Chapter 286 Li Jing’s mentality collapsed, sister, why are you so fierce!

Not only was Jasmine stunned, but Li Jing, who was escorted by two female warriors, was also stunned.

Groove? What’s the situation? Ogares was seconded? Obviously the appearance is so cool, the sky is shattered, and the thunder is shining, the weapon is +100 of the best equipment, and then you came up and was chopped?

Gan! Are you here to be funny? I’m still waiting for you to get me out!” fuck!

Li Jing people are stupid, has always been invincible in her heart Rio Gareth, mainly the first meeting, it was too terrifying, came up to string sugar gourds, when he walked in, the lights were flashing, the shape was the same as the big demon god who came out of Nima Hell, which gave Li Jing a great shock.

Can the result? What, silver wax spearhead! It’s really a beep dog!

The whole city saw Jasmine pressing Ogares for a violent beating, and finally got angry, but as a result, it’s good if you don’t get angry, and the anger is directly seconds! .

It’s not that Ogares is too weak, it’s that Jasmine is too strong! This truth, Li Jing is still clear in his heart, look at the trench all over the ground, five or six meters long and half a meter wide, this is the Mansion of Nations! The building materials used can be said to be the best kind, you don’t necessarily have this fierce demolition team, at least you have to use blasting means.

But this…. Are you sure that you are holding a knife in your hand, and not some knife-shaped missile? This is outrageously destructive, right? The most frightening thing was the last knife, which directly shattered Ogares’ divine trident, and the knife qi that burst out directly shattered the walls behind, and the ground ploughed out a trench seven or eight meters long.

Through that huge crack, you can even see that the room behind the wall has been cut out of a terrifying big crack, good guy, do you want to be so fierce!

You have to say that human beings are also so fierce, I will be a new human with a hammer!

Li Jing wanted to cry very much, she felt that she might be deceived, she wanted to ask, is it okay to turn back to normal humans now? Is it okay for her to surrender now? She really is a good citizen! After becoming a new human, he did not kill people indiscriminately, only killed zombies.

“Be honest, don’t move! We do not treat prisoners favorably. ”

As soon as Li Jing wanted to speak, her arm was patted, listening to the fierce voice of the female warrior, Li Jing was aggrieved in her heart, don’t mention it, she didn’t want to move, she just wanted to be sincere.

Killing Ogares is like doing something trivial for Jasmine, to be honest, Jasmine is still a little disappointed, why is this product so beaten, she just warmed up, why did she kneel on the opposite side?

It looks so imposing, why can’t you help beating you so much? Can’t figure it out.

However, Jasmine is still very excited in her heart now, and after destroying an Ogares, she found that the qi in her body has skyrocketed, and even in terms of attributes, strength agility and physique, they have risen a little!

This is not a point when her strength is low, she is now in the Condensation Realm! The attribute is more than 40 points, if you want to improve the attribute a little, then you have to kill at least hundreds of zombies, and now kill an Ogares, she directly sneaked several attributes, what is this? Got a little boss?

This drastic improvement made Jasmine look at Ogares’s corpse with green eyes, and she remembered that this cargo seemed to say something before she died… Will someone take revenge on him? Will there be stronger people coming out?

This makes Jasmine don’t look forward to it more, this kind of weak chicken is better to come more, so that her strength will improve faster!

Although I don’t know where Ogares came from, but for this attitude of sending heads in thousands of miles, Jasmine still approves, thousands of miles to give people’s heads, the gift is light and affectionate, it seems that it is not light, directly handed over his life, it is indeed not light.

Turning her head to look at the captured Li Jing, Jasmine’s eyes suddenly lit up, just now that Ogares should be this woman’s boss, right? Does she know where the gang’s stronghold is? When the time comes, she will report to Lin Fan, that….

Then don’t say it’s the commander, such a big credit, at least you can mix a legion leader, right? Even if she can’t, she will definitely be rewarded with some conditions, but the level should be higher than Wang Ziwen, then she can…. Not it….

The more I think about it, the more unconscious my head is, Jasmine is a little dizzy, and there are more weird smiles on her face, seeing Jasmine’s expression, Li Jing is stupid, this…. Wasn’t it okay just now? Why does such a cold woman seem to be eating something like ‘I love a piece of firewood’ now? Wouldn’t it be a bad consequence of the battle just now?

Instead, the female warriors were accustomed to it, looked at each other, and nodded one after another, and then Han Yunzhen walked up and coughed twice, “Captain… Captain, it’s still daytime, you’re normal. ”

A stirring spirit came back to her senses, Jasmine glanced at the female warriors, did not feel embarrassed at all, and took out a photo from her pocket, which was a mouthful, and then put it back in her pocket with satisfaction.

This is a limited collector’s edition that I bought only yesterday, and Lin Fan who is only wearing big pants is worth 2,000 ruling coins.

Han Yunzhen rolled his eyes, this captain really let himself go.

Jasmine didn’t want to do this either, but who let Zhou Xiuyan accidentally snort out about her generating electricity from Lin Fan’s photo, and then almost all the female warriors knew, although everyone almost did it, but at least they didn’t say it, and then she became famous.

Faced with this situation, Jasmine also broke the jar, and in retaliation, she robbed all of Zhou Xiuyan’s treasures, and extorted thousands of ruling coins, and now she is a little rich woman.

