Chapter 287 Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat brings shock, Dragon Knight!

Lin Fan has seen that the most points reward is only those zombie bears and the like twenty or thirty points, this time the award of 2,000 points is really unprecedented, Lin Fan is now more curious, what is this goalkeeper Ogares?

Opening the system prompt, Lin Fan filtered it, and then saw a series of such high-value point prompts.

“Ding, kill the new human Xu Ran, points +100.”


“Ding, kill the new human Du Yuhang, points +110.”

A series of more than a hundred point tips, and then what goalkeeper Ogarez’s 2,000 points, Lin Fan was stunned.

What is this new human? Who is this goalkeeper Ogares? Didn’t he just take a nap? Why did so much something new pop up all of a sudden? Lin Fan even wondered if he had crossed over!

What the hell!.

Just when Lin Fan was wondering, the watch suddenly rang, looked down, it was a call from Jasmine, and Lin Fan chose to connect.

“What happened?”

“Lord, we need you to come here, I found some survivors here, the number is a little large, it is more troublesome, and I have encountered some situations on my side, I need you to come and see.”

Hanging up the call and finding the place where Jasmine was, Lin Fan patted the Heavenly Demon Karma Dragon Diamat under him and sent the location over.

“Go here.”

Receiving Lin Fan’s orders, the Heavenly Demon Industry Dragon Diamat hissed up to the sky, and his huge body instantly rose into the sky, and the dragon wings covered the sky, setting off boundless wind, and disappeared into the clouds in the blink of an eye.

Lying on the back of the dragon, Lin Fan felt that the abnormal amount of points just now should be related to what Jasmine said, of course, he may have guessed wrong.

This new human and gatekeeper Ogares must have some insider story, and the new human is such a thing, it really exists, which Lin Fan did not expect.

The Heavenly Demon Industry Dragon Diamat was very fast, and the distance of tens of kilometers was only a matter of one or two minutes, and the loud dragon groan shook a radius of tens of kilometers, and then the heaven and earth instantly darkened.

On the ground, the qi and blood that were shaken by the piercing dragon groan were a little disordered, and Jasmine looked up at the sky, looking at the black dragon swooping down from the sky, her eyes widened, and her heart was indescribably shocked.

Not only Jasmine, but Li Jing, Han Yunzhen and the others next to them were all frightened and stupid, staring blankly at the terrifying black dragon that swooped down from the sky, and once thought that there was an illusion.

Aren’t you kidding? The mythical magic dragons have all emerged, is this really the end of the world?

Can’t move if you want to, the terrifying dragon power covers a radius of tens of kilometers, this is a real big terror, under the cover of this terrifying dragon power, everyone feels that they have lost control of their bodies, and even moving a little finger has become extremely difficult.

“On…. Just kidding, right? Black…. Black Dragon? ”

Han Yunzhen’s voice was dry, and his tone was indescribably difficult.

In the northern area, looking at the female warriors around who were shocked by the dragon power, Zhao Wanqing frowned, looked in the direction of the Mansion of All Nations, and clearly saw the terrifying black dragon that swooped down from the sky.

Feeling Lin Fan’s breath, Zhao Wanqing shook her head and ignored it.

Anyway, Lin Fan was on that dragon, and there would definitely be no problem.

Long Wei flashed away, and soon the women on the ground returned to normal, but those zombies were still in the shock of Long Wei, like puppets who lost control.

The Bund Mansion, the terrifying wind raged, the huge black dragon fell from the sky, the pitch-black dragon scales, the terrifying dragon claws and the huge body brought boundless shock.

(Say in advance, Diamat is the protagonist Gu appeared, don’t copy the original book and say that the Sky Demon Karma Dragon Diamat is a cyan dragon, why did you write it as a black dragon)

The hideous dragon’s head hung down, the vertical pupils swept, Jasmine and the others were shocked in their hearts, their scalps exploded, and an endless chill rose up their backs.

Jumping down from the dragon’s head, Lin Fan came to Jasmine and the others in a few steps, and the soul energy spread, quickly calming the shocked hearts of the women.

The mind stabilized, glanced at the black dragon lying behind Lin Fan, Jasmine swallowed with difficulty, good guy, even the black dragon is out, the Lord is really awesome!

“See Lord.”

Raising his hand to support Jasmine and the others who were half-kneeling on the ground, Lin Fan asked, “What’s going on?” Didn’t you say that there is something special to report? ”

“Yes, Lord.” Pulling Li Jing next to her who was still a little unable to return to God, Jasmine explained her situation, and after listening to it, Lin Fan understood what those points were about.

“New humans? Goalkeeper Ogares? Lin Fanxian repeated it twice, looked at Li Jing, and asked, “Are you sure what you said is true, without any deception?” ”

Saying that, mind reading shrouded Li Jing in it.

(What a terrible black dragon, is this the lord of this group of women?) My mother, this is too handsome, Dragon Knight! That what Ogarethi shoes are not worthy! )

(Ahhhhhhh I want to be human! I really don’t know where this Ogares came from, if this man doesn’t believe me, won’t I finish playing? Pit daddy! )

“My lord, I… I don’t know, I was an ordinary schoolgirl a few days ago, what I said is true, you must believe me! Li Jing’s face was full of bitterness, she was very uncomfortable now, she didn’t know how to prove that what she said was true.

