Chapter 236 Liu Yuanbin’s acquiescence, frightening truth

“The zombies have been repelled! Hahahahaha! The zombies were repelled!!! ”

“Grass horses! The zombies have finally been repelled! After four days and three nights, the zombies were finally repelled! ”

“Dog zombies, you have the ability to continue to charge!” Watch me blow up your dog’s head with no cannon!” ”

“Cool! It’s so cool, what about tens of millions of zombies! We haven’t been beaten back yet! ”

“Come on! Zombies raised by the motherfuckers! You have the ability to come! See Grandpa doesn’t blow your head!!! ”

At 12 o’clock in the night, on the forward position of the Liu family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, the deafening cheers soared into the sky, and one soldier put down his weapons, shouted angrily, cheered and jumped, and vented the negative emotions in his heart.

Company commanders, battalion commanders, and even regimental commanders looked at the cheering and jumping soldiers, and one by one they showed a rare smile on their faces, and these company commanders, battalion commanders, and even regimental commanders did not rebuke this undisciplined behavior, and even company commanders and battalion commanders joined the cheering camp.

Four days and three nights! The tide of corpses that attacked for four consecutive days and three nights was finally repulsed today!

For four days and three nights, the outermost ten lines of defense of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord all fell, facing the endless tide of corpses and the terrible faces of the zombies for four consecutive days and three nights, always bearing huge psychological pressure, and now the zombies were finally repelled, all the warriors were crazy, constantly venting the suffocating breath in their hearts, and the atmosphere of lifeless pessimism and despair before was swept away!

Great victory!

This was a great victory, which lasted more than two hours, and the zombies within ten kilometers of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord were completely emptied, leaving only scattered zombies still thinking about the defense line.



The roar of the large-caliber anti-equipment sniper rifle was echoing, and the heads of the zombies that were running wildly exploded in an instant, and the headless corpses rushed to the ground and completely turned into a corpse.

The walking trajectory of the zombie is not traceable at all, not every bullet can accurately explode the head, there are many failures, in the face of this situation, large-caliber sniper bullets directly penetrate the zombie’s torso, the bowl-sized hole explodes, and the zombie flies and falls to the ground.

A muffled sound like a salute, mixed with the cheers of the soldiers, filled the night sky with joy.

The fear of four days and three nights was shattered, and the joy brought was endless, not only these soldiers, but also the commanders and generals of the major regiments could not help but show rare smiles.

The conference hall of the military region, after more than two hours, was once again filled with a series of figures, Liu Yuanbin sat on the first place, and there was a rare curve called laughter on the old man’s face

Not only Liu Yuanbin, but Liu Jingyu, Liu Tongyu, Wu Guozhong and even all the generals had smiles on their faces!

This is the first successful report in the face of thousands of corpses in four days and three nights!

This small-scale victory gave everyone hope of crushing the tide of corpses.

Everyone was laughing, only a few veteran generals such as Liu Yuanbin and Wu Guozhong had a little solemnity in their eyes, but no one spoke, and the current Demon Warlord Liu Clan did not need to strike, what was needed was a cheering victory!

“Cough cough.”

Liu Yuanbin coughed twice, and the coughing sound made the jubilant atmosphere in the conference hall precipitate a little, and there was more solemnity than it should be.

Looking at the people present with a smile, Liu Yuanbin said in a relaxed tone: “Everyone here should know the victory just won, our plan has achieved breakthrough results, thousands of collared machine guns are terrifying, and the terrifying range of more than ten kilometers will tear the zombies to pieces!” ”

“Yes! The zombies were all torn apart by our cannons, and there were hardly any living zombies within ten kilometers, which was the only good news in a few days! The only pity is that we can’t take back the defensive line we fell before. ”

Liu Yuanbin said this, the tone was somewhat low and helpless, the ten lines of defense outside the Demon Warlord Liu Clan had been completely submerged by artillery fire as they fell, and now only ruins and scorched earth were left, if these defensive lines were still there, the situation of the Demon Capital Warlord Liu Clan would be much better!

When many generals heard this, they were also a little silent, and they felt very sorry in their hearts, if these defensive lines were still there, taking advantage of the fact that the corpse tide was now repelled, the soldiers could completely return to the defensive line, so that they might be able to push the corpse tide back into the demon city.

The terrifying power of the cannon made these generals all see the hope of eliminating the tide of corpses, as long as the crows in the sky were wiped out, then the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon Capital could regain their strength and directly enter the Demon City with the strong strength of the sea and land armies.

Even this wave of corpses will become an opportunity, the zombies in the city can not be easily cleared in the open area, and the powerful artillery will also cause devastating damage to the buildings of the magic capital, no one wants to subdue a tattered, ruin-devastated magic capital.

Seeing that the atmosphere was dull, Liu Yuanbin raised his spirits and smiled: “Everyone don’t have to feel pity, as long as our organic cannons are there, sooner or later we can clean up these zombies, but it is only a matter of time, the choice of disassembling the cannons above Wuzhi is unexpectedly good, maybe we were too rigid before.” ”

“But no matter what, the result is good, everyone has worked hard these days, wait until this corpse tide is completely eliminated, and then talk about merit and reward, now our first task is to eliminate the corpse tide, I want to say so much, go back to rest, old Wu you stay.”

The generals in the chamber got up one after another, and tonight they could finally get a good night’s sleep.

After everyone left, there were only two people left in the conference hall, Liu Yuanbin and Wu Guozhong.

“Old man, there are only two of us left, if you have anything you want to say, just say it.” Seeing that the door of the conference hall was closed, Wu Guozhong looked at Liu Yuanbin with a smile.