After putting the photo away, Jasmine returned to her previous cold and serious appearance, walked to Li Jing’s side step by step, looked her up and down, and did not speak, Li Jing was directly frightened.

Sister, you have something to say, I absolutely know everything, don’t look at me like that! I’m scared!

“Let’s be honest, where is your headquarters? How many people? And what is your purpose? Where is the woman you hidden? Jasmine’s face was indifferent, but the cold light flashing in her eyes made Li Jing understand that if she didn’t explain it honestly, she would refer to Ogares.

“I say, I say! I say everything! “Li Jing has long figured it out, this must be honestly explained, Ogares has been dried up, she is a small shrimp or die!”

“I don’t know where the headquarters is, and I don’t know how many people there are…”

“Huh?” Jasmine’s hand slowly put on the hilt, this woman, not very honest.

“Don’t don’t, I really don’t know!” Li Jinghun was about to be scared out, and quickly said everything before, focusing on how Ogares turned them into new humans, and said it in great detail.

“Sister, if you believe in me, you must believe in me! I…. I am a student of Fudan Jiangwan Campus, really, there are no zombies over there now, sister, you only need to check the file and you can find me! ”

Looking at the excited Li Jing, Jasmine was a little disappointed in her heart, she thought she had caught a mouthful, but she didn’t know anything, what headquarters and so on, all blown up.

“What about the survivors on this side of the Mansion? Didn’t you say that the men were all killed and the women stayed? Where is it hidden? Be honest! ”

“Just two kilometers to the north in a residential area, I don’t know how many people there are, maybe fifty or sixty thousand, maybe more, maybe less, I know so much.” Li Jing said everything she knew in one breath, looked at Jasmine, who was pondering in front of her, and looked forward to it: “Sister, can you let me go, I don’t want to be a new human being, I am a diehard loyalist of human beings!” ”

Squinted eyes swept Li Jing, Jasmine did not refuse, originally the city of judgment is not to kill women, this woman can be a maid even if she does not become a female warrior, even if she becomes a new human, she has not done anything bad, there is no reason to kill, I just don’t know if this woman can become a human again.

“There should be no problem in leaving you alive, now take us to find those women, you better not play any tricks, we are not afraid of those zombies, you better be smart.”

Li Jing quickly nodded and assured: “I definitely won’t mess around, I’m serious!” ”


Leaving the Mansion with Li Jing, it was quiet along the way, and the zombies around did not move, which made Jasmine very satisfied, and then she seemed to have found something, looking at Li Jing with a thoughtful expression.

Li Jing, a new human being, seems to be able to help a lot, just these zombies standing still, killing must be faster.

After walking two kilometers, Li Jing pointed to the community in front of him and said: “This is it, those women are all here, I don’t know how many people are specific, in the past two days, Du Yuhang and they let the zombies deliver food.” ”

Looking up at the community in front of her, Jasmine winked at Han Yunzhen, “Go up and take a look.” ”

Han Yunzhen rushed in with twenty female team members, and it didn’t take long to run back through countless zombies, with an indescribable surprise on his face.

“Captain, Captain! Sure, all of them are women, the entire residential community is full of women, the number is not clear, but there must be tens of thousands! ”

Rao was already mentally prepared, hearing Han Yunzhen’s words, Jasmine’s heart beat violently twice, as if she had seen that the reward was not far from her!

“I will inform the Lord immediately, you guys clean up the zombies around, this time! Our military merits are about to explode! Let me congratulate all the squad leaders and squadron leaders in advance! With a charming smile on his face, Jasmine’s words made Han Yunzhen and the others couldn’t help but get excited.

“Yes! Captain, we’ll clean up the surrounding zombies right away! ”

“What is the captain called, it’s the commander! Will not speak! ”

“Yes, yes, Commander! Lord Commander! Let’s go clean up the zombies first. ”

Watching the female warriors enter the zombie group, Jasmine smiled, looked down at the watch on her wrist, and began to contact Lin Fan.

In the eastern region, Lin Fan’s butt has been replaced from the previous steel giant wolf to a western dragon, with a body length of more than 100 meters and a wingspan of hundreds of meters, covering the sky where he passed, the terrifying dragon breath swept away from the main road, the zombies were evaporated clean, and the points and experience also rose all the way.

“Ding! Celestial Demon Karma Diamat kills zombies, points +1, fantasy has Manifestation Experience +1, current experience 31,2057/100w. ”


The fantasy manifestation ability has reached Lv7, and the experience points required to upgrade have reached as much as 100w, but Lin Fan does not care, the fantasy manifestation ability is too cool, there is no need for him to do it himself, casually manifest a tool out, and the points are swishing.

Already Lv7’s fantasy can already manifest living creatures, instead of the previous mechanical life, this Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat is Lin Fan’s imitation of the image in the Demon High School, very useful, and as a creator, for the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat, Lin Fan is the true god!

Merely….. Once the power of fantasy is exhausted, the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat will still disappear, and she is not a life in the true sense.

Now Lin Fan has felt the difference between fantasy manifestation and creative energy, such as the previous electromagnetic cannon, steel giant wolf, these will disappear after the fantasy power is consumed, and the creation energy is different, it is really created, even if there is no energy, it will not disappear.

There is still a big difference between embodiment and creation.

Just as Lin Fan sighed, a prompt sound from the system attracted his attention.

“Ding, kill goalkeeper Ogares, points +2000.”

Ah this? What is this? How is it worth so much?

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