Chapter 271 Wang Ziwen was very distressed, and the gaze under the manhole cover

“Kill! Kill! Kill! Give me death! ”

Du Yuhang’s eyes are red, he has been suppressed for too long, and now he can finally vent it, especially the target is these zombies who have forced him to escape.

The spear in his hand flicked, without any rules, but this was enough, the zombies killed by the spear turned into flying ash, and then became the cornerstone of Du Yuhang’s strength improvement.

Venting the dark emotions in his heart, while frantically improving his strength, Du Yuhang is crazy, he has fallen into the devil.

Not only Du Yuhang, but also those students around him, once they gained power, they were crazy, and in their hearts, the human side was gradually covered up and sealed, leaving only killing! Keep killing, zombies killing, humans also kill!

They are noble new humans, while the old humans are just meat pigs for them to improve their strength.

20 people, including Du Yuhang, rushed all the way out of the office building and killed along the main road to the south, there are too few zombies here, the closer to the south there are more zombies, if you want to quickly improve your strength, you have to rush to a place with many zombies.

On the 9th floor of the Breeze Office Building, Ogares stood next to the floor-to-ceiling window overlooking the people below, with an icy expression on his face.

“Kill, kill, the more you kill, the better, the more zombies you kill, when the time comes to kill you, the more terrifying the boost I get!” Ha ha…. Hahaha….. Hahahaha! ”

The demonic laughter echoed in the office, Ogares’s figure had disappeared, and on the main road, Du Yuhang and others, who did not know their fate, were still frantically killing zombies.

Lin Fan, a mutation in the north, didn’t know, and he didn’t monitor the entire Demon Capital 24 hours a day, so even his spiritual power was like Wang Yang’s sea.

The night will eventually dissipate, the sun’s rays will rise again, and the hospital side will usher in the first major relocation.

Not only Lin Fan wants to move, but the entire hospital has to move, and this relocation, the city of ruling is almost going to usher in a real sense of regularization.

Farmland, orchards, and vegetable fields must be expanded, and the maids must follow them to live outside, and the last part of the female warriors’ dormitories will also officially live near the city walls or other places from today.

With the hospital as the center and a radius of five kilometers, this area was used to build the palace, which was personally built by Su Xiaoluo.

Lin Fan didn’t have to worry about any of this, what he had to do today was to transplant the orchards that had already been scaled, and the rest would be fine.

For Lin Fan, this kind of thing could not be simpler, easily a space replacement, farmland, orchards, vegetable fields have all been moved to a location eight kilometers away, just here there are more residential buildings, and the maids are also convenient every day.

The new home Lin Fan chose the Tianxia villa area in Beicheng District, and the high-end villa area here is right next to the Huangpu River, because the geographical location and scenery are good, and the house prices here before the end are as high as 88,000 square meters.

The new home is very large, thousands of square meters, the villa has all kinds of entertainment facilities, fitness room, bar, these are all available, the decoration of the golden otter reveals a luxurious and noble atmosphere, carpets, sofas, crystal lamps and various decorations, even if Lin Fan does not know how to know, he knows that it must be high-end goods.

If nothing else, the décor of the Western court, and the furniture, these will definitely not be much cheaper than the price of this villa.

The villa was a little chaotic, and even dried blood stains could be seen in many places, at this time a group of maids were cleaning, while Lin Fan was idly looking around at his new home.

From today on, this is his next residence, of course, familiarize yourself with it in advance.

Just when Lin Fan was familiar with his new home, Zhao Wanqing and others also went to the outer city to kill zombies, and now the size of the team is getting bigger and bigger, and the speed of cleaning up zombies is getting faster and faster, and it won’t take long for nearly 20,000 female warriors to clean up, it is estimated that all the zombies in the second city wall have been cleaned up.

Six kilometers northeast of Dongcheng, Wang Ziwen with 40 female warriors is advancing steadily, although Wang Ziwen became a female warrior relatively late, but the starting point is relatively high, and she was given the source power crystallization, the strength took off directly, coupled with the personal strength is very strong, the shot is ruthless, the moves are all must kill, simple and rude, the strength directly catches up with the ‘original’ Li Fengjiao and others.

The cold light flashed, the heads of the four zombies were broken together, looking at the splattered blood, Wang Ziwen Liu frowned slightly, and sideways dodged the dirty blood of those zombies.

Today is different, last night a paper order, she was transferred to the second floor of the supermarket, of course, there is no second floor of the supermarket now, after all, it has moved, how to say that it has also been among the high-rise areas, the instrument needs to pay attention.

I didn’t feel anything living in the female warrior’s dormitory before, anyway, everyone is a woman, no matter how embarrassed I have seen it, let alone a little blood on my body, that’s nothing, but now I live with Lin Fan, can this work?

Can’t you go back with a body of blood every day, right? Isn’t that disgusting? Wang Ziwen felt that if she really brought back with a body of blood, Lin Youyou would have to let her go out and find a place to live by herself without saying a word.

Wang Ziwen’s abnormality was noticed by many female team members in the team, all of them were a little puzzled, speaking of last night these team members don’t mention how envious, Wang Ziwen and a few of them were transferred to the top, this time the number of people was large, directly caused a sensation among many female warriors.

The enthusiasm of these female warriors was once again stimulated, and those who felt that they had the opportunity were even more looking forward to it, hoping that they could be selected next time, and almost none of the female warriors did not fantasize about being selected by Lin Youyou and being able to see Lin Fan up close.

