Chapter 293: Liu Wanying’s Growth, Now the City of Judgment

There are really not many zombies left in the magic capital, and the female warriors pushed all the way, and all the zombies were eliminated in less than half a day, and the rest of the time was spent thoroughly investigating all corners and areas farther in the northeast.

Over there, the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, once the wisdom zombies took away tens of millions of zombies, and it may be impossible to miss something.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, thousands of figures came to the side of the Liu family, the warlord of the magic capital, and one by one, it was Liu Wanying who walked in the front.

Standing on the edge of the giant pit, Liu Wanying looked at the giant pit in front of her in silence, a few days ago there was still the Liu family of the warlord of the magic capital here, and today, a few days later, there is only one giant pit left here!

The land with a radius of tens of kilometers was flattened, and the shock wave brought by the explosion destroyed the earth into a terraced field, and in the center of the explosion, there was a crater nearly 100 meters deep, and the arc-shaped crater was the center of the explosion, covering an area of several kilometers, directly blowing up the entire Modu warlord Liu family, and even a stone the size of a human head could not be found.

Kneeling on the edge of the giant pit, although she had long known that this would be the result, Liu Wanying was a little unacceptable in her heart now, but compared with the collapse a few days ago, Liu Wanying’s mood was much better.

She’s grown! In adversity, growing up in destruction, step by step towards maturity, growing not only the heart, but also her strength!

Turn grief and anger into strength, in a few days, Liu Wanying killed zombies like crazy, a person’s speed is several times that of normal female soldiers, and the strength has grown very rapidly, in just a few days, it has reached the level that other female warriors can only reach for more than a week.

Condensation Realm!

Yesterday, Liu Wanying successfully broke through the Condensation Qi Realm, and her strength skyrocketed, which was originally a happy thing, but she couldn’t be happy now.

“General, you mourn…”

Ye Lihua patted Liu Wanying’s shoulder, with the same sad look on her face.

Before leaving the military region, Ye Lihua was the regiment commander under Liu Wanying, with the rank of colonel, and the relationship between the two was very close, and now seeing Liu Wanying so sad, I can’t help but feel a little sad in my heart.

“Don’t call me a general, my current status is a squadron leader, we no longer belong to the military district, but to the city of judgment, we are the soldiers of the city of judgment, we must use the name of the city of judgment.” Liu Wanying’s eyes widened, grabbed a handful of soil on the ground, raised her arm, and the breeze blew down, and the dust fell forward.

“Dad…. It’s Wanying’s mistake, if I had become stronger a day earlier, there would be no evil consequences now, big brother, you are wrong! You hurt your father, your second brother, and everyone in the military district! ”

Liu Wanying’s tone was sad, for a long time, Liu Wanying raised her hand to wipe away her tears and stood up from the ground.

“Go to the front and take a look, the above handed over this area of the military region to us for investigation, there can be no omissions, and we cannot live up to the understanding of us from above!”

Liu Wanying knew that with her position as a squadron leader, she could not bring so many people, and now the high-level was considerate, let her come here to remember her homeland, she must do things well and live up to the expectations of the high-level to her.

Thousands of female warriors spread out, thoroughly surveyed an area with a radius of more than ten kilometers, and searched carpet all the way, and finally stopped at the coastal area.

Standing on the shore, Liu Wanying looked at the sea blankly, and the shock wave also spread to this side, and there were broken decks and some other parts of the fleet on the sea in the distance, and the famous North Sea Fleet of the empire also sank in the previous explosion.

Looking at the endless sea, Liu Wanying took a deep breath, listened to the waves of the sea, and said in a deep voice: “The Lord promised me before that if I behaved well, he would consider taking me out to sea, take me across the ocean, and fulfill the unfulfilled legacy of my fathers.” ”

“Now I have the position of squadron leader, class sequence Lv4, although the strength is not as strong as those veteran female warriors, but also have the strength of the condensation realm, I think it should be enough, after waiting for the repair and reward to come down, my strength should be able to improve a bit, I must win the qualification to go to the neon!”

“Attack the Neon Empire, flatten the Yin Kingdom, kill a corpse all over the field, blood flows like a river, everywhere the eye can see, blood is drifting, and there is no grass!” If Dad had a spirit in heaven, he would be very pleased. ”

“Wanying, we will accompany you.” Ye Lihua stepped forward and put her arm around Liu Wanying’s shoulders, her tone indescribably firm.

“Thank you.”

“What else do we say thank you?”

Putting away the sad emotions on her face, Liu Wanying turned her head to look at the thousands of female warriors in combat uniforms behind her, raised her hand and waved, and shouted: “Go back to the city!” ”

Thousands of female warriors turned around in unison and quickly ran towards the direction of the City of Ruling, overlooking from the sky, not only Liu Wanying and these female warriors, but in all directions of the entire Demon Capital, the female warriors were advancing towards the City of Ruling.

The magic capital has been completely cleaned up!

Tianxia villa area, villa 1.

Lin Fan sat on the sofa like an old man, leaning his head on Shao Mingxue’s arms, listening to music and humming songs leisurely.

On the sofa, Lin Youyou they didn’t plan to go out, they got up in the afternoon, where else to go? Just wait for the female warriors to return, and then deal with the internal affairs of the city of judgment, count the total number of people, and arrange various matters.

There were footsteps at the door of the villa, and Diamat walked in from outside the villa, and the zombies in the east had been cleaned up, leaving some bits and pieces unattended.

