“How come!?”

“Didn’t you say the farm site was safe?”

“What is a longhorned zombie?” More than a hundred people are all dead? ”

Everyone was frightened by Xiao Lu’s words, there were less than thirty men present now, how could they deal with the horned zombie?

When they wanted to ask more clearly, Xiao Lu could no longer answer them.

But at this time, Xiao Lu had lost consciousness and was lying quietly in the arms of his beard.

“Damn! Damn it! ”

Beard angrily hammered the ground, and the people around him also became silent.

They never imagined that such a thing would happen to the advance team going to the agricultural base.

“Lin Yun! Ringo! ”

Suddenly, Xiao Ling rushed out!

He knelt in front of Lin Yun.

“What are you doing here?”

Lin Yun asked doubtfully.

But the next moment, the group of people all knelt in front of Lin Yun in unison.

“Ringo! Please help us! Save them! ”

A crowd of people begged Lin Yun in unison.

I hope Lin Yun can help them and rescue Lu Xingxing.

Lin Yun was indeed going to the agricultural base, but he could not guarantee that he would be able to rescue Lu Xingxing, because Lu Xingxing might have died at the hands of that fourth-level zombie.

So he said, “I’ll go, but I can’t guarantee that Lu Xingxing will come back alive.” ”

“Thank you so much! Ringo! You will be the great benefactor of our camp from now on! No matter what you ask! We will promise you unconditionally! Xiao Ling said gratefully.

Lin Yun didn’t want anything, just showed a faint smile, and then turned around and went to the parking lot.

As soon as she got on the bus, Ye Xuefei asked Lin Yun, “Why do we have to take this trip to muddy waters?” ”

“I have my plan, fasten your seat belt!”


“Lugo! What are we going to do!? Sooner or later hiding here will be discovered! ”

At this time, in a tool storage warehouse at the agricultural base, Lu Xingxing and the four campers were hiding here.

They all had fear and despair in their faces.

When more than a hundred people came, they were killed by the long-horned zombie, and the people who were still alive also lost contact, leaving only a few of them.

“Don’t worry! He couldn’t find it here! Just wait until support…..”

“Support? There is bullshit support! ”

One person directly interrupted Lu Xingxing’s words!

He yelled, “I blame you! It is you Lu Xingxing who brought us to the agricultural base without eliminating danger! You’re all doing the harm! ”

Saying that, he wanted to rush up and grab Lu Xingxing’s neck, but was stopped by the other three people.

“Zheng Le, calm down!”

The three tried to persuade the man named Zheng Le to calm down.

“How can I be calm? More than a hundred people, all dead! How calm you tell me! If we’ve been in the department store, how can something happen to everyone! ”

Zheng Le roared loudly.

Suddenly let everyone choke, yes, if they did not trust Lu Xingxing, if they had been carrying it in the department store, this kind of thing would not have happened.

“My fault! It’s all my fault! ”

Lu Xingxing’s eyes were covered with blood, and there was only guilt and self-blame in his heart, because he had died more than a hundred people.

However, he still assured several people: “But you can rest assured! Today is to exchange my Lu Xingxing’s life for it! Will also run away with you! ”

“Your life? How much is your life worth? Why take us out safely! I don’t believe you anymore! Zheng Le scolded loudly, turned around and prepared to leave alone.

“Zheng Le…..”

Several people tried to keep Zheng Le, but he had already walked out of the storage room.

“Damn! Damn it! ”

Lu Xingxing angrily hammered the wall, if he was a little stronger, this would not happen!

“Or shall we stay here, or someone has escaped?” As long as the man with the surname Lin comes, we will be saved. ”

One man proposed.

“You said that Lin Yun?” How do you know he can beat that horned zombie? Didn’t you see the van that the thing punched through? ”

“So what to do? Going out to die? ”

A crowd of people were talking about it, but none of them dared to go out because the horned zombie was still out there in a frenzied hunt.

“We still have to rely on ourselves, Lin Yun will not necessarily come.” Lu Xingxing took a deep breath and grasped the shovel that was placed next to him.

“We’ll go out together later, and if we encounter that zombie, I’ll be responsible for stopping him, and you’ll run!”

“Brother Lu…”

The three looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

Lu Xingxing continued, “But I can only stop him for a while, and when my rotten life is gone, and you haven’t run away, then there is no way.” Come on! Get ready to go! ”

The three of them immediately stood up and followed Lu Xingxing.

When they left the storage room and walked to the outskirts of the farmyard, they were all in front of them the corpses of their companions.

Among them were thirteen or fourteen-year-old children, but they could not escape the attack of the longhorned zombie.

“It’s all my fault!”

Lu Xingxing held back tears and walked over the corpses of the people.

They still need to go back alive, the base needs them!


Suddenly, a loud roar came into the ears of several people.


Lu Xingxing understood that it was the horned zombie who had found them!

He immediately let the crowd flee, and he turned his head to look at the place where the sound came from.

The next moment, however, his face turned frost.

Only to see that the horned zombie seemed to ignore his presence!

He pounced directly in the direction of the three men.


“Save me! Save me! ”


The screams poured into Lu Xingxing’s eardrums like a torrent, and he looked at everything in front of him in despair.

Watching his partner being torn apart by zombies, there was nothing he could do.

Fear and despair made him let go of the shovel in his hand.

He had given up his resistance and was ready to pay the price for this operation.

The horned zombie walked slowly toward him after easily solving the three of them.

When the large hand of the longhorned zombie fell on him, Lu Xingxing closed his eyes and waited for death to come.

And at this critical juncture, the voice of a man rekindled his hope.

“Lu Xingxing! Hold on! Lin Yun is coming! ”

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