Chapter 246 The horror of the wisdom zombie, the military district that wants to be dragged to death alive

In the square, Liu Wanying stood in front of the female soldiers neatly dressed, full of vigor and spirit.

This morning her ban was finally lifted, Liu Wanying was in a very good mood, the only thing that made her a little confused was why she did not let her go to the front line, but to this side of the square.

She was not the only one on this side of the square, there was also a division of female soldiers, these were her concubines, inexplicably all of them were called to the square, Liu Wanying wondered in her heart, what is this for?

Are there any special combat missions assigned to them?

Liu Wanying asked several regimental commanders and chiefs of staff, and found that they all did not know what was going on, and people were a little confused, but the high-level did not come, and she was not good at moving, so she could only wait here.

So she didn’t wait long, looking at the jeep coming from not far away, Liu Wanying hurriedly raised her spirits and stood in a more standard posture.

The jeep stopped, and she knew almost everyone who came down, Lieutenant General Wu Guozhong, and Commander-in-Chief Liu Yuanbin, her father, and as for the man in civilian clothes who came down from the outside, she didn’t know.

She was a little confused about Lin Fan’s identity, and she could be accompanied by the commander-in-chief of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, and Lieutenant General Wu Guozhong as the driver to drive, this treatment was also too high, right? Even if the president came, he had never seen this treatment!

Not only Liu Wanying was confused, all the female soldiers in the square were focused on Lin Fan’s unfamiliar face.

The female soldiers looked at Lin Fan, Lin Fan was also looking at these female soldiers, although there were no points that were very toothy, but these female soldiers had to take away, and the points could not be earned, but female soldiers were not available all the time.

Isn’t it just points? Isn’t it easy to get points?

The magic city is not easy to destroy, the suburbs are always no problem, right?

On the high platform, Liu Yuanbin looked at the tens of thousands of female soldiers below, including Liu Wanying in the front, which can basically be said to be the last side.

Looking at the many female soldiers and the doubtful look in Liu Wanying’s eyes, Liu Yuanbin fiddled with the microphone in front of him and said loudly: “I think everyone is very curious, why should I let you come here, now I can answer the doubts in your hearts.” ”

“Before that, I want to introduce you to this young man next to me, and I can see that you are more curious about him, his name is Lin Fan, this name may be very unfamiliar to you, but you must have heard about him.”

“The video that was very popular on the Internet before, flying from the sky, is this Lin Fan standing next to me.”

Liu Yuanbin’s words fell, the female soldiers in the square were a little restless, tens of thousands of eyes looked at Lin Fan in amazement, most of them had seen the video, but because the distance was too far, the shooting was not very clear, but it was shocking enough, and now the living people appeared in front of them, if there was no discipline, these female soldiers would have rushed to the stage.

Of course, not everyone can see Lin Fan’s appearance clearly, tens of thousands of people in the square, the female soldiers in the rear can not see what Lin Fan looks like on the high platform, but this does not affect the shock in the hearts of these female soldiers.

The living ‘immortals’ appeared in front of them!

Unlike these female soldiers, Liu Wanying knew about Lin Fan, and when she was locked up, she was grounded because she said something that was inappropriate, or not in the interests of most people.

Now that Lin Fan has come to the military region, Liu Wanying is confused, although she was not present when Ye Feng came back with the words, but she also heard some content in the follow-up, which probably means that Lin Fan refused to cooperate with the military region, did not want to play with the military region, and let the military distinguish him to provoke, otherwise it would be rude.

Normally speaking, Lin Fan should not have interacted with the old and dead of the military region, and the road should go to the side of the sky, or he would tear his face and divide the victory and defeat into life and death.

But what is the situation now? That Lin Fan, who had an arrogant tone and did not want to cooperate with the military region at all, actually came to the military region? And it seems to be in harmony with her father?

Liu Wanying frowned at Liu Mei, she always felt that there was something in this, and she didn’t want to pay attention to the entanglement of high-level interests, but she probably understood in her heart that it must be her father who paid some benefits, which touched Lin Fan.

The front line was tense, the outer defense line was all collapsed, yesterday there was a regiment that was accidentally swallowed up by the tide of corpses, the situation was very severe, she felt that this time Lin Fan came to solve the plight of the military region, as for what the price was, she could not guess for the time being, or she had guessed a little, but did not dare to go over there to think.

In short, her face was not very good-looking, and she always felt sold, not only her, but also these female soldiers under her command.

The restlessness of the female soldiers did not last long, and after the square was quiet, Liu Yuanbin continued: “The current situation in the military region, you should see for all to see, although it is very unwilling, but… The horror of the intelligent zombies is beyond imagination, gathering tens of millions of zombies, as well as the zombie crow as a bird. ”

“The air force is restricted from taking off, the army’s artillery and navy’s missiles are also infinitely weakened by the intelligent zombies through various methods, and with machine guns alone, the military district cannot stop the zombies from advancing, and if this continues, the final result facing the Liu family of the Demon Warlord is to be swallowed up by the sea of corpses.”

