
“What are we?” We!? Lin Yun continued to shout, “Remember! The world you are in now is called the end times! What you need to do is to make yourself stronger by all means! Instead of wasting time for a crap that thinks about women every day! Got it? ”

“Understand: Got it…”

The crowd was shocked by Lin Yun’s words, and Qi Brush lowered his head to reflect on his mistakes.

The two sisters of the Chen family on the side were also stunned by Lin Yun’s posture.

They did not expect that Lin Yun’s few words would leave Su Xin’s gang of team members speechless.

“Don’t you want to do things when you understand it?!” What are you doing standing here? Wait for me to invite you to dinner? Get out of the way with him! ”

After Lin Yun finished speaking, he was like a tall man, turning around with his hands on his back to calm his angry mood.

“Yes yes yes yes!”

The crowd hurriedly dragged the seriously injured Yang Mo out of here.

The rest of the organization immediately left to get to their own business.

“Didn’t expect your mouth to be so strong?” And who did you learn from? ”

Chen Mojing asked Lin Yun with some surprise.

“And who did you learn from?” Does this need to be learned? Who wouldn’t swear? ”

Lin Yunbai glanced at them, and then said to the two of them, “I’ll go out first, and you two sisters will get along for a while.” ”

“Eh? Where are you going? ”

“Go find Yu Qian!”

Looking at the back of Lin Yun’s departure, Chen Mofeng sighed helplessly, this man is really too mysterious to her.

“Hello? Sister, what have you been watching Lin Yun for? Do you like him? ”

Suddenly, Chen Mozhen asked Chen Mofeng.

“Huh? What are you talking about? Believe it or not I hit you? Chen Mofeng quickly shook his head and vetoed Chen Mofeng’s conjecture.

Chen Moting rolled her eyes, she naturally knew.

Although his sister has no male and female love for Lin Yun, the relationship between the two is also very awkward.

For example, Chen Mofeng is Lin Yun’s servant, and he can warm the bed on call.

Sensing that Chen Mofeng’s eyes were wrong, Chen Mofeng immediately changed the topic and asked, “I would like to ask you!” What’s the matter with you? Why was he so close just now? ”

In the face of Chen Mofeng’s question, Chen Mofeng’s little face instantly turned red, and she stuttered and replied, “Me, me, me!” I didn’t lean on him so close! Don’t mention how good he is! ”

“Molly you….”

Chen Mofeng’s eyes stared intently at Chen Moying’s eyes, which immediately made Chen Mofeng’s heartbeat intensify, deeply afraid that her sister would know about her dirty things with Lin Yun.

But after a few seconds, Chen Mofeng replied like this.

“Also, he shouldn’t like a little man like you, I’m a real person who is worried about these fictitious things.”

“Gan! Who do you say is the little man? Look at the tricks! ”

“Don’t do anything else! Don’t touch that kind of place! Hahahahaha! Itch to death! ”


Lin Yun, who left the base, went to the Universal Plaza in Qinglin City.

Before he went to Chen Mofeng’s base, he sent Yu Qian into the Universal Square to investigate the situation.

Because he found that it should be a square with a huge flow of people, but he did not see a single zombie.

And from time to time, there was a whining sound, but I was afraid that something was inside.

Lin Yun entered the Universal Plaza.

You can still hear the whining sound echoing in your ears.

“Lin Yun?”

As soon as he walked into the door, Lin Yun and Yu Qian bumped into each other.

“How’s it going? Any clues? Lin Yun asked Yu Qian.

Yu Qian shook her head and replied, “No, I have searched all the floors of the Universal Plaza, but I still haven’t found the source of the sound, because no matter where I stand, the whining will not strengthen or weaken, as if the sound is transmitted to our minds through other means.” ”

“By some other means?”

Lin Yun thoughtfully dragged his chin.

He had a general idea of the situation here, and he had the audacity to guess that there was probably a zombie above the red level hiding in it.

After experiencing the orange level zombie with the long horn, Lin Yun knew that the zombies above the red would mutate other abilities.

Now, that orange-level zombie is still in his system space, and as long as he eats it, he can increase his attribute points by a hundred! This is priceless.

“What to say? Are we going to look inside again? Yu Qian asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun touched his chin, the Universal Square was very large, even if it was Yu Qian, she only walked around roughly, relying on her ears to find the source of the sound.

But this is of no use at all.

To find the location of the zombie, you must send someone to conduct an all-round search in this universal square.

Just by virtue of Lin Yun and Yu Qian, this may waste a long time.

“Just the two of us are just wasting our time and we need help.” Lin Yun said.

“Helper? Who? ”

“Chen Mofeng’s people, those two hundred people are useful now.”


“What is this for?”

“Why are there so many green crystals?”

“That’s too rich, isn’t it?” There are more than thirty people in our team, and there are dozens of them at most in a week! ”

Everyone watched Lin Yun pour hundreds of green crystals to the ground, and they were all amazed at Lin Yun’s wealth.

But it was impossible to understand what Lin Yun was going to do.

After Lin Yun was fully prepared, his eyes scanned a circle of everyone present.

Except for those who were looking at the wind and those who had not yet returned, Qinglin City organized two hundred people to gather here.

As soon as he returned, he made Chen Mofeng anxious everyone in the organization and told them that there was an urgent task.

“Very good, everyone has arrived.” Lin Yun smiled and nodded.

“What are you doing here?”

Chen Mofeng asked Lin Yun doubtfully.

She didn’t understand what Lin Yun was asking her to gather everyone over.

However, Lin Yun smiled slightly and said to everyone, “These hundreds of green crystals are my gift to you!” Each person can grab two! ”

“Are you crazy?” Chen Mofeng asked in surprise.

Hundreds of green crystals as a gift? Lin Yun is crazy, right? That’s a lot of money!

“Really fake? Can you get two per person? ”

“I can only hunt two in a week, and that’s how he gave them to us?”

“That’s too generous, isn’t it?” Worthy of being the head man! ”


Everyone was very surprised by Lin Yun’s words, and they did not expect that Lin Yun would give them green crystals for free.

At this moment, Lin Yun continued, “But! I need you to do one thing to find out the source of the strange sound of the Almighty Plaza! ”

“Find out where the sound of Magnum Plaza comes from? No way! I’m not going. ”

“It has always been a forbidden place in Qinglin City, didn’t Sister Chen tell you?”

“Although no one died there, I didn’t want to go because I heard the strange sound.”

“I don’t want this green crystal!”

Hearing the strange sound that Lin Yun was going to let them go to the Universal Square, he immediately started to retreat.

Because the two green crystals exchanged for their own lives, it was too much of a loss.

“Lin Yun, I think you’d better abandon this plan, even I have a hard time assigning them the task of Magnum Plaza.” Chen Mofeng explained.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Because that voice sounds so evil, everyone is worried that there are zombies above the red level inside.”


Lin Yun nodded thoughtfully, “I see! ”

“Just get it.” Chen Mofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

But he only heard Lin Yun shouting at the crowd, “It turns out that I didn’t give enough?” Say it early! ”

Only to see Lin Yun wave a big hand, in an instant, more than a dozen red crystals appeared out of thin air and landed in front of everyone.

Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were like seeing a fairy, staring straight at the red crystal in front of Lin Yun!

They couldn’t believe in their dreams that Lin Yun would have so many red crystals?

Facing the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Lin Yun revealed a faint smile and asked them:

“Is this enough to buy your life?”

=== Today it seems that the website has been pumped, the blocked chapters have not been unsealed, it has been reviewed for a day, hey, it’s really difficult! Today five more bar, tomorrow will make up for yesterday’s good addition. ===

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