“Brothers! Act separately! Find out where the weird sounds come from! ”

Watching a group of people pour into the Universal Plaza, Lin Yun nodded contentedly.

Sure enough, in the last days, crystallization is the most circulating currency.

Most of his crystals were taken from the Ability Base in Hezhou City.

In the face of the temptation of more than a dozen red crystals, let alone this group of people, even Chen Mofeng wanted a piece of the pie.

A red crystal is a ten-point attribute!

This is a huge boost for them!

As for how to distribute them in the end, Lin Yun gave them all to Chen Mofeng, and she watched and did it herself.

“Lin Yun, what should I do?”

Yu Qian, who was standing next to Lin Yun, asked him.

There were so many people looking for the source of the strange sound for Lin Yun, and they didn’t need her at all.


Lin Yun simply replied that they didn’t need to do anything, just wait quietly.

Chen Mofeng’s people would help them go through the entire Universal Plaza.

“You’re so rich!” I used so many red crystals to bribe my people. ”

Chen Mofeng walked slowly and said to Lin Yun in a somewhat jealous tone.

When she saw Lin Yun’s dozen red crystals, the whole person froze.

You know, a red crystal is the birth of a capable person!

“How? Afraid I’ll take all your people away? ”

Lin Yun replied with a smile.

Chen Mofeng rolled his eyes and did not answer Lin Yun’s question.

“Lin Yun! Would you like to have something to eat? I brought delicious pastries! ”

Next to Chen Mofeng, still followed by Chen Mofeng, she held two pieces of pastries in her hands, the only difference was that one of them was bitten by her.

“Okay, I want that whole piece of land.” Lin Yun pointed to the complete piece of cake in Chen Mojing’s right hand and said.

“That’s good! Here you go! ”

Chen Moting handed Lin Yun the piece that she had nibbled at.

Lin Yun, who took the pastry, had a black line on his face.

Still, I ate the pastry.

“What do you think this strange sound would come from?” Orange-level zombies? ”

Chen Mofeng suddenly asked Lin Yun.

Lin Yun shook his head and replied, “I don’t know, is it said that this strange sound has been there since the end of the world?” ”

Chen Mofeng nodded, “Yes, there was this strange sound from the beginning, and not a single zombie dared to come closer.” ”

“That’s weird.”

Lin Yun frowned.

Not only is there no zombie, not even a corpse.

Ordinary is exactly like a shopping mall that has not opened its doors for a long time because of something.

A few hours later, the crowd still found nothing.

Lin Yun doubted whether he had made a mistake.

At this moment, an exclamation came into the ears of everyone.

“There’s something, there’s something here!”

A girl pointed to the fitting room of a certain shop and screamed.

“Here it comes!”

A group of people rushed to the area where the girl was located, and the water around the shop was instantly leaked.

Lin Yun slowly approached the fitting room that the girl was referring to, ready to open the curtain of the fitting room.

He wanted to see what kind of monster this sound came from!


Lin Yun opened the curtain in the fitting room.

Everyone was surprised to find that inside was a baby with a pale body!


He had turned into a zombie, with dark purple blood vessels under his pale skin and a distinct bite mark on his right arm.

“Poor boy…”

The crowd was a little disappointed to see this scene, because they did not expect that the source of this sound was actually from a zombie baby who had just reached the full moon.

“So what are we going to do with him?” Kill it outright? ”

Chen Mozhen asked.

Even if he is only a toddler, he is still a zombie, and there can be no mercy in the face of zombies.

Lin Yun nodded, raising his knife and preparing to end the life of this little zombie with a knife.

But at this moment, there was a scream behind them!

“Ah! Help me! ”

“Not bad! There are zombies! ”

The crowd quickly turned their attention to the point of the accident.

They were surprised to find that a female zombie in a shawl was tearing at the body of an organization member.

Unlike other zombies, she has four arms, and her whole body is blood-red, and there is a stench around her body, which makes people feel sick.

“Orange! This is at least an orange zombie! ”

Chen Mofeng’s beautiful eyes stared dead at the female zombie in front of her, and said to the crowd, “The members who have not reached the ability to leave here immediately!” ”

But it’s too late! The female zombie’s figure moved instantly!

Leaving a remnant in the same place, it then appeared in front of everyone.


“Save me!”

“Don’t come here! Stay back! ”

Suddenly, there were screams, and in less than a few seconds, several people died at the hands of orange-level zombies.

“Let’s go! Take them away! ”

Chen Mofeng shouted anxiously, she didn’t want her organization to be wiped out here!

But where is the speed of their escape that the female zombie is coming?

Catch up with a few people in an instant and go on a killing spree!


Chen Mojing frowned slightly, and immediately rushed towards the orange-level zombie.

Judging from the speed at which it is showing up now, it is not weaker than itself at all! And those four arms are simply natural weapons, which can penetrate the human body in an instant!

“Look at the knife!”

Chen Mojing held the red dagger in her hand and slashed at the zombie.


With a crisp sound, Chen Mozhen’s dagger pierced into the female zombie’s right arm without error!

But she was surprised to find that she could not pull out her weapon!


Chen Moting was horrified and hurriedly prepared to retreat, but the attack of the female zombie had already fallen, and the next second would pierce Chen Mozhen’s heart!


A muffled voice sounded.

Chen Mojing was surprised to find that she had not been killed by the zombies.

Because, in front of her, Lin Yun grabbed the zombie’s arm and stopped its action!

“Lin Yun!”

Chen Moting excitedly wanted to rush up and hug Lin Yun and thank him for saving her life.

But Lin Yun directly kicked her to the side.

The next moment, the female zombie’s other hand landed on the spot where Chen Mojing had just been, leaving a dark hole in the ground!

“Someone who dares to move me? Find Death! ”

Lin Yun said coldly, and squeezed the neck of the female zombie!


The female zombie roared, and four arms reached out to Lin Yun’s body at the same time!

“Not bad! Watch out! ”

“Her arms are as hard as steel!”

“It’s over! Sister Chen’s man is going to die! ”

“Damn! What a push at this time! ”

The crowd panicked and reminded Lin Yun that he was wary of the zombie’s steely limbs.

But it was too late, the zombie’s four arms had already touched Lin Yun’s body!


A scream echoed through the Almighty Square.

Everyone couldn’t believe what was happening right in front of their eyes!

“How can that be?”

“How did this happen?”

“That’s too tragic, isn’t it?”

“Is this still human?”

Only to see that Lin Yun, who was supposed to be pierced by the zombie hole in the eyes of everyone, was intact.

And the four arms of that female zombie actually touched Lin Yun’s body at the moment! It was bent into an exaggerated arc!

Lin Yun looked at the female zombie in front of him and said dismissively:

“You zombie still have pain?” So what!? ”


A crisp sound came out.

Lin Yun actually ripped off the four arms of the female zombie that were as hard as steel in front of everyone’s eyes!

== One more later, to be later==

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