Chapter 237 A desperate gamble, tens of thousands of female soldiers dowry

“Old man….. You!!! You’re confused! ”

Finally, Wu Guozhong sighed heavily, shook his head and fell to his seat.

“Confused?” Liu Yuanbin’s old face is full of helplessness and regret, his original intention is good, but many times people are not as good as heaven, he underestimated the degree of Yang Yiping’s madness, and also underestimated the ambition of this man.

“I plan to send Wanying to that man, and all the female soldiers, the mistakes I made with Jingyu have nothing to do with Wanying, she is still young and has a good life, and the wrong things we have done should not be paid for by her.”

“Send it to that man?” Wu Guozhong felt that his brain was almost exhausted, and he couldn’t understand what Liu Yuanbin was thinking!

Looking at Wu Guozhong with a flat gaze, Liu Yuanbin smiled and asked, “Don’t you understand?” ”

“Yes, I don’t understand, why did you send Wanying to that man, Wanying and the female soldiers in the military region have more than 10,000 people, how do you plan to send them over?” Tens of kilometers away from the wisdom of zombies and thousands of corpses tide promised? Does the zombie crow overhead agree? Knocking on the table, Wu Guozhong’s face was full of anger, “If you don’t give me a reasonable explanation, I won’t agree!” ”

“You are like this! You’re making Wanying die! And there’s the magic capital inside! Modu! The environment is more complicated, and the zombies are no less than our side, you are pushing Wanying into the fire pit! ”

The more he talked, the more angry he became, and Wu Guozhong’s old face was angry.

“Do you really think so? You look at this again. Liu Yuanbin said, pressed the remote control, the screen turned again, there was a military satellite overlook, the visual distance was constantly lowered, and finally stayed at a height of 1,000 meters.


Wu Guozhong was stunned, looking at the magnificent city wall on the screen that stretched to the sky, like a long black dragon lying on the ground, just from the screen, a thick and heavy atmosphere, the feeling of majesty and grandeur came to the face, such a magnificent city wall, there are four!


Looking at the dense little black dots under the city wall in the picture, Wu Guozhong was confused.

“What’s that?” Zombies? ”

“No…. It’s people, or rather, a bunch of women killing zombies! Liu Yuanbin took the remote control and clicked twice, the perspective continued to pull down, and soon the scene on the ground was clear.

Looking at the hundreds of women holding cold weapons under the city wall who were not afraid to kill the zombies that kept rushing up, Wu Guozhong was stupid.

Humans kill zombies with cold weapons? Or hundreds of women? And there is still sound and color? These women are not only not half afraid, but also eager to try, eager to rush into the zombie horde, what is the situation?

Are women so bold now? Even the soldiers in the military region don’t necessarily have such boldness, right? Are these women crazy? Kill zombies with cold weapons against the city walls? What does this mean?

And with the continuous playback, Wu Guozhong was surprised to find that none of these women were injured, it was a main road tens of meters wide! These women are facing endless zombies!

Are these zombies paper paste? How can it not hurt these women? Why do these zombies look so weak? In the hands of these women, like cabbage, a stubble is cut down?

Is it difficult to believe that cold weapons are the correct way to open zombies? Wu Guozhong couldn’t understand what the situation was.

How does this work? No, it shouldn’t!

Shouldn’t it be that these zombies rush by, and these hundreds of women can’t even fight a wave, and they are all infected as zombies? What’s going on?

“Can’t understand it, can I?”

Wu Guozhong nodded stunnedly, he really couldn’t understand what this situation was, and the picture in front of him refreshed his cognition.

“If I didn’t understand it, I didn’t understand it at the beginning, until I watched it more than twenty times and I suddenly understood.” Liu Yuanbin put down the remote control in his hand, pointed to the women on the screen who kept killing zombies, and said: “If you look closely, do you feel that these women’s movements are clean and clean, and fast?” Old man, you look closely. ”

Wu Guozhong subconsciously looked at the women in the picture, and soon his eyes became wider and wider, and his face was full of shock.

“How come? How can these women move so fast? Much faster than normal people! And none of these women are tired? Even if the knife in the hand is sharp, continuous swinging will be tired, and the arm will be sore, why don’t these women look tired at all? ”

“Don’t understand, do you?” You look at this again and you’ll understand. Saying, Liu Yuanbin picked up the remote control and pressed it twice, the picture turned, it was still those people, there was no difference, if there was any, it was that the sun had tilted westward, and it looked like it was going to be dark soon.

Looking at Liu Yuanbin doubtfully, Wu Guozhong couldn’t understand what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

“Don’t worry, keep looking, the wonderful place is coming.”

Wu Guozhong quickly turned his head to look at the screen, and then he was stunned!

In the picture, nearly a hundred figures suddenly appeared at the end of the main road, these figures were fast, waving Tang knives in their hands, and the translucent knife qi that could only be found in TV dramas broke out of the air, the lethality was terrible, and everywhere they passed, the zombies were cut off from the waist and fell down like cutting wheat.

