Chapter 269 Raising Demon Plan, Human in the Eyes of Ogares

On the 9th floor of the Qingfeng Office Building, Du Yuhang’s group who escaped the disaster were hiding here, and everyone in the room frowned, obviously encountering a dilemma.

Originally, the idea of Du Yuhang and his party was to take advantage of the absence of zombies, quickly advance towards the city, find a large survivor organization and join in, but the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

They first encountered zombie dogs and zombie cats, with heavy casualties, and the team of several hundred people has now left dozens of people.

Finally, there was a surprise, the zombie dog and the zombie cat were eliminated by unknown forces, there was no crisis, the group had not run far, the terrifying explosion sound came from the direction of the military area, and the fire and mushroom clouds that rushed into the sky could be seen clearly even if they were tens of kilometers apart.

Looking at the huge mushroom cloud, Du Yuhang and the others were all frightened and stupid, and their first reaction was a nuclear bomb, and then they ran!

The power of the nuclear bomb even a ten-year-old child knows that it is terrifying, they are not stupid, staying here is death, but Lady Luck obviously does not care about them, Du Yuhang and others who ran all the way bumped into the zombies attracted by the explosion.

After running dozens of kilometers from the hospital to the city, they finally encountered zombies, but they didn’t want to encounter zombies.

In the face of the zombies rushing wildly, Du Yuhang and the others had no choice but to hide in the Qingfeng office building, and then they were directly trapped in the office building by the three floors outside the zombies.

The zombies can’t come up, they can’t get out, even if there is still some food in the backpack, but can it last for a few days?

After a few days, they have no food, don’t they still want to die? .

They tried everything they could, but none of them could escape alive from the office building, there were thousands of zombies around the office building, unless they grew wings, or there was some miracle, their only fate was to starve to death here, or jump off the building to commit suicide.

Despair enveloped everyone, including Du Yuhang.

Leaning in the corner with a lazy gaze, Du Yuhang’s face was decadent and frustrated, he failed, even if he escaped the pursuit of the zombie dogs, they still did not find the survivor gathering place, miserable, it was really miserable! He didn’t expect it to be so miserable.

He didn’t know if the survivors of these tens of kilometers were destroyed, or if they were really so unlucky, they all missed it, in short, there was not a single survivor force to turn to.

Du Yuhang is very pessimistic and desperate, he is resentful in his heart, is this the end? Hell for the living? On the way to the end of the world, he spent his life in sneaking, or he was running for his life, he hated it!

Why doesn’t he have the power in novels or movies? He also wants to dominate this doomsday, instead of being chased by zombies like dogs!

Boom…. Boom…. Boom….

In the quiet environment, a muffled sound came, and no one cared at first, but as the sound got closer, the people in the office panicked.

Although they are desperate now, this does not mean that they want to die now!

It’s better to die than to live, and the ants are still alive, let alone them?

“What’s the sound outside? How is it getting closer? Has anyone in us just gone out? ”

“Shouldn’t there be a zombie rushing up? Are the stairs blocked or not? ”

“Beep dog, what the hell is this knock? It’s getting closer and closer, shouldn’t it be who in our team went out and deliberately made fun of scaring us? ”

In the office, everyone said a word, and their eyes looking at the door were full of fear.

Du Yuhang stood up from the corner, gripped the baseball bat in his hand, and looked at him for a while, looking for the best way out.

In this last day, Du Yuhang understands a truth, that is, if you want to live longer, you have to run faster than others, no matter what is outside, as long as there is danger, he will definitely rush out at the first time, as for these students, it is not something he can manage.

In this last day, he himself is difficult to protect himself, he does not fall into the well and kick the other party, so that his palace is already good.

Even he has to guard against other people, people have no intention of fighting the tiger, they are afraid that the tiger will hurt people’s hearts!

Under the gaze of nervous and fearful eyes, the voice came all the way to the door of the office where they were, and then stopped!

In an instant, a boundless chill rose in everyone’s hearts, a few timid girls covered the scream, not allowing themselves to shout, the girls who can live until now in the last days, none of them are fools, shout at this time, maybe everyone has to die together!

In the apocalypse, the most important point is to be quiet, be sure to be quiet, noise will attract zombies, especially high-decibel screams, that is no different from suicide!

Knock knock~Knock knock~

The office was quiet, and a fine cold sweat appeared on everyone’s heads, caused by excessive fear and nervousness.

Duh… Duh… Duh….

The door handle of the office suddenly moved, as if someone was opening the door outside, and at this moment everyone was relieved, because they had determined that it was not a zombie outside the door.

Because zombies can’t open the door, they only know to hit the door, and the action of opening the door in front of them undoubtedly proves that there is a living person outside, and they are not afraid of a living person!

