Chapter 270 Crazy and poor people, cannibalistic

The sudden roar directly frightened Du Yuhang and the others to kneel on the ground, it was too terrifying, and everyone’s hearts were full of fear.

Kneeling on the ground in panic, Du Yuhang’s heart was full of fear and resentment, he was forced to kneel on the ground and beg for mercy, all this because he had no strength!

Aaaa Why! Why! Why!

Why is he so weak!

Although the heart is angry and crazy, but in the face of the violent and terrifying Ogares, Du Yuhang does not even dare to fart, does not dare to speak, he is afraid and afraid of death, the more he experiences, the more fearful!

Some people are constantly charging towards death, while others, after experiencing it once, are scared, most of them are the latter, Du Yuhang is one of them, and even all the students in the office.

“Venerable… Honorable Lord Ogares, please spare my life. ”

Du Yuhang opened his mouth in fear, not only him, but also the surrounding students without exception, all begging for mercy, hoping to survive.

With his eyes slightly closed and enjoying the pleas of everyone, Ogares felt indescribable in his heart.

A moment later, Ogares opened his eyes and looked down at Du Yuhang and the others kneeling on the ground, his eyes were like looking at ants.

“Ants, tell the great Lord Organez that you want to gain great power, you want to become a human being, you want to dominate this doomsday?”

The students present were stunned and did not quite understand what Agares meant, but Du Yuhang quickly reacted, suppressing the ecstasy in his heart, Du Yuhang kowtowed again and again: “Great Lord Organez, I am willing!” I do! As long as I can gain great power, I am willing to do anything! ”

Du Yuhang didn’t care about the hardness of the floor, his head banged, he didn’t expect that there was another village, just now when Ogares came in, he saw the scene, the kind of power that crushed everything, isn’t it what he dreamed of?

If you pay dignity you can get this, don’t do it!

Does dignity matter? Perhaps some people value dignity more than life, but in his case, life is more important than dignity!

Surprised by Du Yuhang’s reaction speed, Ogares glanced at him with pity, and the indescribable sarcasm in his heart.

“Very well, now that you have made your choice and have the corresponding enlightenment, then I will be able to give you the power to dominate the doomsday, and from now on, you will be a new human like the great Lord Olgares!” We are new humans! The crystallization of virus evolution! It’s very different from those failed zombies! ”

Ogares raised the trident in his hand, his finger pressed lightly, the inscription on the trident flashed, and one after another electric light flowed, faintly, it seemed that something had changed.

Ogares held the trident, the tip of the halberd was reversed, and in Du Yuhang’s terrified gaze, gently slashed across his arm, how sharp was the trident? Just a light wipe left a deep bone scar on Du Yuhang’s arm.

“Ah! Ho!!! ”

Du Yuhang forced himself to endure the severe pain, he didn’t know why Ogares did this, he didn’t know if it was part of the ritual, or if he would turn into a zombie in the next step, he didn’t know, not sure!

He can only gamble now!

Because he has no choice, Ogares is too strong, he does not dare to resist at all, then he can only choose to accept, he can only hope that Ogares is not lying to him!

This is the weak, this is the helplessness of the weak!

In the face of the strong, the weak have no right to choose, let alone refuse, the weak do not deserve to refuse, can only be forced to accept or die!

In the midst of intense pain, Du Yuhang is undergoing some kind of transformation, the cut wound is healing under the action of a certain force, and the cells and blood of the whole body are constantly changing under the invasion of some evolutionary virus.

The surrounding students were dumbfounded, and they avoided Du Yuhang’s side one by one, for fear that Du Yuhang would mutate into zombies, and then pounce on them and eat them!

But their worries are superfluous, soon Du Yuhang played the so-called ‘evolution’, the wound on his arm disappeared, the pain also disappeared, Du Yuhang can feel the inexhaustible power in the body, this feeling, I don’t know how many times stronger than him before!

“Very good! Your performance has been recognized by me, and from this day forward, the great Lord Ogares bestows you the title of sweeper, tell the great Lord Ogares, your name! ”

Du Yuhang was now indescribably excited in his heart, and when he heard Ogares’s question, he quickly said: “Great Lord Ogares, his subordinate name is Du Yuhang!” ”

“Du Yuhang, right? From today on, you are a member of the sweeper, your code name is Du Yuhang the sweeper, the mission is to clean up all the humans in the world, turn them into zombies, and then become a stepping stone for you to improve your strength! ”

Ogares looked arrogant, and his tone was unquestionable: “From today onwards, you will no longer be a low-level creature like humans, and that kind of low-level creature is only worthy of being the source of our strength!” ”

Saying that, the trident in Ogares’ hand swiped in the void, the inscription flashed, and a spear appeared on the ground.

