Chapter 285 Goalkeeper Ogares is here! And then it was seconds

And living women locked up?

Hearing this, Jasmine’s eyes lit up instantly, it doesn’t matter if a man dies or not, she just needs a living woman!

“Tell me, how many women are you keeping up?”

Feeling the increasingly terrifying chill on the Tang Dao, Li Jing was about to cry, did you hear me? Aren’t you afraid I’ll kill those women? I #@%@%¥…..

Don’t care what Li Jing thinks in her heart, but in the face of the Tang knife on her neck and the piercing chill, Li Jing still decisively admitted.

“Count…. The number is about fifty or sixty thousand, right? I… I didn’t count carefully, that’s about all. ”

Jasmine’s eyes widened instantly, and Xiao Xiao opened into an O shape, and everyone was stupid!

wtf! How much do you say? Fifty or sixty thousand? Are you serious?

Jasmine people are stupid, Wang Ziwen got back five or six thousand to directly promote the squadron leader, then she doubled tenfold, come to fifty or sixty thousand, is it at least possible to mix a commander? The worst…. It has to be a captain, right? That’s Lv5! In the City of Adjudication, it can be regarded as an absolute high-level!

After the excitement, Jasmine suddenly felt that something was wrong, this woman in front of her should not be lying to her, right? What did a group of zombies leave so many women for?

The Tang knife in his hand was handed forward again, and Jasmine Fox said suspiciously: “You shouldn’t be lying to me, right?” Do you believe I killed you? ”

Li Jing’s black question mark on her face, you are so poisonous!

“I… I didn’t lie! Is there any point for me to lie? There won’t be so many women then, aren’t you still going to kill me? ”

Jasmine thought about it too, at this time more than ten figures rushed up around the corner, also wearing white uniforms and white military caps on their heads, looking extremely beautiful.

“Captain, what are you doing?”

Looking at the strange state of Jasmine and Li Jing, the team members who ran up were full of question marks.

“She said she was a new human and could command zombies, and then said that she had fifty or sixty thousand women locked up there.” Jasmine’s tone was flat, but the words she said almost didn’t stun several female warriors.

How much? Fifty or sixty thousand women? These dozen female warriors were buzzing in their heads.

“Don’t be stunned, go in and kill the zombies inside, then any new humans will also die, look at this woman.”

More than a dozen female warriors came back to their senses and rushed into the room, while two female warriors came up to disarm and then detain Li Jing.

“If you don’t want to die, it’s better to be honest!”

Listening to the cheers of the two female warriors, Li Jing wanted to struggle a bit, but….

But why are you so strong in your horse! Li Jing didn’t understand, she killed zombies for a few days to improve her strength, her strength is stronger than before the end of the day, I don’t know how much, at least one punch has two hundred kilograms, right? Why can’t you even move? These two women are actually boxing kings in women’s skin, right?

Being escorted into the room, Li Jing also gave up struggling, she found that she seemed to have kicked the iron plate, as far as Nima was outrageous, she was a new human who could not do a few humans???

Is this scientific? Is it reasonable?

As soon as he entered the room, Li Jing was shocked, in less than two seconds, all the zombies in the room died, and several new humans on Du Yuhang’s side had been cut into human sticks alive, leaving Du Yuhang alone still struggling.

Li Jing was stunned, what happened? Two seconds? Two seconds????

Two seconds for a new human like her to be cut into a human stick? It was not Jasmine who made the shot, but the team members who arrived later, and Li Jing doubted life.

Are humans so fierce now? Can she choose not to be a new human? She felt as if it was still a little more fragrant to humans!

“Who are you? Dare to do it to me, do you want to try the taste of being besieged by hundreds of thousands of zombies? I’ve already summoned the zombies over, and if I don’t want to die, stop me!” Otherwise, you will definitely not be able to leave the Mansion of Nations alive! ”

Du Yuhang roared madly, his face was indescribably suffocated, his figure kept dodging, and the spear in his hand panicked to block the Tang knife cut by the female warrior.

A few classmates died in two seconds, this is too terrifying, Du Yuhang does not want to die, he has secretly summoned Ogares, as long as he weighs for a while, after Ogares comes, these hateful women will die!

Held by two female warriors, Li Jing has felt the signal sent by Du Yuhang, and she is also looking forward to it, when Ogares comes, she will be able to recover her freedom, in her eyes, Ogares is very strong, although these female warriors are powerful, but they are certainly not opponents.

No one likes to be a prisoner, and it is also the kind of prisoner whose life is not guaranteed, and Li Jing is not a neuropathy, so naturally he does not have this strange hobby.

“Zhenzhen, don’t waste time with him.” Looking coldly at Du Yuhang, who was running around like a rat crossing the street, Jasmine was already a little impatient.

Hearing Jasmine’s order, Han Yunzhen was also a little annoyed, this disgusting thing in front of him could really run, and Han Yunzhen, who was in good spirits, increased his speed sharply, and the Tang knife in his hand slashed, and Du Yuhang in the roaring was broken with a big hoof.

“Aaaaa It hurts! You’re dead! You’re dead! A big hoof broke off in unison, Du Yuhang flew out directly, rolled on the ground a few times, cursed hoarsely, and his tone was indescribably resentful.

Han Yunzhen’s eyes were cold, his wrist turned, the knife qi cut through the air, a tongue flew into the sky with a large piece of blood, and Du Yuhang couldn’t say the pain that was cut off, full of blood, and the roar of pain kept echoing in the room, but he couldn’t say a word at all.

