“Keep me away from him!”

The person who shouted was naturally Zheng Le, who had walked out before, and he successfully escaped from the agricultural base and saw Lin Yun coming towards here.

I immediately ran in and wanted to inform everyone.

However, it was found that Lu Xingxing and several people had already encountered the long-horned zombie.

He immediately picked up the iron rod on the side of the road and rushed towards the longhorned zombie.


With a crisp sound, his iron rod stabbed at the zombie’s waist.

However, he was surprised to find that the zombie was not harmed, and even shifted the target of the attack from Lu Xingxing’s body to him.

“Run! Zheng Le run! ”

Lu Xingxing shouted.

“Don’t! No! ”

Zheng Le’s legs trembled in fear and he forgot to run away.

Only to see the zombie’s large hand fall, his body was cut in half.


Lu Xingxing roared angrily, grabbed the shovel and slapped it on the zombie’s head.

But it was a tickle for the zombie.


A loud noise came from Lu Xingxing’s abdomen, and he was kicked out by the zombie.

Although he was not fatally injured, he was also unable to move on the ground because of the pain.

But what made him even more desperate was that Zheng Le died at the hands of zombies in order to save him.


Lin Yun arrived at this time and drove the sports car into the zombie.

But that zombie was really too agile, directly dodging Lin Yun’s impact.

He had to stop and walk out the car door.

“It’s late!”

Ye Xuefei couldn’t help but frown as she looked at the tragic situation at the scene.

There were corpses everywhere, both old men and children, all dead at the hands of that zombie.

Lin Yun’s gaze was on the zombie.


Zombie Level: LV4!

Strength: 200!

Agility: 180!

Intelligence: 60!

Lin Yun:???

When he saw the attributes of this zombie, the whole person was a little stunned.

Isn’t that an exaggeration?

No wonder it’s LV4’s zombies.

“Lin Yun, he seems to be still alive.”

Ye Xuefei looked at Lu Xingxing, who was lying on the ground, his eyes were still open, and his body trembled slightly.

“You stay here, I’ll go and solve this zombie!”

Lin Yun slowly walked towards the long-horned zombie.

The flesh of this zombie was only afraid that it would exceed his imagination!

Two hundred power points, even if you wear a suit, you have a gap of fifty power points.

“It….. It’s not ordinary….”

Lu Xingxing wanted Lin Yun to be careful, but Ye Xuefei on the side stopped him.

He smiled and said, “Lin Yun is very strong, stronger than you think!”


The fourth-level zombie let out a roar and rushed towards Lin Yun.

At a speed like a high-speed car, it appeared in front of Lin Yun in less than a second.

Lin Yun’s whole body was instantly covered with a battle suit, and he threw a fist at the zombie.


A dull loud noise came out, and the zombie’s fist collided with Lin Yun’s fist, and the resulting air current swept up the gray smoke.

“No effect?”

Lin Yun found that his fist did not seem to have any effect on the zombie, and immediately drew out the laser sword and slashed it away.


The zombie roared, and its arm was directly severed by Lin Yun and fell to the ground.

When Lin Yun was preparing to continue his attack, he was surprised to find that the zombie’s broken arm was growing wildly, and finally formed an arm that was exactly the same as before.

“Can it be reborn?!”

Lin Yun was a little surprised, this zombie was somewhat terrifying and frightening, not only the attributes exploded, but also regenerated, which was simply a wall hanging in the zombie world.


The zombie roared again and rushed towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he swung his sword to cut it off.

This time it was straight to the zombie’s head!

However, just as Lin Yun swung his sword, the zombie’s figure actually flashed to the right side, dodging Lin Yun’s laser sword.

Then a punch slammed into Lin Yun’s abdomen.

Because there was no support point, Lin Yun’s whole body flew straight out backwards, hitting the ground like a meteor.

Fortunately, the suit completely resisted the damage, and soon he stood up again.

But his face was very poor, and the strength of the zombie in front of him was not comparable to that of the stray fish in front of him.

“It’s going to regenerate, isn’t it?”