The spear is silver all over, similar to a trident, the difference is that the inscription depicted on it is simple and obviously more low-level.

“Pick up your weapon, use this weapon to kill zombies, you can get a boost in strength, now you understand? Humans or zombies are the firewood for us to improve our strength, and, as new humans, we can order zombies, do you know what I mean? ”

Du Yuhang picked up the spear from the ground in a daze, Du Yuhang’s mind was a mess, human? Zombie? Boost your strength? Order zombies?

Many words echoed in his mind, and with each cycle, the light in Du Yuhang’s eyes became stronger.

From now on, he will be a new human? Not only can you kill zombies to improve your strength, but you can also order zombies? This….

Isn’t this the result he dreamed of? Isn’t this his ideal doomsday?

From now on, who else can stop him?

Without hesitation, half-kneeling on the ground, Du Yuhang has completely lost his dignity, and now for him, Ogares is the biggest benefactor, and it is Ogares who gave him everything he wanted before!

“Venerable Lord Olgares, your subordinates understand what you mean, from today onwards, humans are my enemies, and zombies are my tools and the cornerstone of improving my strength!”

“Good! You are very smart! Ogares looked at Du Yuhang kneeling in front of him with admiration, he was very surprised in his heart, he did not expect to be temporary, and he actually met a person who was so good, so knowledgeable and smart in current affairs.

It’s just a pity…..

A cold light flashed under Ogares’s eyes, no matter how good his performance was, he would die!

“Get up.”

“Lord Xie.”

Du Yuhang got up and stood behind Ogares respectfully, his eyes calmly looked at the classmates kneeling on the ground around him, and even his mentality changed slightly.

Seeing Du Yuhang’s current changes, these students now understand that where they will hesitate, they kneel in front of Ogares, and keep kowtowing and begging for mercy.

Looking at these students begging for mercy, the trident in Ogares’ hand waved, the inscription flashed, and a dozen more weapons appeared on the ground.

“The new human race is not someone who wants to be a new human being, it must show enough value and ability, there are 19 weapons under the feet, only those who survive are worthy of becoming new humans!”

“You guys think slowly, I’m waiting for you outside, only the 19 people who survived come out with weapons can get my recognition!”

Dropping this sentence, Ogares turned his head and walked out of the office, and Du Yuhang looked at these companions in front of him contemptuously, and also walked out.

After Ogares left, the students kneeling on the ground were still a little dazed, but soon someone moved, and a girl directly pounced on the weapon not far in front of her, rolled it in her hand, and then mercilessly slashed at a man who pounced on her.

These ultra-technological weapons are extremely sharp, slashed through, and the boys who rushed over were divided in panic, and after doing all this, the girls wiped the blood off their faces and rushed to the door.

At this time, the best option is to leave the room, she already has a weapon, as long as she leaves the room, it means qualified.

At this time, no one will intercept the girl, and twenty or thirty people in the office rushed to the weapons on the ground like crazy, they were all crazy, waving their weapons with their eyes open, killing those who vainly tried to seize them.

These people were talking and laughing a few minutes ago, even classmates and brothers, but now in the face of opportunities, they instantly tore their faces and faced each other with swords.

The smell of blood in the office was thick, and one figure after another fell, often without grabbing weapons, and a few successfully snatched weapons from others and then killed back.

Within minutes, the office fell silent, and then 18 bloodied men walked out of the office.

Looking at the 19 people who walked out, Ogares was indescribably satisfied, the trident gently slashed, and in the roar of pain, everyone played the transformation from human to new human.

After doing all this, looking at the 20 ‘meat pigs’ in front of him, Ogares sneered, “Go, go and improve your strength, go conquer!” Go fight! Go on your mission! Remember! Don’t let the sweeper’s name be overshadowed! ”

Du Yuhang and the others looked fierce, and rushed downstairs one by one with weapons, looking at their departing backs, Ogares mocked: “Sweeper, sweeper, isn’t it sweeping the street and sweeping garbage?” Still so excited, hahahaha! Hahahaha! ”

“What a stupid inferior creature!”

Ogares’ laughter Du Yuhang they are destined to not hear, gained new powers and weapons, Du Yuhang they have long been eager to try.

Rushing all the way downstairs, looking at the zombies on the street, Du Yuhang roared with a hideous face: “Don’t move!” ”

The zombies who had reacted just now all stopped in place, seeing this picture, not only Du Yuhang, but the remaining 19 students were excited as if they had beaten chicken blood.

“Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Really! You can really control the zombies! Today is the day of my Du Yuhang’s rise, no one can stop my steps to become stronger, who blocks and kills whom! ”

PS: I am the most beautiful boy in the whole article, thank you for your support, fatten the wave to customize it, how can I have a fever and drop so many subscriptions.

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