Chapter 247 You can’t go, I have the final say! Punish someone as a warning to others!

The sonorous and powerful voice echoed in the square, Liu Wanying’s words resonated with countless female soldiers, as a soldier, how can you be a deserter? What is the difference between what the military district does and let them be deserters?

Helplessly shaking his head and sighing, Liu Wanying’s attitude as a soldier made Liu Yuanbin appreciate, but now was not the time to appreciate this attitude, he knew some words, and now he had to say it.

“I don’t want you to be deserters, but I don’t want you to lose your life because of my fault!” You are all still young, and you are the hope for the future of mankind! ”

After saying this, Liu Yuanbin slowly said in a low tone about Yang Yiping’s human experiments, no matter how big or small, including the origin of the wisdom zombie, Liu Yuanbin’s words shocked everyone in the square, including Liu Wanying below.

She never expected that the patriarch of the Liu family, Liu Yuanbin, who was the commander-in-chief, and her father would actually commit heinous acts behind their backs!

Human experiments! Using innocent survivors to do live experiments is simply outrageous! The most ridiculous thing is that the vaccine for the zombie virus has not been studied, but because of the ambition of some people, it has come up with intelligent zombies that are enough to destroy mankind!

Zombies are terrible, contagious, fierce and not afraid of death, no pain, only the head is the key, and now the horrible zombies have more intelligent zombies, can command the actions of the zombies, is there any hope for mankind?

The most ridiculous thing is that this kind of experiment, the first to be punished is the military of the initiator, tens of millions of corpses are swarming, the Demon Capital Military Region is in danger, what is this?


Liu Wanying’s head was empty, she didn’t know how to think, she didn’t dare to imagine that it was her father who made this decision, although the person who really handled it was her big brother who had always loved and had a good heart, but without Liu Yuanbin’s acquiescence, that Yang Yiping couldn’t even go out of the military region!

She didn’t expect that Liu Jingyu, the eldest brother she had always loved and loved, was actually a person with such a vicious heart behind her back, and she still thought that Liu Jingyu was a good big brother, but now, it was all fake! Illusion! It’s all pretending to lie to her!

How does this call her accept?

Seeing Liu Wanying’s lost soul and stupid look, Liu Yuanbin’s heart could not express the heartache, but now he could only make up his mind.

“I have already said what I should say, now I issue combat orders in the name of the commander-in-chief of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon Capital, and Major General Liu Wanying and his subordinate divisions will listen to Mr. Lin Fan’s orders from today onwards, and everything will be prioritized by Mr. Lin Fan’s orders, and there must be no mistakes!” Violation of military law disposal! ”

“From now on, your direct superiors and the fate of the future are left to Lin Fan to decide, and this is the only thing I can do for you.”

After Liu Yuanbin finished speaking, the figure appeared to be much older, the tide of corpses had emerged to the present, and everything that had happened had made the elderly old general physically and mentally exhausted.

Dazedly raised her head, looking at Liu Yuanbin’s old and rickety back, Liu Wanying still wanted to say something, at this time Lin Fan had already walked to the front of the microphone.

Knocking on the microphone, a muffled sound echoed in the square, and one after another sluggish eyes looked at Lin Fan, and the light in his eyes gradually returned.

Holding up the podium, Lin Fan looked down at the many female soldiers in the square and said: “After listening to the side for so long, there has always been a sentence that I want to say, in fact, you are unwilling and cannot change anything, since the moment I came to the military region, the decision power is no longer in your hands, but in my hands.” ”

“Whether you want to go to me or not depends on whether I want to or not, if I want to, even if you refuse, it is useless, because you can’t resist me, I have absolute strength to dominate your life and will, so don’t put on this look, just the words of the commander-in-chief just to inform you, you accept it or not.”

“My words may be a bit awkward, but I think you should be able to understand them, and no one will not understand them, right?” In order to prevent some of you from not understanding, I can simplify it, you can’t go, I have the final say, understand? ”

Liu Wanying raised her head and looked directly into Lin Fan’s eyes, her eyes full of indomitable look.

“I admit that your strength is probably really strong, but so what? Stomp on me, I don’t go what can you do with me? Tie me up and take me away? Yes! You can kidnap me, what about the female soldiers behind me? Have you kidnapped them all? ”

“Even if you tie us up to your forces one by one, so what?” As long as you let go of us, we will definitely resist at the first time, and if you have the ability, you will kill us all! We would rather die than give in! The soldiers of the Eastern Empire can die! But definitely won’t give in! ”

“Wanying, stop talking!” Liu Yuanbin turned around suddenly, pointing at Liu Wanying below the high platform and shouting angrily.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Ignoring Liu Yuanbin’s angry shouts, Lin Fan clapped his palms and his face was full of smiles, he liked the hammer!

“You know what? I love the look in your eyes now, keep it, I love it, don’t change! Looking down at Liu Wanying under the high platform, looking at her angry and unyielding gaze, Lin Fan grabbed it casually, the space shattered, and hundreds of figures fell out of thin air.

The space was distorted, and Lin Fan’s strong spiritual power enveloped the whole field, creating a mirror space without everyone knowing, in other words, everything that happened next would be a virtual scene that happened in the mirror world, not in the real world.

Bang Bang Bang!

Hundreds of figures fell to the ground, and for a moment they were dizzy and turned by the fall.

“Mr. Lin you….”

