yuanli Dan, and it would be difficult to mobilize the dissipated enthusiasm!

Is there much such thing as source force Dan and source force crystallization? Many! Many warehouses were almost impossible to put down, but even so, Lin Youyou still did not change their minds, that is, they did not want the enthusiasm of the female warriors to decrease.

Looking at the difficult color on the faces of Lin Youyou and Zhao Wanqing, Lin Fan knew that there was probably some problem, and couldn’t help asking: “Why don’t you all talk?” What’s wrong? Or is it difficult to implement? ”

Lin Youyou sighed, and said with some headache: “There are indeed some problems.” ”

“You say.”

“First of all, let me first talk about the population of the city of our ruling, the number of people brought back in recent days is a bit much, and the population of our rulings city has now officially exceeded 10,000 people, reaching the scale of eleven thousand people, of which the number of female fighters is 6971, this is the latest data!”

“There were already a lot of more than 5,000 people under the city wall before, and now more than a thousand female warriors have been added, and when the time comes to spread out to four directions, the strength of female warriors will increase more slowly, so it will be more difficult to break through to 20 attributes, and the attributes cannot break through 20 points, and they will not meet the requirements of going farther away to clean up the zombies with the vanguard troops.”

“To put it simply, there are many female warriors, but the strength is generally low, can not leave the city wall too far, can not leave the city wall too far, expand the sphere of influence has become empty talk, because the zombies will be active, after cleaning up today, tomorrow will pour over again, there are still zombie animals lurking, during this time there are nearly a thousand zombie animals killed on all four sides of the city wall.”

Headache pinched eyebrows, Lin Youyou looked at Zhao Wanqing and said: “Before this matter I discussed with Wanqing, if you want to expand the sphere of influence, you need to meet two points first, first, build a city wall or wire mesh on the periphery to prevent zombies from continuing to pour in, and the second is to clean up zombie animals, so that our talents can safely and boldly leave the city wall and quickly clean up zombies.” ”

“Unless we don’t care about the lives of the female soldiers, and can complete a quick cleanup without considering the casualties, it is not clear how many of these nearly seven thousand female warriors will really be left at that time.”

Lin Youyou said this, Lin Fan didn’t even think about it and waved his hand to refuse, what joke, the number of female warriors was not easy to save so much, just for an expansion of the sphere of influence to lose a large part? What’s the difference between picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon?

Sooner or later there will be territory, but female warriors are different, men do not stay in the case, the number of women is small, and then so lost, when can the population rise?

“I’ll start building the city wall tomorrow, this is very simple, the problem of zombie animals, I will also carpet clean it up, so it should be no problem, right?”

Lin Youyou looked at Lin Fan, looked a little embarrassed, bowed his head and did not speak, this kind of behavior made Lin Fan a little confused, a little panicked in his heart.

Isn’t there any problem with that? Shouldn’t he have spoken today? Can he take back his previous words?

Being stared at by Lin Fan with strange eyes, Lin Youyou pulled Zhao Wanqing over, and he sat on the other side, decisively selling Zhao Wanqing.

“Let Wanqing tell you, I don’t know much about this, I also listened to Wanqing, don’t ask me.”

Zhao Wanqing stared at Lin Youyou with resentment, saying what about the good sisters? Sold her backhand?

“Say it, if there is any problem, say it all at once.” Lin Fan understood that if there was really something, sooner or later it would have to be solved.

Zhao Wanqing smiled, laughing very helplessly, in fact, she had only just heard the report of her subordinates, originally Lin Fan did not ask, she also planned to say.

“In the evening, my men told me that our food reserves were insufficient, not staple foods and vegetables, but meat, and that the meat reserves of our city of judgment were almost finished, which had emptied the cold storage of the whole city, and if you wanted to find meat again, you could only go outside the city.”

“The maid’s side can cut off the already small amount of meat, but the female warrior’s side…. If it is also cut off, you need to eat frequently to maintain your strength. ”

“So I’m thinking about whether to raise some livestock, but the problem is that there is no farm in the city of Modu, and if you want to find a farm, at least you have to go to the suburbs to find it, and even if you find a farm, there may not be live poultry and livestock, after all, the end of the day is more than a month.”

“There is the Huangpu River in the northwest of the City of Judgment, and I wonder if I should bring someone back with some fish, or go south for more than twenty kilometers to the beach to see if there are any sea fish, and the distant water cannot quench the near thirst, and I don’t even know if the fish in the water are infected with the zombie virus.”

“If the fish has a zombie virus in its body and we don’t find it, it’s time to eat …”

“The consequences are unimaginable.”

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