Chapter 292 The singing and dancing in the living room are leveled, and a hundred flowers are blooming

Population, breeding, food supply, and expeditionary personnel, relying on Shao Mingxue, Lin Fan was thinking about this, as for the way to cross the ocean to the major empires, Lin Fan had already thought about it, and there was no need to worry about this.

What is really worth paying attention to is the population problem of the city of ruling, the farm has a lot of good news in the past few days, the system production is really awesome, after all, it is 10 points a pig, the meat quality is delicious, it contains a lot of energy, female warriors usually at least three pounds of meat a day, and now the pig exchanged by the system has been directly reduced to one pound a day!

Of course, there are also those feed reasons, the grassland of the farm is spawned by wood element energy, containing a certain wood element energy, and the sweet potato leaves, rotten vegetable leaves and the like in pig feed also contain a lot of wood element energy, which not only accelerates the growth of pigs, cattle and sheep, but also makes these livestock more edible!

Now that there are suddenly so many more people in the city of adjudication, whether it is the farm or the equipment, there is no need to worry about this point, but the personnel need to consider, and the most important thing is the population issue.

The magic capital is so big, more than 6,000 square kilometers, now there are less than 200,000 people, it is true that the space is empty, even if the source force liquid can prolong life, but there is no birth of the next generation, it is still a big problem, no matter what, there is no new problem, it always needs to be solved.

Lin Fan, the expedition personnel, has not yet thought about who to take away, for now, the best choice is for Lin Youyou and them to stay, responsible for taking care of the base of the magic capital and occupying other cities, Jasmine These reserves follow him to leave, by the way to cultivate feelings, and then the territory that is laid down, just let them take care of it.

This question Lin Fan has not yet determined, but the ideal situation is like this, at the moment there is only the problem of population or the next generation, how can the next generation come without men? He and Lin Youyou have both slept for so long, and they haven’t seen any reaction from their stomachs, probably because their genes are too strong and it is more difficult to have children.

IVF? Clone? Lin Fan can think of these two methods, but these need scientific researchers and some special doctors, does the City of Adjudication have such talents?

“System, about the population and the next generation, do you have any solutions here?”

“Lord, to solve the population problem, the system has several plans to recommend, plan one: spend points to directly create babies or adult women, different age points are different, plan two: the Zimu River in Journey to the West, any adult woman can have children as long as she drinks the water inside, plan three: IVF culture tank, after starting, 1,000 IVF embryos will be born every day in the culture tank, just transplant to the female body can grow normally.”

Listening to the choice given by the system, Lin Fan thought about it, the first one can be passed, it is too wasteful to create points directly, the second plan is okay, the third plan is also good, in theory, these two have something in common.

“How many points do I need for Option Two and Option Three?”

“It takes 10 million points to exchange Zimu River, and 8 million points to exchange IVF culture tanks.”

10 million and 8 million points, are so expensive, but think about it, no matter which of these two is once and for all, the price is very normal, although the points are not enough now, but it will not take long for the points to be enough, these are not urgent, the next generation of problems can be solved and there is no need to worry about anything else.

Men should kill and continue to kill, women should stay and stay, anyway, the next generation has settled, and there is no problem in the city of judgment.

The general problem is almost the same, Lin Fan opened his eyes, his gaze looked at the living room, Diamat and Jasmine were together, it seemed that the atmosphere was very harmonious, not far from Lin Youyou, their internal affairs should have been dealt with, and they were drinking the tea that Mu Qingxue personally brewed.

Not only Mu Qingxue, Qin Yuwei, Liu Mingyue, they have also been called over, there are many villas in the villa area of the world, such as Mu Qingxue such a high-rise, and Liu Mingyue, Qin Yuwei, Chu Hanyan and other related households, also live here, today is the first time to come to visit the door, it should be Lin Youyou called Mu Qingxue and them over.

Standing up and walking to sit next to Lin Youyou, taking the fragrant tea handed over by Mu Qingxue, Lin Fan raised his head and drank it.

“Lord, would you like to hear about the current situation in the City of Ruling?” Picking up the document next to him, Lin Youyou asked tentatively.

Putting down the teacup, Lin Fan waved his hand, “No need, wait until the magic capital is completely calmed and then report it uniformly, this is not in a hurry, well, Qingxue’s tea craftsmanship is very good.” ”

“Thank you Lord for your praise.” Mu Qingxue bowed her head slightly, and her voice was crisp and pleasant.

Handing the document in his hand to the maid next to him, Lin You put his arm around Lin Fan and asked softly, “Qingxue happens to be there, do you want to listen to her song?” ”

At Lin Youyou’s suggestion, Mu Qingxue also raised her head to look at Lin Fan, with an inquiring look in her eyes.

“Idle is idle, Qingxue play a song, by the way… I remember that Ming Xue studied dance at the Dance Academy, right? Looking back at Shao Mingxue behind him, Lin Fan asked, “Qingxue plays the piano and sings, let me see how your dance student is studying.” ”

Shao Mingxue bent her knees, smiled, and her eyes shone, “The Lord wants to see, his subordinates must do everything in their power to make the Lord happy, his subordinates have learned a lot of dances, but I don’t know what kind of piano music Master Qingxue wants to play.” ”

Being able to use his talents to please Lin Fan, Shao Mingxue was looking forward to it in her heart.