Liu Yuanbin hurriedly wanted to say something, Lin Fan raised his hand to stop it, turned his head to look at Liu Yuanbin, Lin Fan said: “Just like I said before, please God is easy to send God is difficult, since I came, from the moment I came, here, I have the final say, all you can do is to watch from the side, watch these people die, and look at your indisputable daughter by the way.” ”

Turning his head, Lin Fan grinned at Liu Wanying, and his smile was full of unspeakable anger and strangeness.

“Keep your unyielding expression and eyes now, I like it!”

Looking at the strange expression on Lin Fan’s face and the nearly a hundred men who suddenly fell out, Liu Wanying suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

“What are you going to do?”

“Do what I love.”

Turning his head to look at the hundred men who had risen from the ground, looking at their dazed looks, Lin Fan shook his head and sighed, “You still don’t understand what is going on, do you?” I can tell you with great mercy that your fate is in the hands of this female general and these female soldiers, and now, I count to three, if this female general and these female soldiers do not obey me, you will die. ”

“Remember, it wasn’t me who killed you, but these female soldiers and this high-ranking female general, I was merely carrying out their will, I was the knife, and they were the hand that held the knife.”

Lin Fan’s voice was not small, although he did not stand next to the microphone, but the voice still clearly reached the ears of every female soldier in the square.

The female soldiers looked stunned, with a look of disbelief in their eyes, especially Liu Wanying at the front of the square.

“You devil! How can you do that! ”


“It’s time.”

With a sly smile, Lin Fan casually waved it, and a space blade flew out, and a hundred men had just figured out what the situation was, and before they could speak, the space blade flew over.


The corpses separated, a hundred men were beheaded from the waist, blood splashed, and the square was instantly filled with the smell of blood.

“You…. How can you do that! You don’t talk about credit! Didn’t you say count to three? Liu Wanying’s sluggish gaze looked at the corpses on the ground, the men’s dead eyes looked directly at her, Liu Wanying was about to collapse, hysterically questioning Lin Fan.

Shrugging his shoulders, Lin Fan didn’t care, “Why don’t I talk about credit, I said, count to three, isn’t that three?” Who said to count to three, that is, from the beginning? I’m a rule-maker, so how to count is not up to me? ”


“Now start the next round.”

Raising his hand and snapping his fingers, another hundred men appeared in the square out of thin air, and this time the men did not fall to the ground, but stood well.

The men who had just appeared in the square were still a little dazed, especially looking at the corpses lying on the side, and one by one they did not understand what the situation was.

Again said the rules of the game, in fact, this game rules are not for Liu Wanying to listen to, but those dazed and frightened men, only in this way, it is interesting.

“Old rule, I count to three, by the way, I ask you again, do you listen to me, follow me?”

Liu Wanying’s fists clenched tightly, her eyes moved back and forth on Lin Fan and those men, and her heart kept struggling.

“I… Two…. Three….”

Speaking of three, Lin Fan smacked, casually snapped his fingers, a hundred men were cut off, this time Lin Fan did not directly end the lives of these men, simple waist cutting will not let these men die for the first time.

The piercing howls echoed in the square, and the men who did not die for the first time kept howling and struggling in the square, and the painful expressions and harsh howls were like a heavy hammer, hitting Liu Wanying and the female soldiers in the hearts.

Listening to the wailing of death, Lin Fan’s eyes were cold, the reason why he did this was very simple, he could now completely forcibly take these female soldiers away, but just as Liu Wanying said, after bringing them back, they would still resist, it was better to be here in the military district, completely let them submit, and the province would bring them back and do things.

People who kill others, how many Lin Fan’s eyes will not blink.

Raising his hand and snapping his fingers, another hundred men appeared out of thin air, and the hundred men who had just appeared were startled by the tragic howl coming from their ears, and when they saw the scene on the ground like a slaughterhouse, they almost couldn’t help but spit it out, and many of them looked miserable and almost vomited on the spot.

This time Lin Fan did not rush to move, until the last batch of men all died, Lin Fan said the rules of the game again, with the scene of just panic, the howl seemed to still echo in the ears of these men, hearing Lin Fan said the rules of the game, these men were stunned.

People are afraid of death, especially dominated by fear, that kind of torture that is worse than death, it is not as good as a knife to kill, at least there is no pain.

“Whether you live or die depends on the choice of Major General Liu Wanying and the female soldiers, and you still have three seconds to go.” Lin Fan’s tone was flat, not hurried, and hearing Lin Fan’s words, a hundred men looked at Liu Wanying for help.

“No… No, I don’t want to die. ”

“General Liu, we don’t want to die!” Please, please, I really don’t want to die! ”

“Promise him, please promise him!” We really don’t want to die!” ”

“Why should we be?”

Listening to the men’s pleading, Liu Wanying’s face was miserable, not only her, all the female soldiers had similar expressions, how had they ever experienced this? Every time Lin Fan killed someone, their hearts were tormented, especially when they heard the tragic howls of those people dying and the crazy struggle, the unspeakable fear in their hearts.

“I… II…..”

A sound of reading the second was like a heavy hammer hitting the nerve lines of Liu Wanying and the female soldiers, looking at the men’s frightened eyes and unstoppable cries for help, Liu Wanying collapsed.

“STOP!! Stop! I promise you! ”



With an evil smile on his face, Lin Fan lightly spat out these two words, and with a wave of his hand, a space slashed out of the air, and the space slashed in Liu Wanying and the tens of thousands of female soldiers who were sluggish and the men were surprised and then desperate.

Blood pillars soared into the sky, and hundreds of heads with shock, disbelief, and despair flew into the sky.

“Not !!!!”

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