Chapter 248 You are not worthy of a choice, you can only be dominated by me!

“Aaa Why! Why! Looking at the hundred men who died tragically in an instant, Liu Wanying had a broken look, screaming hysterically, and Tong Xun’s eyes did not have the slightest appearance of a general.

She had been tortured by Lin Fan and was about to go crazy, the appearance of those men’s tragic deaths, the cries of pain and the desperate pleas were like slides in her mind, constantly torturing her, making her crazy and making her despair!

Eyes filled with blood stared dead at Lin Fan in the stands, Liu Wanying shouted madly: “Why! Why! I have already said yes! You devil! I have said yes! Why don’t you let them go! ”

Not only Liu Wanying, but the figures of tens of thousands of female soldiers in the square were crumbling, almost unsteady and fell to the ground.

Step by step to the edge of the stand, Lin Fan crouched down, his eyes were at the same level as Liu Wanying, looking at the crazy color in her eyes, and raised his hand to pinch her chin.

“If you dare to shake it off, I’ll grab another hundred men and come here.”

Lin Fan’s voice was like a demon’s whisper, and Liu Wanying’s jaw that she wanted to avoid was stopped.

“Really obedient, is it bad to be like this earlier?” With a mocking look on his face, Lin Fan said softly, “Since you asked me, I will tell you with compassion, you should remember what I said before, right?” Since I’m here, it’s up to me, do you think the choice is in your hands? As I said, the choice has always been in my hands, and you…..”

“Not worthy of the choice, only the road that can be dominated, not you, but all of you, you promised, I must stop?” Instead of asking this kind of question, ask yourself, why don’t you say yes when I start counting? ”

“When I counted one, you didn’t promise, when I counted two, you didn’t promise, but when I counted three, you didn’t agree, why did you get stuck with the third number?” Isn’t it your problem after all? ”

Squeezing Liu Wanying’s chin and turning her face to the men who died tragically, Lin Fan raised his finger to the corpses and said, “See? If you weren’t so stubborn, these hundreds of men wouldn’t have died because of your stubbornness, your indomitability, these people died, paying for your faults. ”

“Look at you, the father of a commander-in-chief, all the way to the smooth sailing, you are arrogant, you are empty-eyed, you even disobey the commander-in-chief’s arrangement, do you think you are doing the right thing?” You are afraid that you have forgotten that if there is no father of the commander-in-chief and the support of the head of the Liu family, your temper will not know where to go to the toilet, and you are lacking a beatings from society. ”

“The reason is clear and clear to you, I’m afraid you don’t know how much your commander-in-chief’s father has wasted for you, what do you think these female soldiers are doing?” These are your dowries, the chips that attract me over, without these female soldiers, do you think that on your own, I will travel thousands of miles from the southern end to this side? ”

Raising his hand and patting Liu Wanying’s smooth face, the snapping sound was crisp, “Do you think you deserve it?” You always feel that you are very good at everything, and you don’t know that these are people paving the way for you in front, how good do you really think you are? ”

“Your arrogance, your blindness and everything finally killed those men, I said, I am just the knife in your hand, whether you kill people or not is between your thoughts, in fact, I am very envious of you, from a noble background, no matter what you do, it is smooth sailing, even if you do something wrong, someone will pay for you, whether it is the female soldiers behind you or the men who died, this is because of your good origin.” 」

“You are the greatest sinner.”

Listening to Lin Fan’s whisper, Liu Wanying looked at the corpses on the other side of the square, her eyes were empty, the previous hysterical madness disappeared, and the blows of the successive flips had destroyed Liu Wanying’s indomitability and arrogance, at this time she was like a broken doll, after losing the control of her master, she became stupid and stupid.

“Am I the greatest sinner?” Am I the greatest sinner? I am…. Sinner? ”

Qi Li kept chanting this sentence, Liu Wanying was stupid and stupid, hundreds of men because she died, this guilt had already crushed her, she was now instinctively afraid of Lin Fan, and she did not dare to violate all of Lin Fan’s actions, even if Lin Fan had just slapped her face, she did not dare to dodge.

On the stand, looking at Liu Wanying’s appearance, Liu Yuanbin wanted to go up several times, but he stopped his steps, and Wu Guozhong next to him gritted his teeth even more, but still did not come forward.

“Old man, did you watch him torment your daughter like this?” Now that they are all like this, what will they become after being taken away? ”

Liu Yuanbin took a deep breath, and his heart was difficult to calm: “You also know that Wan Ying’s character is the best thing Lin Fan is doing now, isn’t it?” Instead of taking it back and then constantly causing trouble, and eventually harming others and harming yourself, it is better to cut off all troubles here and exchange the lives of hundreds of people for tens of thousands of female soldiers… Value! ”

Wu Guozhong was silent, Liu Yuanbin was right, he didn’t know how to refute it.

Standing up, Lin Fan withdrew his gaze from Liu Wanying and looked at the tens of thousands of female soldiers in the square, “What about you? Is there anyone who is still so determined? Tens of millions of people in the Modu City should be enough. ”

The female warriors were terrified in their hearts and shook their heads, no one dared to resist Lin Fan anymore, they did not dare to challenge Lin Fan’s majesty again, and they could not afford the consequences.

