Chapter 294 Lin Fan ordered troops, the more the merrier

From waking up to now, in a month, from being alone to the current force, with 100,000 troops, Lin Fan couldn’t say what he felt in his heart.

If this were to be changed to the end of the world, he would at most think in his dreams, the end of the world made him, of course, the system also has a lot of credit, these two factors are indispensable.

“What to do next, I think you have been clear for a long time, now, the award ceremony begins, and the list of honorees is read by Lin Youyou, the city lord of the City of Ruling.”

On the high platform, Lin Youyou looked solemn, holding the document and stepped forward, his majestic gaze swept across the square, “The demon capital zombie eradication plan is progressing smoothly, and everyone’s efforts are inseparable, I am very gratified, you are all the most elite warriors under the Lord, I am proud of you!” ”

Lin Youyou’s short words, the atmosphere in the square instantly became warm, all the female warriors were honored, especially in the presence of Lin Fan, they were even more excited, their chins were raised high, and their figures stood straight, trying to show their best side.

“Since there are too many medal recipients, so among the medal personnel this time, only the squadron leader and above can get the privilege of the Lord personally wearing the badge, if you also want to get such an honor, then continue to work hard and work hard to climb up!”

Lin Youyou’s cold and serious voice echoed in the square, most of the tens of thousands of female soldiers in the square looked gloomy, but more of them were endless fighting spirit, they were not strong enough, military merit was not enough, if you want to get the Lord’s award, then redouble your efforts!

“Now the person whose name I read comes forward to present the award.”


At the front of the crowd, Jasmine stepped forward, tall and slender, her graceful figure curvy under the outline of the combat uniform, her beautiful face with unstoppable joy, and the charm at the corner of her eyes hooked.

“In the battle of the Mansion of Nations, Jasmine led the members of the squad to annihilate the goalkeeper Ogares, several new humans, rescued 59,337 survivors, and awarded the position of captain!”

Lin Youyou’s words fell, a female warrior came over with a tray in her hand, Lin Fan stepped forward, her eyes swept over the tray, picked up the golden badge on it, and gently pinned it to Jasmine’s neckline.

“Well done, keep up the good work in the future.”

Although what should have happened has happened, he has also learned to swim many times by Professor Lin Fan in the past few days, and being able to be personally awarded by Lin Fan in front of more than 100,000 female warriors still makes Jasmine extremely excited!

With her right hand clenched into a fist in her heart, Jasmine half-knelt on the ground and said softly and crisply: “I will live up to the Lord’s expectations!” ”

“Okay, step aside.”

Jasmine got up, walked back to the queue step by step under the gaze of countless envious eyes.

“Next is the squadron leader award ceremony!”

“Zhou Xiuyan, Liu Yuer, Qin Shiyue, Han Jingyi, Liu Wanying, Qin Yuwei, Chu Hanyan, Liu Mingyue, Wang Ziwen, Ye Ruolan….. Wait for 133 people to come forward and award the medal! ”

Lin Youyou’s words fell, and 133 female warriors including Wang Ziwen in the female warrior queue stepped forward in unison, with excitement on their faces.

A female warrior came over with a tray in her hand, some of them had combat uniforms, some were only badges, standing in front of Zhou Xiuyan, Lin Fan brought badges for them one by one, 133 people, wearing badges took a while.

After wearing the badge for the last female warrior, Lin Fan walked among the women and said with relief: “Keep working hard in the future, I hope that at the next award ceremony, you can still appear in front of me.” ”

A simple sentence made the 133 female warriors look full of excitement, their right hands clenched into fists in their hearts, and the 133 female warriors knelt on the ground in unison, excitedly saying: “Will not live up to the Lord’s high expectations!” We must redouble our efforts to get another award from the Lord! ”

“Stand down.”

Zhou Xiuyan and the others got up at the same time, turned their heads in unison and walked towards the queue at the rear.

After doing this, Lin Fan walked back to the high platform, and Lin Youyou continued to read, but the next award ceremony had nothing to do with Lin Fan, and the medals were changed to Zhao Wanqing and Li Yun.

However, more than 3,000 squad leaders, although Zhao Wanqing and them were quite a few, also took nearly an hour to complete the award.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan fell into deep thought.

Is he too honest, there are more than 200,000 women under his hand, I don’t know how many are beautiful, how come there are only Lin Youyou and so many women now?

Lin Fan felt that he was too unconcerned about the psychological and physical health of the women under him, and he had to speed up the pace so that more women would not be left alone.

As for the goal …. Let’s start with Di Ma and Zhou Xiuyan.

After the award ceremony, Lin You closed the folder and took a step back, Lin Fan walked to the front of the stage in time, his eyes swept under the stage, focusing on Liu Mingyue, these little princesses, as Li Yun and the daughters of the three of them, although the three of them were not more than squadron leaders, and even before they were small captains, no one dared to underestimate them.

With Li Yun as their mother, although the three daughters of Liu Mingyue, Qin Yuwei, and Chu Hanyan are not Lin Fan’s biological children, their status is no different from that of the princess.

