Chapter 272 The survivor force in the subway station, a fierce and fierce drug lord

Is the magic capital big? It is very large, more than 6,000 square kilometers, but compared to the population of more than 25 million, it seems too small, and the main road is tens of meters wide? But compared to a population of more than 25 million, it is too crowded.

Not only the magic capital, many cities are like this, the large population leads to a lot of vehicles, the traffic is inconvenient, traffic jams are a common thing, so the subway came into being, the subway line of the magic capital is very developed, almost all over the large and small corners of the magic capital.

Before the end of the world, the subway was a convenient means of transportation for people, and after the end of the day, the subway station became a refuge for many people!

Where there are people, there will be fights, and whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

Xie Yuanhao walked all the way back to the subway station through the complicated pipe, ignored the fawning expressions of a group of men, and went straight to the residence of the boss, Wu Zhihao.

Xie Yuanhao is very excited, very excited, those women’s clothing and back brought him a lot of stimulation, men are conquest, and desire is often the driving force for people to move forward, power, status and women are stimulating Xie Yuanhao’s adrenaline.

He knew that as long as this vote was done, his status would definitely soar and become the highest status and most powerful person under Wu Zhihao!

Xie Yuanhao, who was excited, ran all the way, ignored the blocking of several men, and directly pushed open the door of the place where Wu Zhihao lived.

“Snap! Didn’t the cheap guys eat! ”

As soon as he pushed the door open, Xie Yuanhao heard a crisp sound and insults, his eyes subconsciously looked over, and he saw some pictures that he shouldn’t see, and the sound of pushing the door also attracted Wu Zhihao’s attention.

Wu Zhihao’s temper is very short-tempered, and he dislikes others disobeying his orders the most, followed by others disturbing him when he is having fun!

And Xie Yuanhao now obviously violated the last taboo of his, a crazy look flashed in his eyes, looking at Xie Yuanhao who was standing at the door in a daze, Wu Zhihao copied the pistol next to him, raised it and pulled the trigger on Xie Yuanhao.


Looking at Wu Zhihao’s actions, Xie Yuanhao’s face was frightened, and at this time he remembered Wu Zhihao’s taboo, and hurriedly knelt directly on the ground, dodging the bullets flying overhead, and the hot heat almost baked his scalp.

“Boss spare your life! I have important news for you! I have important news for you! ”

The muzzle pointed at Xie Yuanhao who was kneeling on the ground, the crazy look in Wu Zhihao’s eyes converged slightly, his face was gloomy, and at this time, Xie Yuanhao, who was kneeling on the ground, also had seven ups and eight times in his heart, his head was knocked on the ground, and he did not dare to move.

Considering Xie Yuanhao’s gushing, Wu Zhihao withdrew the pistol.

“Say! If your news doesn’t satisfy me, you still can’t escape death! Say, I’ll give you three minutes. ”

Before the end of the day, Wu Zhihao was a big drug lord with a gang of bandits in his hands, but all drug lords are ruthless, and Wu Zhihao is the same, and even more so.

People are not ruthless and unstable, in the circle of drug trafficking, even more so, if not ruthless, how can you suppress others? Not ruthless enough, how can your subordinates convince you?

Luckily escaped death, Xie Yuanhao was almost scared to pee, three minutes is not long, but short is certain, Xie Yuanhao did not dare to hesitate, quickly raised his head, and then lowered his head in fear, his head was full of flowers, and his head was ‘buzzing’.

“Boss, it’s like this, I still went to check the situation of the zombies today, but when I passed the main road of Dongfeng Middle Road, there was a vague conversation sound above the manhole cover, I was very curious, so I listened carefully, but I didn’t hear anything.”

“None of this matters, what matters is the group of women! That group of women is great! Really, boss, I promise you’ll be interested! Very wild, very strong, and very combative, the number is about thirty or forty, I don’t see how much, by the time I pushed open the manhole cover, the women had already walked away. ”

“But I have already got the news that I should get, those women are very strong, and all of them are women, holding cold weapons and long knives in their hands, killing zombies is the same as not dying, I was frightened by the corpses on the ground at that time.”

“According to my speculation, this group of women is obviously from a certain force, and it is likely that all of them are women, otherwise it is impossible to let women come out to kill zombies, those women’s equipment is very simple, there is no gun, I think, if we catch those women, won’t we be able to swallow their forces?”

“Boss, you have to believe me, those women are really great, you will be very interested! And the boss of that force, you must be more interested. ”

Listening to these news reported by Xie Yuanhao, Wu Zhihao’s face was indifferent, and he couldn’t see specific thoughts, and the woman who was frightened by the sound of the gunshot also sat on Wu Zhihao’s body and trembled in fear, and did not dare to move at all.


With a powerful slap on the woman’s ass, Wu Zhihao scolded angrily: “What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for Lao Tzu to give you a ride?? ”

was slapped, the woman was afraid of not doing it, did not dare to say anything, and quickly did as Wu Zhihao ordered, while Wu Zhihao looked gloomy, thinking about the information reported by Xie Yuanhao in his head.

Xie Yuanhao, who was kneeling on the ground, did not dare to move at all, even if he was kneeling numbly, he did not dare to make the slightest movement, he was afraid that a careless one would cause Wu Zhihao’s fury, and then send him a ride, he didn’t want to die yet!

More than ten minutes later, Wu Zhihao threw away the pistol in his hand, pinched the woman’s neck with both hands, roared in the woman’s desperate roar, and then threw the choked half-dead woman to the ground.


