Chapter 268 Wooden Temple, theoretical immortality

Hearing Lin Fan’s call, Wang Dan stepped forward with anticipation, knelt on the ground obediently, and waited for Lin Fan’s orders.

Walking in front of Wang Dan, Lin Fan looked down at the woman in OL uniform in front of him, and said in a deep voice: “Next, I will grant you extraordinary power, and your task is to use the power I gave you to make the City of Judgment more prosperous!” ”

“This! It is also the meaning of the existence of your new department! ”

Wang Dan was stunned, when she was selected by Lin Youyou, she was only told to join the new department, but she did not expect that as a member of the new department, she would be given extraordinary power.

Whether it is a maid or a female warrior, there is an indescribable yearning for Lin Youyou, these masters and mothers, one is identity, and the other is the extraordinary power given by Lin Fan, Wang Dan has never had the luxury of hoping that there will be this day when he is given extraordinary power!

“Thank you, thank you, thank you, Lord! Wang Dan will definitely be wiped out of his heart and brain, bow down to death, and is willing to burn the last drop of blood for you and the city of judgment! ”


Wang Dan couldn’t describe the excitement in her heart in words, and reverently knelt down in front of Lin Fan, her forehead hitting the floor, making a crisp sound.

Lin Fan’s gaze was flat, his palm was aimed at Wang Dan kneeling in front of him, and he contacted the system in his heart, “System, according to what I said before, give Wang Dan the power of the wood element.” ”

“Ding! After deducting 1000 points, the wood element energy Lv5 will now be taught, this energy level cannot be increased, and killing zombies will not gain any additional experience, please know. ”

Lin Fan did not pay attention to the system’s prompts, this matter had already passed with the system before, and this was the result of communication.

The points remain the same, but the energy level directly becomes Lv5, and the result of this kind of seedling promotion is that even if Wang Dan goes out to kill zombies, he will not be promoted, and he also cannot gain experience, and the points are normal.

Lin Fan didn’t expect them to go out and kill zombies, there was a special team to kill zombies, they were responsible for giving birth to crops and plants, this was their task.

In the future, the power will become more and more, and those ground rats underground cannot be guarded, and the female warriors are not afraid, but the maids who are ordinary people are still afraid.

Wang Dan’s task is to expand their sphere of influence every time, and in the shortest possible time, they will spawn man-eating flowers and man-eating vines under the area of the area, completely killing the threat of zombie rats, to put it bluntly, they are pure tool people.

During the transmission of Lv5-level wood element energy, a stream of wood element energy emanated from Wang Dan’s body, visible to the naked eye, Wang Dan’s skin became more delicate and moist, and his posture was also more graceful under the modification of wood element energy.

This change is amazing, can be seen at a glance, the women next to them are dumbfounded, what is most important for women?

Stature! Looks! These two points far exceed women’s pursuit of strength, for women, that face is everything, in order to become beautiful, they can open everything.

After the teaching of the wood element Lv5 power, Lin Fan withdrew his hand.

“Stand down.”

The change in her face, Wang Dan is not clear, she only knows that she is now very strong, very powerful, the power in her body seems to break the firmament, and even feels that if she kicks hard, she can fly directly!

This is the illusion brought about by too much skyrocketing strength, and Lin Fan often has it.

Standing up obediently, Wang Dan’s face turned pale with excitement, this powerful feeling was too good, and all this was given by Lin Fan in front of him.

“Next, Wu Jingjing.”

Seeing the huge changes in Wang Dan’s body, Wu Jingjing couldn’t wait to walk to Lin Fan and kneel down after being named.

“Lord, Wu Jingjing is at your disposal at any time.”

Raising his hand, Lin Fan passed on the wood element power, and soon, thirty women were taught Lv5 level wood element control power, so that the last woman stood in the team next to him, looking at the more brilliant thirty women in front of him, Lin Fan nodded secretly.

“The department you belong to is called the Wood Temple, and I will order someone to build a special temple for you in the future, and your task is to go underground every day to produce man-eating vines and man-eating flowers.”

“Since you have no actual combat experience, the entourage will send female warriors to follow, in addition, every day to produce crops on the farm, to ensure yield, as well as the flowers and trees in the farm, to ensure that they will not be eaten by those livestock.”

“Do you understand?”

Wang Dan and the others turned pale with excitement, got up and shouted: “Back to the Lord, they all understand!” ”

“Let’s quit.”

Thirty women turned around and left the third floor, and Lin Youyou also followed, and soon brought up another group of women who were selected as internal affairs talents.

Lin Fan took the information given by Lin Youyou and looked through it, and found that most of these women were executives of some companies before the end of the world, with rich management experience, and there were twenty of these women, and each of them was quite beautiful.