The smile on his face disappeared, looking at Wu Guozhong, who was still laughing, Liu Yuanbin shook his head and sighed, and said tiredly: “You are still laughing out loud, don’t tell me that you don’t know how much ammunition reserves the machine gun has.” ”

When Wu Guozhong heard this, he still had a smile on his face and was not affected by Liu Yuanbin in the slightest.

“What if you know? We’re fighting off the zombie tide now, aren’t we? You look at you, think about it all day long, are you tired? Even if the shells run out tomorrow, it will be tomorrow’s business, old man, you are happy, don’t be too difficult for yourself, you look at you, this is only a few days, the hair is all white. ”

Smiling bitterly, Liu Yuanbin touched the white hair on his head and sighed: “I would like to think, this commander-in-chief did it for you, I see if you can still be happy, I am just disappointed!” I had high hopes for Jingyu, but he let me down too much! I shouldn’t have given him so much help in the first place, otherwise I wouldn’t have completely lost confidence in this blow! ”

“He’s like a toothless tiger now, like a bereaved dog with a broken spine!” I used to think he was a wolf, a sleeping tiger, but in fact he was just a sick cat, and he was beaten back to the prototype by a single blow. ”

Wu Guozhong was silent, for Liu Jingyu’s recent performance, he also looked in his eyes, he did not know what to say, Wu Guozhong had not been married in his life, nor did he have children, it can be said that Liu Jingyu, Liu Tongyu and Liu Wanying regarded him as his own, and now when he sees Liu Jingyu like this, his heart cannot say how uncomfortable it is.

“What happened to Wanying?” Are you going to keep her locked up? ”

Hearing Wu Guozhong talk about Liu Wanying, the look on Liu Yuanbin’s face eased up a bit and had more of the gentleness of a loving father.

“Wanying is still young, I plan to send her away, she should not die with us old guys, died on the battlefield, Ma Ge’s body is the fate of our man, Jingyu’s guilt is carried by my father, Wanying is innocent…”

Wu Guozhong looked at Liu Yuanbin’s eyes full of doubt and surprise.

“Jing Yu he…..”


“Don’t you already have a guess in your mind?” You old thing, even I want to fool me, but I am the commander-in-chief of the Liu clan, the warlord of the entire Demon Capital, what Jing Yu did behind my back, will I not know? Liu Yuanbin shook his head, unspeakable regret on his face.

“In the beginning, I shouldn’t have known what to do, if I stopped Dr. Yang when Jing Yu sent him away, it is likely that there would be no current incident, and the Liu family of the Demon Capital Warlord would not be surrounded by a tide of corpses!”

“I’m guilty, I’m sorry for these hundreds of thousands of children, I’m sorry for Ye Feng, it’s my stubbornness, I killed them all with one hand, Ye Feng this child was brought out by me, I taught him to defend the country, first the country and then the family, he did a very good job, but I, the teacher, was wrong!”

Liu Yuanbin’s voice was sad, his arm picked up the remote control next to him, turned on the projector, and a picture appeared on the screen.

Wu Guozhong looked at the picture on the curtain like a slide in shock, and the whole person was stunned.

“See? That’s all Jing Yu did, he sent someone to take Dr. Yang, not only that, but also took away a battalion of weapons and equipment, escorted by a team of Wu Zhi to the Modu City, he thought everything was done very secretly, I don’t know, but in fact, I know it all. ”

“Who is Yang Yiping?” You should know that old man, right? Before the end of the world, he was arrested as a mad scientist for conducting human experiments and imprisoned in a military prison by Jingyu, thinking that if he threw a smoke bomb to escape from a suspended animation, I would believe that, in fact, it was only my acquiescence. ”

“If you want to develop a vaccine for the zombie virus, it is impossible to do without giving and sacrificing, although Yang Yiping is a madman, but I have to say that in biology and virology, he is a genius, I thought that he would give him enough conditions, he can bring me surprises and returns, but I did not expect …. What he brought was despair! ”

“He has personally created the greatest enemy of mankind! Wisdom zombies! This man’s ambitions are bigger and crazier than expected! By the time I figured it out, it was too late! ”

The picture on the projector froze with Liu Yuanbin’s voice pause, and finally stopped at a girl who was not blurry or very clear.

“This is the intelligent zombie in the corpse group, the original location was found in the Rong’en Building, after the military satellite tracking, the woman in the video finally came out of this institute, interestingly, after retrieving the surrounding surveillance, this woman was sent out by the two men and women.”

The picture on the projection jumped again, frozen on the three figures, if Liu Jingyu was here, he would definitely recognize the man’s face in the picture.

“This man’s name is Lin Fan, the owner of the super power that Ye Feng said, and this woman with a somewhat bulging belly is the mother who gave birth to the wisdom zombie, is it difficult to imagine that in just a few days, this wisdom zombie will grow into an adult?”

Wu Guozhong looked at the picture on the projector screen in shock and sluggishness, and his head became a paste.

“You…. You…. Old man…. You….”

You have been half a day, Wu Guozhong did not say a reason, although he had some speculations in his heart Yang Yiping and Liu Jingyu, but he did not expect so deeply, the source of the whole incident, surprisingly…..

It turned out that because of Yang Yiping’s human experiments, the current predicament of the Liu family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, was actually Liu Jingyu, and the person who acquiesced behind it was Liu Yuanbin, the commander-in-chief of the military region!

PS: I especially meow people stupid, this chapter put up, forgot to click uploaded, the other 233 chapters last night stuck for a while to put out, should be a little more forbidden words.

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