Han Yunzhen’s hand kept stopping, a few knives swung, Du Yuhang was directly cut into a human stick, only the head was still on the torso, a large amount of blood splashed out, this level of blood loss, in less than a minute Du Yuhang will die because of excessive blood loss.

After doing all this, Han Yunzhen glanced at Du Yuhang, who had died of pain, with disdain, snorted coldly, and turned his head towards Jasmine.


The roof suddenly exploded at this moment, a large area of rubble splashed, Jasmine Willow’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and pulled Han Yunzhen back quickly.


Large pieces of rubble fell from the roof, smashed on the ground with a violent roar, and in the smoke and dust, a tall figure jumped down from the roof.

The smoke gradually dispersed, and Ogares’s figure appeared.

The gloomy gaze swept around, looking at Du Yuhang and the others who died tragically, and the indescribable anger in Ogares’ heart.

What a! So all of them are dead?

Ogares was furious in his heart, looked at Li Jing, who was being escorted at the back of the crowd, and asked, “What about the others?” Why are there just a few of you here? ”

Li Jing’s face was bitter, what did she say about this? More than half killed by a group of old humans with a gun?

“Everyone is here, and the rest were sniped from a distance yesterday by people here with sniper rifles.”

Ogares only felt the blood rushing to his brain, and a mouthful of reverse blood almost rushed directly to choke him to death!

Twenty people! Just all dead? Is there only one left or a prisoner?

Looking at Jasmine and the others with a cold gaze, Organes was furious in his heart, and the divine trident in his hand slammed the ground hard, and roared: “Today! You’re all going to die! ”

A terrifying roar rose with the momentum, and a terrifying force erupted under Ogares’s feet, and the figure instantly rushed towards Jasmine’s side.

The Tang knife in his hand danced a knife flower, and Jasmine did not have the slightest fear in her eyes, and greeted it straight.


Tang Dao and Shenwei Trident collided together, splashing sparks, and Ogares became more and more frightened, he found out how this woman on the other side was so fierce!

The speed is fast, the strength is fierce, he is a little unable to parry, this time, his arms are numb and can’t lift!

Gritting his teeth, he activated the inscription on the Kamui Trident, and the electric light flashed, canceling out part of the power while increasing the power of his attack, which made Ogares feel a lot better.


Tang knife slashed down on the Shenwei trident, Jasmine looked disdainful, raised her foot and kicked towards Olais, a powerful kick Olais could not dodge at all, all his strength was used on his arm, supporting the Tang Dao split under his head, and there was no spare strength to dodge this kick.


A powerful kick kicked Ogares several meters away, rolling on the ground more than ten times before he barely half knelt on the ground.


With his face blue and red, Organes spewed out a mouthful of bruises, mixed with fragments of internal organs, and the kick just now kicked his internal organs open, causing his internal organs to suffer a lot of trauma.

Wiping away the blood from the horn, Ogares stood up and stared at Jasmine with dead eyes, “You are very strong, but in the end you will die in my hands, my task is to kill you awakened people, clear the obstacles on me and the Lord, awakened ones!” Die! ”

“Kamui Trident, liberation!”

The hand gripped the Shenwei Trident, the inscription flashed with dazzling light, and under the electric light, the Shenwei Trident exuded a terrifying power, like a dusty sword showing its due edge.

Looking at the terrifying energy fluctuations emitted by the divine trident in Organes’ hand, Jasmine frowned, she was not afraid, but she didn’t quite understand what this bratty was talking about.

Do you think that if you take a weapon that shines, I won’t be able to kill you? Although my weapon will not shine, it will release knife gas!

The qi in the body was stirring, and the terrifying momentum penetrated the body, and Jasmine’s figure instantly disappeared in place, and the Tang knife that exuded a three-foot knife was frantically slashing towards Ogares.


The anger was raging, the floor was cut out of a large trench by the qi, smoke and dust were everywhere, and Ogares’s figure was extremely embarrassed, and under Jasmine’s attack, there was no way to fight back, his arms were as if they were about to break, and the hands holding the Shenwei Trident were stained with blood.

Ogares is going crazy, he has liberated the final form of the Shenwei Trident, his combat power has soared at least three times, why can this woman in front of him still be able to fight him without the slightest ability to fight back!

Why is that! He was not convinced!


The Tang knife containing the terrifying qi chopped down, and the powerful blow slashed down with the momentum of splitting Mount Hua, Ogares roared and raised the divine trident, the terrifying qi raged, the transparent knife gang instantly chopped down, and the entire floor shook with a violent explosion.

The smoke and dust cleared, and Ogares half-knelt on the ground with the Shenwei Trident in both hands, and one of his hooves had sunk into the floor, and on the wall behind him, a half-meter-wide trench pierced the wall, which was the mark of being cut out by the knife.


The Shenwei Trident let out a soft roar and broke off from the middle, and the Shenwei Trident that emitted light instantly lost its light, and immediately after, a bloodstain appeared from the top of Organes’ head.

Half-kneeling on the ground, Ogares’s dull gaze looked at Jasmine, who was standing on the opposite side with a knife and breathless, and opened his mouth to spit out a large amount of bruised, unwillingly: “I still came out… It’s too short a time! Damn waste …. I… I’m not willing! Awakened, don’t be proud, a gatekeeper Ogares died, there will be stronger people appearing, you will die sooner or later! ”

After saying these words, Ogares tilted his head and died completely.

Looking at the already dead Ogares, Jasmine’s head full of question marks, the awakened? She? What is this criticism talking about?

I don’t understand, is this person mentally retarded? Or was she beaten up and broke her brain?

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