In fact, as long as you dress up carefully, there are not many ugly women, and the magic capital as the most developed port city in the Eastern Empire before the end of the world, beautiful women are really a big grab, don’t care if they are beautiful women made up, in short, beautiful is right, Lin Fan is not interested in seeing whether they remove makeup or not, and they don’t want to collect it directly, just manage internal affairs.

After brainwashing all twenty women and believing in him and the City of Judgment, Lin Fan let these women retreat, and did not give them special powers or anything, do you need special powers to manage internal affairs? For these women, Lin Fan simply gave each of them a bottle of Source Power Crystal.

This source force crystallization can make their attributes exceed 20 points, and their physical fitness and vitality can be greatly enhanced, which is enough for civilian personnel.

The effect of source force crystallization is not just to improve strength, this is the whole vitality of 100 zombie concentrations, at least these women can live to 150 years old without illness or disaster, this is still learned from the system.

This extracted source force crystallization, in theory, as long as it has been eating uninterrupted, will not die due to life and aging of the body, and after the balance of income and expenditure, it can theoretically be immortal.

However, this privilege can only be obtained by women in high positions, and low-level maids are not considered.

After dealing with these two groups of women, Lin Fan turned his head to look at Lin Youyou and said what he had just thought.

“Yoyo, tomorrow I will trouble you to select a group of excellent people to come out, but this time it is selected from among the female warriors, in the future, our territory will become larger and larger, the team will go farther and farther, it is inevitable that someone will be injured, at this time a medical staff is needed to follow, so that the casualties can be greatly reduced.”

“Okay, I’ll arrange it tomorrow.”

After the explanation, Lin Fan and Lin Youyou went downstairs together, and after coming to the second floor, they found that there were many more people in the living room, Zhao Wanqing quickly went back, and had already done the things that Lin Youyou explained, and the women Zhou Xiuyan, Jasmine, Wang Ziwen, Liu Yuer, Qin Shiyue, and Han Jingyi were all brought back.

Seeing Lin Fan and Lin Youyou coming down, Zhou Xiuyan and these women were the most nervous, standing in a row like the soldiers being inspected, and they didn’t know how to put their hands.

Looking at the nervous looks of these women, Lin Fan waved his hand and said: “Don’t be so nervous, I don’t eat people, just ask Ye Ruolan for specific rules.” ”

After saying this, Lin Fan walked to the sofa and sat down, ignoring them.

After seeing that Lin Fan was not as serious as expected, Zhou Xiuyan and they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then they all came to Ye Ruolan’s side, and after a while, several women went into the kitchen.

There are really more and more people on the second floor, and the palace really has to speed up, otherwise, it can only be temporarily moved out of the supermarket.

“Brother, shall we move?”

As soon as Lin Fan finished thinking, Su Xiaoluo, who was sitting in his arms, came to say this, and Lin Fan was speechless at that time.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not interesting, if you build a palace, the hospital has to be bulldozed, otherwise how to build it?” Su Xiaoluo’s little face was full of doubts.

Lin Fan also thought about it, if the construction of the palace starts tomorrow, the supermarket side will definitely not be able to keep it, it is better to move tomorrow, now the ruling city has a total area of 1600 square kilometers, but there are many high-end luxury villa areas, just find one to live in.

“Done, then move tomorrow.”

Lin Fan waved his hand and made a decision, Lin Fan’s voice was not small, Lin Youyou and others all looked over, Lin Fan explained the situation again, Lin Youyou and they had no opinion.

Not long after, Li Yun and them brought the food, but they didn’t have Zhou Xiuyan’s share, and those maids didn’t have it, and they still needed to do it themselves.

Seventy kilometers north of the City of Ruling, Ogares marched in the dark night with a trident, and everywhere he passed, the zombies stood in place, slaughtered by Olaes like puppets.

Ogares is very excited, so far he has killed more than two thousand zombies, his strength and speed have been greatly improved, and his strength is about 1,500 kilograms, so his cells are full of explosive power.

1500 kilograms of huge force ah, a punch down people can directly burst, not to mention people, steel plates can not help such a terrifying force, at this time Ogares is very swollen!

If the upper level inside the pyramid does not come out, he is the absolute god in this world!

With a full of excitement, Ogares vigorously waved the trident in his hand, in his eyes, these zombies are the cornerstone of his strength improvement, but he is too slow to kill alone, and as the strength becomes stronger and stronger, if you want to go further, you need to kill more zombies.

The higher the strength, the harder it is to improve, and the longer it takes, but he has no good way to speed up the speed of killing zombies, which makes him uncomfortable.

With full of irritability, Ogares crossed the main road, killing the zombies along the way, and I don’t know how long he killed, Ogares suddenly saw a light on a tall building in front of him, and with his super vision, Ogares saw the figures walking in the room from time to time.

At this time, Ogares had a brilliant idea in his mind.

A cold smile appeared in the corner, and Ogares didn’t care to continue to kill the zombies, and a terrifying power erupted under his feet, and the figure quickly rushed forward.

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