“The appearance of the wisdom zombies has a lot to do with me, the commander-in-chief of the military region, but you are innocent, and I don’t want you to die because of some dark deeds at the top level, so I have decided to let you leave the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon Capital, follow Mr. Lin Fan to the settlement site of the Demon Capital, and become Mr. Lin Fan’s subordinate.”


Liu Yuanbin’s words were like a nuclear bomb exploding in the square, directly blowing up tens of thousands of female soldiers, and the purpose of gathering them today was actually to send them away? Send it to the magic city and become the hand of the man in front of you?


Is the form of the Liu family of the Warlord of the Demon Capital so severe? No, didn’t you beat the tide of corpses back yesterday? Even now, zombies can’t get close to the military district, isn’t the situation very good? Why?


In the square, Liu Wanying took a step forward, her voice was cold, and her eyes were full of anger.

Looking at Liu Wanying, Liu Yuanbin had long expected this scene to happen, and looked calm: “Major General Liu Wanying, what do you want to say?” ”

Although she had already guessed a star and a half, she really couldn’t help but hear Liu Yuanbin’s decision to give them to Lin Fan.

“Why? The situation in the military region is now very good, the zombies simply cannot get close to the military region under the blow of our cannons, and the zombie crows are only a matter of time. What the hell are you for! ”

“Even if you risk going to the military court today, I would like to ask you, the commander-in-chief of the Liu Family, the warlord of the Demon Capital, what kind of deal you have made with this Mr. Lin Fan, and what kind of benefits you have obtained, before you can send us out as goods!” Is that how you became the commander-in-chief? ”


In addition to Liu Wanying’s questioning voice echoing throughout the square, there was no sound, and all the female soldiers were moved by it, and several colonels and regimental commanders and chiefs of staff were even more frightened and did not dare to move.

Questioning Shangfeng, or such a malicious question, as a subordinate, this is going to be judged in a military court, which is a felony, but Liu Wanying’s words almost asked their hearts.

Why did the military region abandon them?

“Are you done?”

Liu Yuanbin’s tone was flat, his face was as usual in his evaluation, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes.

“Report to the Commander-in-Chief, I’m done!” Liu Wanying’s words were as cold and hard as before.

“Since you’re done, I’m going to test you, as a commander-in-chief and as a father, and I want to know what you’ve learned over the years.”

“What is the most important thing about modern army combat? Major General Liu Wanying, you tell me. ”

Liu Wanying didn’t even think about it, and said directly: “Intelligence, terrain, weapons and ammunition.” ”

“Very good, then I ask you, where do you think that the situation in the military region is very good?” The current situation? Do you have detailed information? Do you know the extent to which ammunition is lost? ”

Liu Wanying Zhang Xiao, she really didn’t have this, she was only lifted this morning, and many things were told to her by the soldiers.

Seeing that Liu Wanying was dumbfounded, Liu Yuanbin turned his head and waved to an officer next to him, and the officer walked up, with the rank of major general.

“Major General Yu Guowei, report on the loss of weapons and equipment.”

“Yes! Commander in chief! ”

Yu Guowei opened the folder in his hand and said in a loud voice: “After four days of fighting, our side has consumed 5.3 million bullets, accounting for one-third of the total, 9,380 heavy artillery shells such as rocket artillery and howitzers, accounting for a quarter of the total, and 1,895 missiles, accounting for one-third of the total.” ”

“Last night, according to the order of the top authorities, the dismantling of the Wuzhi mounted cannon for use on the front line lasted 13 hours, consumed a total of 480,000 cannon bullets, accounting for one-half of the total, and the total number of standing cannon bullets was 1 million.”

(Cannon bullets are very heavy, about two a pound so, the general fighters these carry not much, the specific reserves of the military region is not clear, should not be too much, everyone casually look at the line, do not be more real)

After reading this, Yu Guowei turned to Liu Yuanbin and saluted: “Report to the commander-in-chief, the report is finished!” ”

“Back off.”

Yu Guowei took a few steps backwards facing Liu Yuanbin before turning around and leaving the high platform.

Standing in front of the microphone, Liu Yuanbin looked at Liu Wanying below and asked, “Do you have anything you want to say?” Major General Liu Wanying. ”

As a general, she deeply understands what modern warfare is fighting, what weapons and equipment are relied on, and what weapons and equipment rely on? It depends on ammunition reserves.

In just four days, the Liu family of the Warlord of the Demon Capital almost destroyed half of the ammunition reserves, the most terrifying thing was the machine gun, in just 13 hours, half of the storage was destroyed, the zombies were indeed repelled, but what about after the next 13 hours? What does a cannon without bullets do to repel zombies?

The situation of the Liu family of the Demon Warlord had deteriorated to such an extent, which was something that Liu Wanying had not expected, and the current good situation was just a return to the light, which made her somewhat unacceptable.

However, she did not agree with this way of being transferred away like a deserter, she was a soldier, deserters or something, she could not accept it!

“Commander-in-chief, I cannot accept your orders, this kind of behavior like desertion is an insult to my military career, and I would rather die on the battlefield than be a deserter!”

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