“Ahem…. Ahem….”

The muffled sound and the woman’s cough scared Xie Yuanhao’s brain blank, for such a long time, should Wu Zhihao still want to kill him?

Xie Yuanhao now regretted it in his heart, how could he be brain-dead!

Wu Zhihao was strong, the muscles on his bronzed body were bulging, and one after another hideous scars were all over his body, which looked extremely terrifying.

“Get up, this woman has rewarded you, if things are really as you say, I won’t care about this incident, if things go wrong, you and this woman will die!” Understand? ”

Xie Yuanhao felt a chill in his heart after listening to it, including the woman who was lying on the ground and scarred, coughing constantly, but at this time, no one dared to open his mouth to ask for mercy or refute it, which would not only be useless, but also accelerate his own death, Wu Zhihao did not listen to those at all, he only trusted his own judgment.

“I understand, boss I understand, I can guarantee that everything I say is true, I don’t know what those women look like, but it’s definitely enough, I still don’t believe it, there are so many beautiful women in the magic capital, and there are so many women, there is no boss you can see!”

Xie Yuanhao raised his head and repeatedly assured that now that Wu Zhihao had given him that woman, it didn’t matter if he looked up and saw it.

“You know, go out and ask the brothers to gather, I’ll get dressed and go out.”

“Yes, yes, yes.”

After escaping, Xie Yuanhao got up with a bone, did not care about the soreness and numbness in his knees, and quickly ran out of the room, here he didn’t want to stay for half a minute, as for the woman who was awarded to him, he didn’t bother to care.

Not long after Xie Yuanhao went out, Wu Zhihao walked out dressed neatly, followed by the woman before, the woman was very beautiful, her face was covered with tear marks, and there were terrifying pinching marks on her throat.

Looking at Xie Yuanhao and a few trembling subordinates standing next to him, Xie Yuanhao snorted coldly and asked, “The brothers are all assembled?” ”

Xie Yuanhao nodded quickly, “Back to the boss, except for the 1,000 brothers who remained, the rest of the brothers were all assembled, a total of 1,251 people, just…”

“Just what? Did Taixing move the crowd? ”

Xie Yuanhao smiled and did not dare to speak.

“Hmph, the lion fighting rabbit is still going all out, not to mention that we have to copy the other party’s forces, is this a lot? Shortsighted. Wu Zhihao turned his head to look at the few subordinates guarding the door next to him, and said coldly: “If it weren’t for the fact that you have been following me for many years, I would have killed you just now!” ”

The two guarding subordinates were frightened, and quickly lowered their heads and assured: “Boss, we know, there will definitely be no next time.” ”

These two people wanted to kill Xie Yuanhao in their hearts, so they let this kid run over without paying attention, and it was too late to stop it.

Xie Yuanhao was originally a thief, that speed and body method, then like a loach, people can’t catch it at all, these two people are defenseless for a while, where can they stop the excited Xie Yuanhao? He crossed it.

Subconsciously wiped the cold sweat on his head, Xie Yuanhao was really frightened this time, he would never play this kind of heartbeat in the future, when he was just pointed at by the muzzle, he almost peed his pants in fear.

Under the leadership of Wu Zhihao, more than a thousand people dispatched, the mighty posture attracted the attention of many people in the subway station, to say that Wu Zhihao is also capable, cleaned up the zombies of this subway station, and then used this as a stronghold, for nearly two months, constantly collecting survivors, the population of the entire subway station is more than nine thousand.

Under Wu Zhihao’s high-pressure policy, no one dared to oppose, and those who dared to rebel were fed to zombies by Wu Zhihao, Wu Zhihao was very strong, and he imprisoned four living zombies, specifically to punish those who disobeyed.

Over time, under this fear, no one dared to oppose it.

More than a thousand people went straight to the sewer pipe under Xie Yuanhao’s road, and soon found the mark made by Xie Yuanhao’s subordinates, and not long after following the mark, they found the spies who were still following.

Hearing the dense footsteps behind him, the little brother quickly put down the manhole cover and climbed down the ladder, and when he saw Wu Zhihao and others walking over, the little brother nodded and said, “Boss.” ”

“How’s it going?”

“Right above, not far away, less than 30 meters away, I didn’t dare to get too close, for fear of being discovered.”

Wu Zhihao nodded after listening, waved his hand to let the man push away, and climbed up the ladder.

Pushing open the manhole cover, Wu Zhihao looked ahead, and he was shocked at first sight.

There were corpses all over the ground in front of him, most of the zombies were in different places, Wu Zhihao took a look, at least there were hundreds of corpses.

Looking ahead, then Wu Zhihao saw that about thirty or forty women in white combat uniforms and white boots were fighting with zombies with Tang knives, the sturdy figure, the charming back, to be honest, Wu Zhihao was also attracted.

The more powerful the man, the more eager to conquer those powerful women, whether it is a woman with strong force value, a woman in a high position, or an iceberg-type woman, which will make men’s desire for conquest unprecedentedly satisfied.

Now Wu Zhihao is moved! The fierce female leopard-like women in front of him moved him, and no matter what he looked like, he decided to take these women!

Putting down the manhole cover, Wu Zhihao jumped down directly, looked at everyone, waved his big hand, and shouted: “Act according to the original plan!” ”

“Today! You have to take down those women, Xie Yuanhao, count your kid lucky, your little life is saved! Those women, Lao Tzu asked for it! No one can stop it! ”

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