Outside Chen Mofeng’s office, a group of people were gathering.

However, most of them watched the drama, especially the part of the people who went to Hezhou City, completely hiding in the back and did not dare to speak out.

Because they know that Lin Yun can’t mess with it!

Among them, there are four who lead the trouble, they are all members of Su Xin’s team, and they are Su Xin’s confidants.

“! You get me out! Captain Su Xin’s death must be repaid with your life! ”

A man with a green explosive head was roaring with all his might, cursing Lin Yun for killing Su Xin.

So much so that the whole face of the scolding was a little green.

“Yang Mo, did you say that the bastard who killed Captain Su Xin ran away?” Why hasn’t it come out yet? ”

Next to the man with the green exploding head, a woman with a good looking face but a pair of fangs asked him.

Yang Mo breathed a sigh of relief and said to the woman, “Escape? It was impossible, Sister Chen’s office had only one exit, and he could not escape. ”

“However, if he doesn’t come out, we can’t do anything with him, and we can’t break into Sister Chen….”

The woman asked worriedly.

Yang Mo’s two small eyes narrowed slightly, staring dead at Chen Mofeng’s office door: “That’s not okay either!” Even Sister Chen, give me an explanation! Kill Captain Su Xin, this matter can’t be turned over so easily! ”

“But…. Do you think that man will be Sister Chen’s friend? ”

Suddenly, the woman with the fangs asked Yang Mo.


Yang Mo glanced at the woman in surprise and immediately roared, “Can Sister Chen kill Captain Su Xin if she is good?” So how do we obey her? Murderer, you give me out! ”


With a loud noise, Lin Yun pushed open the door of Chen Mofeng’s office.

Seeing Lin Yun appear, everyone immediately fell silent.

Because the matter of kicking Su Xin to death had long been spread in the base.

Even Su Xin, who is a capable person, can’t beat this man’s move, obviously this is a strong outrageous guy.

“What are a bunch of people doing around here?” Isn’t there anything to do? ”

Lin Yun strode out of Chen Mofeng’s office.

The two sisters followed behind him, as if he Lin Yun was the boss of the organization.


The crowd swallowed a mouthful of spit in horror.

They were completely calmed by Lin Yun’s momentum.

This person’s momentum was even twice as strong as Chen Mofeng behind him, making them unable to speak for a while.

It wasn’t until a minute later that the leading Yang Mo spoke.

But the object of the speech was Chen Mofeng.

“Sister Chen! What do you mean? This man killed Captain Su Xin, don’t you give us an explanation? ”

“That’s it! Even if he’s your man, he can’t kill people! ”

“What’s more, Captain Su Xin likes you so much, every time he finds high-quality materials, it is for you!”

“You’re going to give us an explanation!”

The emotions of the crowd were driven by Yang Mo and they all sought reasons from Chen Mofeng.

Chen Mofeng frowned and scolded, “Do you want to rebel?” Interpretation? Well, let me give you an explanation, Su Xin, this person I have long wanted to kill him, every day like a dog pestering me, Lin Yun does not move, I will kill him sooner or later! As for you, have you forgotten the rules of the organization? What is the offence of the following offenders? ”

As Chen Mofeng spoke, an invisible aura swept through everyone present.

A crowd of people suddenly did not dare to say a word.

Because they knew in their hearts that the reason why the organization in Qinglin City could have today’s scale, the credit of Chen Mofeng’s two sisters was the greatest.

They provided the military with weapons and helped through the organization’s toughest period.

Perhaps Chen Mofeng’s strength is not the strongest in the organization, but it is definitely the most qualified person to sit in this top seat!

Lin Yun looked at this woman in military uniform with great interest, although her various attributes were not as high as those of her sister Chen Mojing.

However, the innate leadership temperament made Lin Yun marvel, especially in the face of the troubles under his hands, there was no trace of panic, and the scene was brought back to a favorable pattern in an orderly manner.

“But… Sister Chen. ”

Yang Mo raised his head slightly, and said with embarrassment: “Our Captain Su Xin can’t die in vain, right?” He took good care of us as well. ”

“Take care of you? Hehe. ”

Chen Mofeng sneered and replied, “He only takes care of you in order to complete the targets I gave to all the captains as soon as possible, so as to please me, as for you?” ”

As she spoke, her tone became cold, “Dead or alive is irrelevant to him, if I remember correctly, your team has the highest mortality rate per mission, and you have to lose a few companions every time you go out on a mission, right?” ”

“Yes… Yes! ”

Yang Mo lowered his head, Chen Mofeng was not wrong, the death rate of their squad was the highest.

Because Su Xin will take them to hunt down more advanced zombies.

The more dangerous the reward, the greater the reward, so one of them is a little stronger than the other teams, but there are fewer of them.

“So I’ve been trying not to evacuate the position of Su Xin’s captain and reduce the loss of the organization.” Chen Mofeng continued.

“Eh! You’re not right. ”

Suddenly, Lin Yun spoke, “I think he did no problem, this is the end of the world, you don’t take your life to fight, how can you become stronger?” Did you keep standing still and then be eaten by zombies? ”

“Yes, that’s what Captain Su Xin said…”

Yang Mo was very surprised, he did not expect Lin Yun to speak for Su Xin.

However, Lin Yun’s next sentence made him even more surprised.

“So Chen Mofeng, you don’t have to worry about the fact that they want to take revenge.” Lin Yun smiled and said, “I will give you a chance to avenge your Captain Su Xin, go up together, with the determination to kill me and be killed by me.” ”

“You want one to hit us all?”

Yang Mo looked at the man in front of him in surprise, he actually wanted to challenge everyone in Su Xin’s team.

There were more than thirty people in Su Xin’s team! He actually wanted one to pick thirty?

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

Chen Mofeng also asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun nodded and replied, “Sometimes the problem does not need to be solved, and if the person who raised the problem is solved, there will be no problem.” ”

Chen Mofeng glanced at Lin Yun, she had never heard of this kind of bullshit theory.

“Ask you once at the end, are you serious?”

Yang Mo said, more than thirty members of Su Xin’s team slowly walked out of the crowd.

As for the others, it was a few steps backwards that gave them a place.


“Good!” Yang Mo nodded, “Then we will not be guests…. Yes! ”

Before his words could fall, Lin Yun’s figure appeared in front of Yang Mo and kicked him out a few meters away.

Lin Yun shook his head and said, “Too weak! ”

With just one kick, Lin Yun kicked and broke several of Yang Mo’s ribs.

Yang Mo, who was lying on the ground, could not move because of the pain, and could only use those bloodshot eyes to stare at Lin Yun in front of him.

My heart was full of shock.

Because he hadn’t seen Lin Yun’s movements clearly just now, it suddenly appeared in front of him like a ghost.

The other members also looked at each other, and there was a deep fear in their eyes.

For a moment, everyone was so stunned that no one dared to move against Lin Yun first.

“How? Don’t others even have the courage to do it? Lin Yun glanced at everyone and said coldly, “Then where do you have the courage to speak for a dead person?” Do you dare to confront your boss? Looking for death!? ”

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