Hearing the truest thoughts in Li Jing’s heart, Lin Fan no longer doubted anything, the wood element energy sensed Li Jing’s physical condition, and found that her body was optimized, the body was the same as zombies, and it could be used to supplement physical strength through photosynthesis, and the strength had also improved, probably the so-called killing zombies to improve strength?

According to what Li Jing said, Lin Fan was not interested in her weapons, and the conversion rate was not half as high as that of Tang Dao, which was still a fart.

“I believe what you say, but in order to prevent you from doing anything bad, I need to put an insurance policy on you, do you understand what I mean?” Li Jing’s strength Lin Fan did not put it in his eyes, but this ability to control zombies was still very terrifying, in case this evil was born on the side, it would be a disaster to receive the verdict city.

Hearing Lin Fan’s words, Li Jing let out a long sigh of relief, just believe her, as for the insurance means, she has no opinion, anyway, people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

“My lord, it’s all up to you.”

Seeing that Li Jing was so good, Lin Fan had nothing to say, the soul energy was activated, tampering with her consciousness, making her unconditional allegiance, watching Li Jing’s belief value fixed at 100 points, Lin Fan turned his head and just saw the women who were driven out of the residential community.

I don’t know how many women there are, walking along the road, with a look of fear and fear on their faces, looking at these women, Lin Fan’s mind spread, overlooking the area of tens of kilometers like a god, as far as the eye can see, after passing the Pearl Tower, there are no zombies in these two directions to the northeast, and there is no human shadow either.

The female survivors gathered here in the Mansion of Nations should be the last harvest in this area, fortunately, those new humans did not infect all these women into zombies, otherwise even if the zombies in the magic capital were cleaned up, the harvest would be much less.

The gaze roughly swept around the women, and there was not much difference from what Jasmine said, fifty or sixty thousand, which was already nearly half of the population of the City of Judgment.

Retracting his thoughts, Lin Fan had a smile on his face, this time the gain was great, and Jasmine contributed a lot.

“Jasmine, you and your team did a good job this time, killing the goalkeeper Ogares, eliminating a group of so-called new humans, and saving so many women, I give you two choices, the first is to promote the third rank, the leader position, the class sequence Lv6, and there are some rewards such as ruling coins and source power crystals.”

“The second option is two levels of official promotion, the position of leader captain, class sequence Lv5, adjudication coins and source power crystallization rewards, in addition, you can also make a request, these two choices, you should consider well.”

For meritorious women, Lin Fan never skimmed on rewards, and after saying Jasmine’s reward, his gaze turned to Han Yunzhen and the others.

Looking at the expectant gazes of Han Yunzhen and others, Lin Fan smiled slightly, “Han Yunzhen performed well, the official was promoted to two levels, the position of leader of the squadron, the class sequence Lv5, the reward award coin was 10,000, the source force crystallization was one, the rest of the squad members were promoted to one level, the position of the leader of the squad, the class sequence Lv3, and a bottle of source force crystallization was rewarded.” ”

“The corresponding badges and rewards, when you go back, you can go to the military merit office to collect them, and later your merits will be notified to the city of all judgments, which is the honor you deserve.”

After listening to Lin Fan’s words, Jasmine and the others were unspeakably surprised in their hearts, and they all half-knelt on the ground and said respectfully: “Thank you Lord for the reward!” ”

“Okay, get up.” With a wave of his hand, Lin Fan helped Jasmine and the others up, “Jasmine, have you thought about what to choose?” Well… What is it? ”

Looking at a piece of paper slowly falling from Jasmine’s side, Lin Fan raised his hand and grabbed it directly, and Jasmine, who was originally full of joy, saw the photo that Lin Fan took in his hand, everyone was stupid, his eyes were dull, and the halo visible to the naked eye rose directly from the neck all the way to the top of his head.

Turning the paper over, Lin Fan looked down, and the expression on his face froze.

In his hand is a photo, there is a man in big pants, Lin Fan’s eyes are very good, isn’t it him on it, but what is the situation of this mouth seal?

Looking up at Jasmine, seeing her face full of dizziness, Lin Fan handed the photo over, Jasmine didn’t pick it up for a while, didn’t pick it up, and finally dragged it over and stuffed it into her clothes, which is the position of the plug…

Lin Fan wanted to say, what came at him, let go of that photo!

“Lord, I choose the second option, I heard that your swimming skills are very good, just because I can’t, I want to learn from you, just …. That’s it. “Anyway, Lin Fan also saw it, Jasmine planned to be reckless to the end, the big deal is that the broken jar is broken, anyway, she will definitely not suffer a loss!”

Han Yunzhen and the others next to him rolled their eyes after listening, you can’t swim? Want to learn? I see that you want to learn to swim is fake, your plot is true, I can swim, why don’t you ask me to learn!

Jasmine’s request surprised Lin Fan a little, this woman was so daring, “Okay, I’ll teach you when I get back in the evening.” ”

Agreeing to Jasmine’s request, Lin Fan looked at the women who were driven out at the door of the community, raised his hand, and a huge space door appeared, Lin Fan had nothing to say, pointed to the space door and said, “Give you two a choice, go in or die.” ”

No one wants to die, and no one will doubt the truth of what Lin Fan said, look at the zombies around and the women with knives, and then look at the terrifying black dragon lying next to him, but everyone with normal brains knows how to choose.

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