Walking into the villa, he found that Lin Fan had risen, joy flashed in Diamat Chen’s jewel-like beautiful eyes, and he quickly came to Lin Fan’s side, half knelt on the ground, and bowed his head: “My lord, Diamat has cleaned up the zombies in the eastern region, and only a few zombies are left for those warriors.” ”

From the moment he woke up, Lin Fan opened the system and heard a series of prompt sounds, most of which were prompt sounds that fantasized about being able to gain experience, and he didn’t need to think about it to know that it must be Diamat who ran out by himself.

This fantasy has a special ability that is really easy to use, and you don’t have to bother yourself, and your experience and points will skyrocket.

Sitting up, Lin Fan pulled her into his arms, played with her little hands, and praised: “Good job, hard work for you.” ”

Leaning into Lin Fan’s arms, Diamat’s heart was indescribably happy, and he only felt that any hard work was worth it.

“My Lord, this is all of Diamat’s own free will, and it is Diamat’s responsibility and obligation to share your worries.”

Lin Fan smiled and did not speak, playing with Diamat’s white jade hand, his palm caressed her beautiful hoof, and his heart was indescribably comfortable.

Diamat’s return was like a signal, and not long after, Jasmine and the others rushed back one after another, which also represented the official end of the operation to clean up the zombies.

The zombies of the magic city were cleaned up, and the city of judgment fell into a period of rest, Lin Fan was at home these days with the women, watching movies, singing, playing games, swimming, taking advantage of these days, Lin Fan went to the periphery and spent points to set up a wall in the outermost periphery, with a total length of 380 kilometers.

The total 380-kilometer city wall cost 380,000 points, which is really drizzle for Lin Fan now, and more than seven million points have not even been spent.

Three days passed in a flash, and in the living room of the villa, all the women sat on the sofa one by one, looking at Lin Fan in the middle with their eyes in unison.

“Report it.”

Lin Fan raised his hand and signaled, Lin Youyou took the folder handed over by Zhao Wanqing, opened it and looked at the text on it, and read: “At present, the total population of the ruling city is 22,3157 people, and after three days of rectification, the combat establishment has a total of 10,9795 people, and the remaining 11,3362 are low-level maids and non-combatants of various ranks. ”

“According to the current population establishment, the difference in weapons and equipment is 58,784 Tang knives, 11,1054 watches, according to the calculation results, based on the current population estimate of the ruling city, the farm also needs to increase the cattle, sheep, pigs and other livestock by 3,000 units, considering the next battle plan, materials and equipment, about 160,000 Tang knives, 200,000 watches, and 8,000 units of various livestock.”

“The demon city zombie clearance operation was successful, the members of the unit team performed well, 1 captain, 133 squadron leaders promoted, 3516 squad leaders, this is the list, the Lord you take a look, you need to personally award the squadron leader later.”

Looking at the documents handed over by Lin Youyou, Lin Fan glanced at it, the squadron leaders were mostly familiar names, closed the folder, Lin Fan got up from the sofa and said, “Let’s go, go to the other side of the square.” ”

When the words fell, all the women got up one after another and followed Lin Fan to the square.

No. 1 Square in the North City of the Second Wall of the City of Adjudication, formerly this is the Magic Capital Stadium, two explosions have destroyed this place almost into ruins, Lin Youyou and they thought about it again and again, completely razed this place, and then made it into a square for the award ceremony.

In the future, this side will be built into a formal award square, and now there is only a huge square and award platform, at this time the square is full of female warriors, and there are tens of thousands of new female warriors watching around.

On the square, Liu Yuer and the others stood at the front, their eyes kept glancing in the direction of the entrance, and with indescribable expectation in their eyes, they were all waiting, waiting for Lin Fan to appear.

Today is the award ceremony, they will go further, and even listen to the gossip of Liu Mingyue and these little princesses, saying that the city of judgment will soon expand greatly, divided into a two-step plan, internal expansion of the empire and conquest of other empires overseas.

Domestic by Lin Youyou these main mothers to take over, and abroad is Lin Fan personally led the team, this is to open up the territory, Liu Yuer they have long been excited, if they can be selected by Lin Fan, cross the ocean to conquer the major empires, without Lin Youyou these main mothers around, they will not have a chance?

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

In anticipation, the space on the award platform cracked, and Lin Fan’s figure walked out first, followed by Lin Youyou and the others.

The road is so far away, Lin Fan did not plan to come from the villa area of the world, directly open the space passage to save more trouble, and it was a step away.

As Lin Fan appeared, the atmosphere in the square instantly became warm, and tens of thousands of eyes looked at Lin Fan in unison, and the hot gaze made Lin Fan’s face a little painful.

Being watched by these wolf-like women, Lin Fan was calm, and there was no other reason, all because he had experienced more.

Overlooking the tens of thousands of female soldiers in combat uniforms on the square, as far as the eye can see, the uniform white combat uniforms are neat, the faces under the military hats are delicate and delicate, each has its own merits, the beautiful hooves under the short skirt are slender and straight, and under the light of the sun, the white is dazzling.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Lin Fan felt indescribably satisfied in his heart, the original expectation has finally come true, this is no longer an eye-catching problem, the eyes can’t see it!

PS: I didn’t have a rut, the review was not given, anyway, it was not given dead or alive, the head was going to split, in addition, thank you for sleepwalking $ life for the tip and reminder, let the big guy break the bank.

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