Lin Yun took a deep breath, and the laser sword in his hand squeezed even tighter.

Since this cargo will accelerate regeneration, won’t it be necessary to cut you into pieces?

As soon as the words fell, Lin Yun fled into the darkness.

In the face of the suddenly disappeared Lin Yun zombie, he suddenly lost his target.

Lu Xingxing, who was watching from the sidelines, also had a puzzled face, what about Lin Yunren?

At this moment, a ray of light fell, cutting off the zombie’s arm again!

The zombie couldn’t find Lin Yun’s location at all, and could only swing at the air.

The next moment, Lin Yun’s attack fell again.

The zombie’s right arm was not yet complete, and his left arm was split in half by Lin Yun’s knife!

“This! Here’s how it was done! ”

Lu Xingxing looked at everything that was happening in front of him in surprise.

He couldn’t believe his eyes, there was no one in front of him, but the zombies were being attacked and dismembered.

Within five minutes, the zombie could not keep up with the speed of dismemberment due to regeneration, leaving only its body and head.

Struggling to fall on top of a pile of severed hands and feet.

It was also at this moment that Lin Yun lifted his invisibility and appeared in front of him.

A knife fell and cut its head.

After a few moments, the severed head of the zombie stopped struggling and fell into a pool of blood filled with a foul smell.

Lin Yun took out an orange crystal from the zombie’s head.

When he saw the crystal, Lu Xingxing was shocked.

No wonder this zombie was so powerful, it turned out to be an orange-level zombie.

The zombies of this level were not to mention them, even Wang Hao’s group could not deal with them.

But Lin Yun did!

“Lin Yun, you…..”

Lu Xingxing could not express in words the shock that Lin Yun had brought to him.

Lin Yun really killed an orange-level zombie by himself!

“Can you still move?”

Lin Yun asked at Lu Xingxing.

Lu Xingxing nodded and replied, “You saved my life again, I don’t know how to thank you.” ”

“Thank me?” Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “If you really want to thank me, then maintain your survivor camp, absorb the survivors who are still alive in Hezhou City, not only Hezhou, but also Yunhai City, Qinglin City, Bainan City, etc. next to it, and rescue those who are still alive and strengthen your camp!” ”

“I… Can I do it? After Lu Xingxing experienced this incident, he began to doubt his own ability.

But Lin Yun smiled and said, “Then you have to ask them.” ”

Only to see a pickup truck coming from the direction of the department store, with a dozen people from the survivors’ camp sitting on it.

They also organized a group of people to come over after Lin Yun set off, wanting to help Lin Yun.

It’s just that when they drove here, Lin Yun had already solved the zombies.

“Lugo! Are you okay! ”

Xiao Ling jumped out of the car with a group of people and rushed towards Lu Xingxing.

“I’m okay! But everyone….”

Lu Xingxing was very remorseful, and more than a hundred people died here because of their impartiality.

“It’s not your fault! No one could have predicted that there would be orange-level zombies here, and you are lucky to survive and should live with their will. Lin Yun instructed Lu Xingxing.

“Yes! Lugo! We don’t blame you! It’s not your fault! ”

The crowd comforted Lu Xingxing.

“Everyone! I Lu Xingxing swears! I will take you with me to live in this last days!” ”

Lu Xingxing cried, and a big man cried in a hurry, causing everyone to laugh.

The next day, a large number of people in the department store moved to the farm.

They repaired the walls, buried all the bodies in a clearing, and erected a stone there as a tombstone to honor the dead people.

Lin Yun watched the crowd busy on the vegetable field, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Maybe this camp of survivors can really grow all the time.

“I didn’t expect that the murderous Yunhai City Killing God would also show a grandmother-like smile, but it really opened my eyes.”


Lin Yun immediately looked in the direction of the person who spoke.

I saw that on a large tree outside the agricultural base, there stood a young girl who was less than one meter and four meters tall, wearing a camouflage uniform and holding a rifle.

She took the lollipop out of her mouth, revealing a pair of cute dimples.

He smiled at Lin Yun and said, “Qinglin City Ability, Chen Mojing, Samo!” ”

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