After being glanced at by Lin Fan, Qin Yuwei’s third daughter quickly lowered her head.

“What I’m going to say next, you people should have heard a certain three mischievous mischievous say, that’s right, after a short rectification period of three days, the City of Judgment has once again ushered in a new expansion plan.”

“The expansion plan is divided into two parts, the first part is based on the city of ruling, and the surrounding cities are cleared, this part is assisted by the main mother Zhao Wanqing, and the other part is to cross the ocean and occupy other empires, especially the Neon Empire and the Big Stick Empire.”

“The shame brought about by the weakness of the Eastern Empire decades ago will be washed away by our own hands today, and those war criminals deserve to die! And their women will be plundered by us, and their land will be our territory, farming and grazing for us for generations, and do you have the confidence to do all this I said? ”

“We have!” Heaven-shaking shouts rose from the square, not only the female warriors in the square, but even the recruits watching around were excited.

Some of them are hatred for those war criminals in those years, and some are expectations for new expansion plans, as long as there is war, as long as there is a battle, they will have the opportunity to become stronger, and they will have the opportunity to get military merit.

Without war, it would be difficult for them to get promoted, which was not what female warriors wanted, people went high, water flowed low, and no one wanted to be at the bottom all the time.

Looking at the emotional female warriors on the square, Lin Fan’s palm pressed down, and with Lin Fan’s movements, the female warriors quickly quieted down.

“Now I will talk about the list of outbound personnel, and the people whose names I called go back and prepare well, then organize their own teams, and assemble in the port of the military region in three days, when we will take a giant ferry to cross the ocean!” The first target, the Neon Empire! ”

“Zhou Xiuyan!”

In the team, Zhou Xiuyan was excited and rushed out directly.




“Ye Ruolan!”


As Lin Fan called out one name after another, in the envious eyes of countless female warriors, one after another figures walked out, and in the crowd, listening to Lin Fan shouting one name after another, Liu Wanying felt indescribably nervous in her heart.

On her left, Zhou Xiuyan and others were named one by one, and it was soon her turn!

“Chu Hanyan!”


Looking at Chu Hanyan standing out beside her, Liu Wanying felt indescribably excited in her heart, the next one, the next one is her!

As Chu Hanyan walked out of the queue, Lin Fan closed the folder in his hand, this action made Liu Wanying slightly stunned, and then she was blinded!

waht? I? What about me? What about me???

Liu Wanying is anxious, she has been looking forward to crossing the ocean for an unknown amount of time, and now this has become her obsession, but as a result, there is no her in the list now! How could she accept this?

Subconsciously, I want to rush out of the queue, but considering the discipline problem, Liu Wanying is not going out, if she doesn’t go out, she can’t be anxious, don’t mention the whole person is more entangled!

Looking at Liu Wanying’s anxious appearance of crying, Lin Fan smiled in his heart, “Liu Wanying.” ”


Liu Wanying didn’t react for a while, looked at Lin Fan in confusion, looked at the smile on Lin Fan’s face, Liu Wanying understood instantly!

She was tricked!

“Oh what? Change if you don’t want to go. ”

“Go, go, go! Want to go! I want to go! Arrive! Liu Wanying didn’t care if Lin Fan was teasing her, and quickly stood up.

“As a general, with such poor reflexes, it is worth thinking about how much moisture your general’s rank has.”

Liu Wanying’s head was full of question marks, she now understood that this careful man was still remembering the previous bet, that time he didn’t catch her pigtails, and he was waiting for her here!

Assi! This man is so infuriating!

Staring at Lin Fan in annoyance, Liu Wanying could only hold her breath in her stomach, not daring to say a word, if this bumped into Lin Fan and lost her qualifications, she would really cry!

Looking at Liu Wanying, who was puffing up her face like a stingy bun in the audience, Lin Fan shook her head funny and waved her hand: “Prepare according to what I said before, today’s award ceremony is over here, and the expansion plan within the empire will be notified later by Zhao Wanqing.” ”

Leaving the venue, Lin Fan returned to the villa and began to prepare for the expedition in three days.

Crossing the ocean to fight the Neon Empire, it must be to take a battleship to the past, Lin Fan has already thought about it, since it is to fight the Neon Empire, then use the battleships of the Neon Empire, famous warships in history, one by one, when the time comes to use your battleships during World War II to fight back against you, just ask you if it is uncomfortable!

The warships of the Warlord Liu Family of the Magic Capital have sunk, which requires Lin Fan to build it himself, it is not a big problem to have illusions with extraordinary abilities, what Lin Fan needs to consider now is that there must be battleship design drawings!

Otherwise, how can the battleship appear, and you can’t let the battleship sail on the water with a whole empty shell, right? That must not be able to move, not only can not move, but also may sink the ship.

Turn on the computer…. Turn on your sister’s computer, the battleships of the Second World War will be put now, then it must be lagging behind I don’t know how many years, now is the era of missiles, naval guns are not good.

If you want the battleship of World War II, you must keep up with technology, and this design drawing depends on the system.

“I said system, this is a small problem for you, right?”

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