“The host? You actually called him master? ”

Su Xin looked at Chen Mofeng in shock.

He never dreamed that the woman he had pursued for so long would call this strange man the master?

“Sister Mo Feng, you told me that all this is not true, and you actually called him master?” What is he? How could it possibly be worthy of you? ”

Su Xin shouted.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but frown and asked Chen Mofeng, “Who is this?” So much? ”

Chen Mofeng glanced at Su Xin at Lin Yun’s feet and said coldly, “A small member of our organization. ”

“Small members of the organization? Am I not one of the six captains? ”

Su Xin asked in surprise, his position is the captain of the team!

The status was only below Chen Mofeng and Ye Sheng!

How did you suddenly become a small member of the organization?

However, he found that Chen Mofeng was looking at him coldly and said, “Now that you are not, can you shut up?” ”


Su Xin looked at Chen Mofeng’s indifferent eyes in surprise, and his heart suddenly trembled.

It was the first time he had seen Chen Mofeng show this expression.

Even if he suffered from Chen Mofeng’s dislike on weekdays, Chen Mofeng would not show this look.

But in front of this strange man in front of him, he showed himself an expression like looking at a bed bug?


Chen Mofeng took a deep breath, she really hoped that Su Xin could hurry up and not let him bother herself and Lin Yun anymore.

So, he continued, “Su Xin, if you want to live, get out of here!” ”

“Chen Mofeng!”

Su Xin roared angrily, his eyes were covered with blood, and at the moment he looked like a crazy zombie.

“I gave up the opportunity to go to Ninghang City for you!” You did this to me!? Do you know what you would have become without my help? You can’t stand up in Qinglin City, you vicious … Yes! ”

Before Su Xin could finish speaking, Lin Yun kicked and shattered Su Xin’s head.

Everyone looked at the bloody picture in amazement and couldn’t help but take a few steps backwards in fear.

Su Xin was actually right in front of Chen Mofeng, and was directly kicked in the head by Lin Yun?!

“You shouldn’t have killed him, his father was my father’s subordinate.”

Chen Mofeng couldn’t help but frown.

Although she is not afraid of Su Xin’s father, Su Xin’s death will inevitably be blamed on her by her father.

“Shouldn’t it be killed? What are you kidding?”

Lin Yun smiled dismissively, “Even if your father is present, I can’t kill him, no one can stop me.” ”


Chen Mofeng was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer Lin Yun.

I had to ask, “What about my sister?” Where is she? ”

Lin Yun touched his chin helplessly and said to the people in the car: “Come out, what are you still hiding?” ”


Chen Mojing jumped out of the sports car with a smile and hugged Chen Mofeng excitedly.

“Are you okay?” Have you ever been bullied? ”

Chen Mofeng asked Chen Mofeng worriedly.

A pair of hands were constantly groping on Chen Mojing’s body, looking like an anxious mother whose child had just returned home.

“It’s all right!” Chen Moting said, glancing at Lin Yun: “Don’t you care about me like this?” I’m five minutes younger than you!” ”

“It’s all right.”

The boulder hanging over Chen Mofeng’s heart was finally put down, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

After a few simple greetings, Chen Mofeng said to Lin Yun, “Go ahead, come from Yunhai City, you must be tired, right?” I had people prepare food. ”

“Yes.” Lin Yun smiled and kicked away Su Xin’s body at his feet.

After several people entered the door, several janitors came to collect Su Xin’s body.

But seeing this unbearable picture, I almost spit out today’s lunch.


“Is this time coming to Qinglin City to do something for me?”

Chen Mofeng asked Lin Yun.

After entering the base, Chen Mofeng prepared two pieces of military food for Lin Yun and the two of them.

Although there is no meat, there are many nuts in it.

In this last days, it is also a delicacy.

“Something really happened.”

Lin Yun took out the shell with the skull pattern from his pocket.

He asked, “Do you know this pattern?” ”

“This pattern?”

Chen Mofeng took the packaging shell, looked at it and hesitated, “I seem to have seen this pattern, but I can’t remember it for a while.” ”

“Really? Then you can think about it and tell me when you have news. Lin Yun said.

“What?” Let me see! ”

Suddenly, Chen Mojing snatched the packaging shell from Chen Mofeng’s hand.

Suddenly, that small and delicate face showed surprise.

“Where did you find this case?” Chen Moting asked in surprise.

“The pier of Yunhai City.”

Lin Yun replied that he was a little surprised that he finally recognized that it was Chen Mojing who was the packaging shell instead of Chen Mofeng.

Only to see that Chen Mozhen lowered her head, and her small hand grasped the packaging shell tightly.

After a few moments, she said to Lin Yun, “The pill that my father gave me back then had this pattern on it, but I didn’t expect to see it again today.” ”


Chen Mofeng and Lin Yun looked surprised, they did not expect that the culprit that caused Chen Mofeng’s body to be unable to grow up once again appeared in their field of vision.

“At the dock in Yunhai City, there is a laboratory in which a monster is created, and if it is really as you say, then your father’s military headquarters….”

Lin Yun told everything he had seen at the dock.

Hearing Lin Yun’s story, Chen Mojing shook her head and replied, “At that time, the military department did not have in-service scientists, so it was outsourced to a scientific research laboratory outside Qinglin City, and I did not expect that the scientific research laboratory was in Yunhai City.” ”

Chen Mozhen said, biting her pink lip.

Somehow her whole body trembled slightly, like a kitten’s stress response when she encountered danger.

“It’s all right, I’ll find you the person who made the pill, and then tie him up and let you dispose of it!”

Lin Yun gently caressed Chen Mojing’s small head, making her gradually relax and resting her head on Lin Yun.

Chen Mofeng: “????? ”

Chen Mofeng looked at this scene in front of her in amazement, shouldn’t Chen Mofeng lie in her arms when she was afraid?

Why Lin Yun?

Just then, there was a sudden shouting and scolding sound outside the door.

“Kill our captain’s bastard, you give me out!”

“Hurry up! We must get justice for Captain Su Xin! ”

Chen Mofeng frowned and got up to get ready to deal with it.

But he was stopped by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun smiled and said, “You still have to tie the bell to unlock the bell, I will handle this matter.” ”

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