Mu Qingxue walked to the guqin and sat down, looked at Shao Mingxue and said softly: “Seeing that you are wearing a maid costume, then come to a two-dimensional one, you should be able to jump so hot in the Pure Land of Bliss before, right?” ”

Mu Qingxue has a very good personality, she doesn’t want Shao Mingxue to lose face in front of Lin Fan, and thoughtfully picked the Pure Land of Bliss that was relatively popular in previous years, she can only help here.

Shao Mingxue’s eyes lit up, she was still apprehensive when Mu Qingxue didn’t speak, and now her heart instantly settled down, and at the same time looked at Mu Qingxue’s gaze with more gratitude.

“Lord Qingxue, the subordinates will bother you to play, and the subordinates’ voices are not as good as yours, so they will not be ugly.”

Mu Qingxue nodded gently, singing when dancing, it was easy to lose breath, if there was not enough skill, singing would be miserable.

The familiar melody came from under Mu Qingxue, Shao Mingxue took a deep breath, followed the song and began to dance, the living room is very large, not to mention Shao Mingxue dancing alone, even if it is an orchestra, it can be put down.

Holding Lin Youyou in his arms, playing with Zhao Wanqing’s little hand in his hand, looking at Shao Mingxue’s beating figure, Lin Fan only felt a feast for his eyes, Shao Mingxue’s maid costume was very astringent, coupled with the dance of the Pure Land of Bliss dancing around, Lin Fan’s eyes were about to look at it, and for a while he didn’t know whether to look above or below.

If it weren’t for Lin Fan’s strong strength and his eyes could slow down, it was estimated that many scenery would have been missed.

Here Mu Qingxue played the piano and sang, Shao Mingxue danced, and soon attracted the attention of Su Xiaoluo and others next to him, a group of women ran over, Su Xiaoluo and Li Siqi’s eyes lit up, smiled and ran to Shao Mingxue’s side, and jumped with the melody.

Not to mention, the two danced in a good way, the people were beautiful, the figure was good, the three women got together, each with different postures, Lin Fan was very enjoyable to watch.

Singing and dancing in the living room, with the beginning of the Pure Land of Bliss, the women seem to be mobilized, Zhao Yanyan, a naturally charming stunner, also came to a majestic hall, singing and dancing, and pulled Mu Yueqing down, where can Mu Yueqing of the pure department suffer, reluctantly jumping along, with cat ears even has a special style, Lin Fan is so excited to see it.

It was not until ten o’clock at night that the women stopped and ran to Lin Fan with a head full of fragrant sweat to kiss one by one.

Holding the last Zhao Yanyan, the woman who had danced for a long time was full of steam, dry no, Lin Fan carried it and walked upstairs, Zhao Yanyan who was carried laughed continuously, Mu Qingxue, who was collecting the piano, looked at the face, and quickly pulled Qin Yuwei’s three little girls and ran.

The third floor was partying, Lin Fan’s interest was provoked, it was Zhao Yanyan and them who suffered at night, and the lights of the villa stayed awake all night.

The next day, the sun rose, there was still no movement on the side of the master bedroom, even the hardworking Lin Youyou was still sleeping, last night was really tired, she belonged to the disaster of arrogance, not only her, Zhao Wanqing and several no one escaped, especially Zhao Yanyan and Su Xiaoluo, the culprits were taken care of.

On the second floor of the villa, Jasmine, Zhou Xiuyan and others got up early, as well as Diamat who slept with them last night.

In the living room, Jasmine changed into the captain’s combat uniform that had just been sent, the badge on the neckline was dazzling, and the combat uniform had strange patterns, which was the effect of equipping the enchantment, which could prevent fire, dust and dirt, and also had a strong defense.

Looking enviously at the combat uniform on Jasmine’s body, especially the badge representing the captain, they didn’t know how long it would take to be promoted to this position.

At the dining table, eating the meals prepared by the maids, Ye Ruolan glanced at the empty seats of Lin Fan and the others, and skimmed away, she fell asleep last night when she was sleepy, and the upstairs had not stopped.

“Is it that the Lord Mother is not going to go out to clean up the zombies today?”

Listening to Ye Ruolan’s question, Wang Ziwen and Liu Yuer ate the action of picking vegetables, and their eyes subconsciously looked upstairs.

“It should…. That’s right. ”

“Maybe, I guess it is.”

“I slept at four o’clock last night, and the upstairs hasn’t stopped yet, so I don’t think about it before noon.”

All the women, you say a word, and there is indescribable envy in your tone.

After eating, all the women left the villa, leading their respective teams to continue to clean up the remaining zombies yesterday, Diamat looked at the window of the master bedroom, and the figure jumped into the air, turned into a dragon shape and flew outside the city, also cleaning up the zombies.

Diamat knew in her heart how to clean up, after all, this is how she came yesterday, as far as possible not to destroy it, just clean up the zombies on the street, this matter she is handy, a breath of dragons, all evaporated.

Lin Fan in the master bedroom was still sleeping, and the experience of fantasy with supernatural abilities was swooping up, and the points and experience rolled in when he really fell asleep!

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