“Since there is none, then today’s matter is here, wait for me in a moment, I will come back immediately, and then take you away, before that, I can ask you to see a good show.”

“I hope you don’t get too shocked.”

With a laugh, Lin Fan casually waved his hand, and a huge spatial projection appeared in mid-air, and the scene on the screen was the battlefield of the Liu Family’s front.

From the picture, you can see that on the huge defense line, several soldiers control a machine gun to fire continuously, in front of the defense line, there is an endless sea of zombies, scattered and scattered not dense zombies are everywhere, like small ants constantly charging towards the defense line.

Retracting his hand, Lin Fan turned his head to look at Liu Yuanbin and Wu Guozhong, and smiled: “Hundreds of people for more than 10,000 female soldiers, this is indeed worth it, just like you default to Yang Yiping to do human experiments, using some people to exchange for the whole world, it is indeed worth it.” ”

“I’m a person who also believes in the principle of trading, you send me so many female soldiers, how to say that I also want to express it, convey the order, let the front line ceasefire, I can help you eliminate a wave of zombies, it should be a chip in this transaction.”

Liu Yuanbin heard the words, and a little joy flashed in his eyes, “Soon I will convey the order, thank you Mr. Lin.” ”

“Don’t thank me, I’ll go first.” With a hint of teasing flashing in his eyes, Lin Fan casually carved out the space, and the figure disappeared in place.

Did Lin Fan really help the military region eliminate a wave of zombies? If you insist on saying it, you can also understand it this way, but Lin Fan’s ultimate goal is still points.

There are too many buildings in the magic city, it is very difficult to use, after all, he does not want a ruin, and the current suburbs do not need to worry at all, and the number of zombies is enough, as long as a wave, he can earn a lot of pots, not to mention the experience surge, in terms of points, at least do not have to worry about these female warriors after the past, there is no weapon available.

The figure appeared in mid-air, and Lin Fan looked down at the zombies who were constantly running towards the Liu family at his feet, with unspeakable joy in his eyes.

Immediately these zombies under his feet will all become his points and experience, these are hundreds of thousands of zombies! He is going to directly explode a wave of fat this time!

On the front line of the Liu family of the warlord of the Demon Capital, the soldiers who received the order stopped their movements, the machine guns and machine guns no longer fired, and the rear artillery all stopped beating.

None of the soldiers on the defensive line knew why the higher echelons ordered no more shooting, but the order was the order, and they could only choose to obey, watching the zombies who kept rushing in the distance, these soldiers clenched their teeth and tried to control themselves not to shoot.

High in the air, watching the zombies below constantly approaching the defense line of the Demon Capital Warlord Liu Family, Lin Fan did not wait any longer, the lightning energy in his body was mobilized, the thunder of his eyebrows flashed, and the whole person was instantly enveloped by the boundless thunder snake.

The sky was turbulent, led by Lin Fanqi’s machine, the originally clear sky was roaring, the dark clouds in the sky instantly obscured the sky, the sky changed color, the rolling lead clouds seemed to collapse the sky, like the black clouds of ink, the black clouds like ink rushed madly, and the piercing thunder snakes flew through the clouds, and the dazzling glare brought dazzling brilliance to the dark world.


The terrifying muffled thunder roared, the billowing lead clouds swept around for tens of kilometers, into the eyes, the day seemed to come to the night in an instant, the dark and heavy sky, the thick clouds, and the oppressive atmosphere made everyone have a feeling of breathlessness.

On the defensive line, tens of thousands of soldiers looked at the sky that was suddenly dark, one by one with shocked and unbelievable looks, these soldiers were dazed, just now the sky was still clear, at most the sky was shrouded in smoke, how in the blink of an eye only a few seconds of effort, the sky was directly black?

And it’s so scary black!

Standing in the sky, Lin Fan was bathed in thunder around him, and the thunder and lightning emblem in his eyebrow exuded god-like majesty.

With his hands raised, the thunder in his hands burst out, the thunder in the sky seemed to be triggered, and one after another thunder light burst out from Lin Fan’s body, just like Wang Yang’s thunder and lightning energy frantically surged out of Lin Fan’s body, the thunder light in mid-air was intertwined, and a huge thunder dragon roared from Lin Fan’s hand.

The head is like a camel, the horns are like a deer, the eyes are like rabbits, the ears are like cattle, the neck is like a snake, the abdomen is like a mirage, the scales are like a carp, the claws are like an eagle, the palms are like a tiger, and the scales on the dragon that flashes with thunder are incomparably clear, as if there is really a mythical thunder dragon that appears in the sky.

Rise! Roar!

The dragon groaned and roared, and under the impetus of infinite thunder and lightning energy, the divine dragon condensed into thunder light looked up at the sky and hissed, stirring up the boundless wind and clouds, one after another thunder light fell from the sky, the terrifying thunder dragon broke away from Lin Fan’s control, the huge dragon body grew wildly, and the huge body that snaked like a snake was thousands of meters high, terrifying and exuding monstrous pressure.

The thousand-meter-long Thunder Dragon flew in the thunder clouds, the Divine Dragon saw the head and did not see the end, Lin Fan looked at the ground under his feet, a glint of essence flashed in his eyes, and his hands waved vigorously.

“Thunder Dragon descends! Give me a fall! ”

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