This means that you can get the moon first near the water building, not to mention becoming Lin Fan’s woman, even if you can have a night of joy, the whole force is Lin Fan a man, there is no other thought, plus Lin Fan is so good, living like a walking spring….

If you want to rule what is the best in the city, it must be Lin Fan’s photo, and it is estimated that Lin Fan could not have imagined that one day he would also become the target of many women’s power generation.

“Captain, what’s wrong with you?”

Next to Wang Ziwen, a female team member who had a good relationship with Wang Ziwen took a step back, opened her mouth in confusion, and heard this female team member ask, and the others also supported their ears.

Looking up at the woman who spoke, Wang Ziwen knew that her many times had attracted attention by avoiding dirty blood, but she had no choice, in order not to let her clothes be stained with dirty blood, she could only do this.

Straightening the hair in her ears, Wang Ziwen’s face was indescribably depressed, “I’m fine, wasn’t I brought to the Lord’s side by the Lord Mother Yoyo yesterday, naturally you have to pay attention to it, go back with a body of blood, in case the Lord is not happy, am I not unlucky?” If you are kicked out, it is estimated that it will be difficult to enter again. ”

Listening to Wang Ziwen’s words, the team members all understood.

Indeed, in the future, when living with the Lord, of course, we must pay attention to appearance, and impressions of this thing are very important, and if it causes disgust, it will be difficult to save it.

“That’s true, but before I can ask you, Captain, how is it like to live with the Lord?” What is it like to be close to the Lord? Excited? Did the Lord last night…?” looked at Wang Ziwen enviously, the female team member’s tone was indescribably yearning, that is, she was talking, and immediately ran away.

With a glance at the female team member, Wang Ziwen didn’t know what she was thinking about dirty, “Last night I felt nervous, my head was blank, I didn’t dare to talk to the Lord, the Lord’s aura was too strong, several of us were the same as elementary school students who made mistakes, as for whether there was anything like that, you were all thinking about it, we just passed the first night, how could it be!” ”

“The main mother is so good, it should not be our turn in a short time, you give me less random thoughts, hurry up and kill zombies, do you want to be selected next time?”

Hearing Wang Ziwen say this, the female team members who felt hopeful quickly cheered up, and the speed of slowing down on their hands increased again, like chicken blood, the speed of killing zombies increased sharply.

Without the disturbing of the female team members, Wang Ziwen also plunged into the corpses and continued to kill the zombies.

Wang Ziwen and a group of female warriors were very focused on killing zombies, and when they didn’t know, the lid of a sewer pipe on their back was lifted, and a pair of eyes were secretly looking at them, and not long after, the lid of the sewer was gently closed, and everything was calm.

Xie Yuanhao was a thief before the end of the world, stealing for a living, his skills are very good, often passing by the work, he can smooth the wallet into his hand, this superb skill, let him mix like a fish before the end of the day, although not very rich, but at least every day is very moist.

But unfortunately, the end came, and he was almost eaten by the woman who was happy last night, and he did not mutate into a zombie, but the corpse of the young lady found in the bar last night changed.

With his flexible and dexterous body, Xie Yuanhao killed the young lady who turned into a zombie, and then came to the current force and became a scout under the boss.

Due to the vicious vision of the spirit, many times let the underground forces avoid fatal crises, Xie Yuanhao mixed very well in the underground survivor forces, eating and drinking every day, and there were endless women.

Today he came out as usual to check the situation around him, unusual ears made him very sensitive to hearing, when passing under the manhole cover, he heard a vague sound of speech and footsteps from above, the sound was very dense, and there were some tooth acid pops, which made Xie Yuanhao pay attention.

After waiting until the voice above his head gradually became far away, Xie Yuanhao waited for a while, and then he dared to open the manhole cover to check, and what entered his eyes was the zombie corpses all over the ground, this phenomenon startled him, he had seen countless zombies, but he had never seen so many zombie corpses!

Looking into the distance, what caught my eyes was dozens of beautiful and moving backs, white boots, white combat uniforms, looking indescribably beautiful, although I didn’t see the front face, but just these backs, Xie Yuanhao was already excited.

Excited, Xie Yuanhao’s brain is still there, looking at the fierce appearance of these women, Xie Yuanhao gasped in his heart, good guy, holding a Tang knife and fighting with zombies? Tired of living, right? If this is caught by a zombie, it will be destroyed!

After looking carefully for a while, because of the distance of tens of meters, Xie Yuanhao only looked at an approximate, in short, this group of women is very fierce, and it is obviously a force established by a certain woman, otherwise it is impossible to have no man.

And looking at the appearance of the other party, there are no thermal weapons, after all, this is the Eastern Empire, the control is still very strict, if not for his boss sneaking into the police station, there are not many guns in his hands now.

After determining the situation of this group of women, Xie Yuanhao was excited, this end is almost two months, the women of the underground forces he is basically tired of playing, he has not played only the boss’s woman, but with his three dares he does not dare to move his mind, unless he is tired of living.

But the appearance of these women in front of him made Xie Yuanhao’s veins burst, and these women must be taken! Including the forces behind these women, it is also necessary to catch them all, when the time comes, the boss will definitely reward him heavily, and pick a few of these women as personal items, that’s for sure!

With a heart full of excitement, Xie Yuanhao grabbed the little brother behind him, told him not to lose it, and ran all the way to the base camp of the underground forces.

Metro station!

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