“Your horse’s, fuzzy! Don’t know that people are scary and scary to death? Lao Tzu’s heart is about to stop. ”

“Depend, whoever said it wasn’t, I’m almost scared to death by this comparison outside, Lao Tzu wants to see who is doing these bells and whistles to scare people.”

“Clean him up, me off!”

A few male students cursed angrily, just no less than a rebirth after a catastrophe, everyone’s SAN value dropped rapidly, and they were almost frightened crazy.

A few male students full of anger rushed to the door and forcefully pulled open the office door, without looking at it, there was a burst of scolding.

“Is your horse’s scary fun?”


As soon as the words fell, a muffled sound came, it seemed that the flesh and blood were penetrated by sharp weapons, and the students who had just diverted their attention were suddenly stunned, and they all looked at the door, and then their pupils suddenly contracted.

The alarm was lifted, Du Yuhang, who was going to sit, was almost frightened and collapsed on the ground, at the door of the office, several boys were like sugar gourds penetrated by a trident, and the sharp tip of the knife dripped blood from the back of the three, looking so terrifying.

Everyone in the office was stunned, and one by one they looked in the direction of the doorway, and then they saw a scene that made them even more frightened.

I saw the three male students who were penetrated by the trident spasmodating constantly, as if they were crazy, and the roar that did not resemble the human voice came out of the three people, such a familiar scene, the students in the office did not know how many times they had seen it.

Isn’t this what it looks like after being infected as a zombie? That trident actually has a zombie virus on it?


The trident was taken back, and the three male students who had mutated into zombies turned into dust and disappeared in place, seeing this scene, Du Yuhang only felt so familiar!

Didn’t those zombie dogs disappear this afternoon? Being directly vaporized and vaporized, that strange and terrifying picture, Du Yuhang can never forget it for a lifetime!

Who the hell are the people out there?

Everyone in the office saw this strange situation, and looked at the door with dull eyes, and then Du Yuhang they saw that a tall and burly white man walked in from outside the door.

The burly man had an indifferent face, his eyes did not have the slightest emotion, and the heavy coercion between walking made Du Yuhang and others in the office feel breathless.




As the burly man’s footsteps moved, the bottom end of the trident hit the ground, making a dull sound, and only then did Du Yuhang and the others understand how the previous voice came from.

But none of this is important, what matters is this burly white man in front of him, what is he going to do? Kill them all?

Du Yuhang’s heart was full of fear and unwillingness, again! Once again! He once again felt this feeling of helplessness, he was like an ant, being pinched at will.

He hates it! Why doesn’t he have the power that is strong enough to conquer everything? He is not willing!

Step by step from outside the door to the inside of the room, Ogares looked at the group of pigs and dogs in the room, and a cold smile was evoked in the corner.

The way he came up with to quickly improve his strength was simple!

He is slow alone, so why not find a few more people to help him brush? These people in front of you are a good choice!

Although these people will not give him the power after killing the zombies, the difference is not much, these people are the meat pigs he raised, and they only need to fatten and slaughter to eat meat!

Ogares’s idea is very simple, he turns these people into new humans like him, and then gives low-level weapons, so that these people can also increase their strength by killing zombies like him, and dozens of people kill zombies together, then the killing speed must be fast, right?

When he feels that it is almost the same, he will kill these people again, and the power in these people’s bodies will all be superimposed on his body! The speed of this kind of strength improvement is unknown how many times faster than him alone!

This is how Ogares quickly improves his strength, he is not afraid that these people are out of control, these human roots that he transformed into new humans themselves can’t help themselves, just like those zombies, as long as he wants, a word can make them immobile! Let him slaughter!

This is absolute suppression, and in the same way, the top of the pyramid also has absolute control over his subordinates.

Admire the terrified expressions of these ‘meat pigs’ in front of him, Ogares is full of disdain, this kind of ‘meat pig’ only deserves to turn into zombies and become a stepping stone for him to become stronger!

“Ants, tell your honorable Lord Ogares, do you want to live?”

Du Yuhang and the others were afraid in their hearts, and after looking at each other, they nodded one after another.

“Think…. We think. ”

At this time, no one would care about the insults in Ogares’s words, they wanted to live more than that.

As for why they didn’t resist, no one had the guts, the momentum on Ogares was too terrifying, too oppressive, and they couldn’t even give birth to the courage to strike.

“Very good!” Ogares nodded in satisfaction, and then suddenly raised the trident and slammed it on the floor, the terrifying power burst out, the floor shattered, and the rubble splashed, and Ogares roared with a hideous look: “Then what are you waiting for!” Don’t kneel on the ground yet and pray to the great Lord Ogares! ”

“You guys! Do you want to die? ”

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