Nearly a hundred figures were fast, and a large number of zombies could not stop the pace of these women at all, until they saw these women come to the bottom of the city gate, Wu Guozhong turned his head, pointed to the picture, faced Liu Yuanbin, and did not say a word for half a day.

“Don’t worry, keep watching, there’s something more exciting.”

What’s more? Wu Guozhong subconsciously turned his head to look at the picture, in the screen, the brilliant thunder flashed away, after the thunder dissipated, a beautiful figure appeared in the picture, and there was a series of thunder lights beating around him.

“This… This one… Isn’t that the woman before? Is this the Thor? Wu Guozhong lost his voice and exclaimed, there were a total of two videos of extraordinary people on the Internet, one was a god, that is, the man named Lin Fan, and the other was the thunder god.

Now that the woman was surrounded by electric light, he couldn’t think of any other answer than Thor.

He didn’t expect that the two extraordinary beings had actually gathered together, and it seemed that the man named Lin Fan was dominant, and what was even more terrifying was that these women holding Tang Dao were also terrifying!

Wu Guozhong now understood why those women killed zombies without any damage, not that the zombies were too weak, but that these women were too strong! Speed, reaction, and even physique far exceed that of zombies, and zombies are killed before they can touch these women.

But the question is, how did these women get stronger? If this way of becoming stronger can be popularized, and even if these people can go to the military region to rescue, the crisis of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord should not be lifted in a long time!

Thinking of this, Wu Guozhong’s face had some look of hope.

After working together for so many years, Liu Yuanbin only saw Wu Guozhong’s expression, he knew what he was thinking, in fact, he had thought about these things at the beginning, but he gave up, because he knew that it would not work!

“Are you thinking, get these people to come and help us?” Do you think it’s possible? ”

“Why do you say that?”

Liu Yuanbin got up from his chair, the remote control was flicked twice, and the picture was frozen on Lin Fan’s face.

Holding the baton next to him, Liu Yuanbin knocked on Lin Fan’s figure on the screen, “This man’s name is Lin Fan, and you won’t forget it if Ye Feng brings it back, right?” This man has no faith in our military region, and I think he should know everything Yang Yiping has done, and don’t forget that the mother body of the wisdom zombie was sent out by him. ”

“Another thing I want to remind you is that you should remember how Jing Yu’s arm was broken, right?” The research institute has been flattened, so how did Yang Yiping get brought back to the First Army alive? Even Yang Yiping had turned into a zombie at all, and before that, Jing Yu mobilized a squad of Wu Zhi to go to the magic capital, and then Jing Yu’s broken arm happened. ”

“I have a premonition, this matter must be done by this man named Lin Fan, I investigated the information about this man, his name is Lin Fan, is an orphan, after coming out of the orphanage, work-study, although the school where he graduated is good, but everywhere he hit a wall, or he was made difficult by his superiors, and he was diagnosed with terminal cancer before the end of the day.”

“Although it is not known how he came to life and successfully awakened his superpowers, but are these important? It doesn’t matter that based on these personal messages from him, our people have given some profiles about his character. ”

“The collapse of order, the extra superpowers, let him magnify the malice towards this society, perhaps he has been oppressed for too long, he has a strong hostility towards everyone, especially men, which can be seen through the power he has built.

“He has instinctive malice toward men, is not cold to the military region, and even through Yang Yiping to fight with the military region, whether it is the military region or Jing Yu, this represents his will, such a man, do you think he will rescue our military region?”

“Don’t forget, what our military district has done, if there is no superpower, he is also the kind of person who has been abandoned.”

Wu Guozhong Zhang Xiao, looking at Lin Fan’s figure on the screen, lowered his head in a decadent manner, and said in a tired voice: “You are right, I am too wishful thinking, if you can let Wanying and those female soldiers take refuge in this Lin Fan’s side, it is also a way out, just….”

“Old man, have you thought about it?” Once Wanying passed, it was the fish on the cutting board, and how to get the knife was decided by this man. ”

“So what?” Liu Yuanbin smiled, the smile on Cang’s old face was unspeakably bright, casually threw the baton in his hand on the conference table, looking at Wu Guozhong’s stunned look, Liu Yuanbin asked: “Do you think I’m crazy?” ”

“On the contrary, I feel that this decision is the most correct decision I have ever made!”

“All are women, only one man’s power, what can Wanying lose?” The big deal is to be possessed by this man, Wanying is thirty-two years old this year, she is not young! Is it to be a leftover woman for life? And judging by this man’s ability, will it really be Wanying who suffers losses? ”

“What’s more, tens of thousands of female soldiers in the military region have dowry for her, and there are tens of thousands of female soldiers, and if that man has a little brain, he will not treat Wanying badly, this is already all that my father, can do for her.”

“For this decision, I will not hesitate to gamble once!”

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