
The orange-level female zombie let out a miserable scream.

It frightened the crowd to take a few steps backwards unconsciously.

“How can this be? Why do zombies feel pain? ”

Chen Mofeng asked doubtfully.

It is reasonable to say that all zombies have no pain, and now there is only one zombie known to have pain!

But because of Koki’s peculiarities, she can’t be considered the same as other zombies.

Moreover, Keqi did not turn into this monster in front of him!

“Wow wow wow wow

At this moment, the zombie baby who had been placed in the fitting room let out a heart-rending cry.

Whoops, whoops!

The female zombie who heard the cries struggled to escape from Lin Yun’s hands, but she couldn’t do it at all.

Lin Yun’s strength was really too great! No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake Lin Yun a point.

“What the hell is going on here? Could it be that this female zombie is the mother of that baby zombie? ”

Chen Moting guessed.

Hearing her guess, Lin Yun’s brow couldn’t help but frown, only afraid that she guessed right.

The zombies in this almighty square are a pair of mother and child zombies!

The reason why there are no other zombies here is that the mother zombie regards this place as her own territory.

Just like animals, they make marks with their own scents to warn other people not to come close.

It’s all about protecting this little zombie who is still in its infancy.

“But you’re still a zombie after all.”

Lin Yun’s clear eyes stared at the vicious-looking female zombie in front of him.

Although I don’t know why she still has pain, I don’t know why, after she becomes a zombie, she still has the consciousness to protect her child.

However, she is a zombie after all, an enemy of mankind!


A scream sounded, and the female zombie fell to the ground in response.

Lin Yun’s sword pierced her head, a fatal blow!

After the female zombie died, the baby zombie magically stopped crying.

The crowd looked at it in a hurry, but found that the baby zombie had somehow left this world.

Lin Yun couldn’t help but frown, he didn’t understand what the connection was here, but he couldn’t get any useful information from the two zombies.

Killing them is what you should do.


Suddenly, applause came from afar.

The crowd hurried to look in that direction.

Only to see a man wearing a black tuxedo and a top hat appear in the sight of everyone.

“Awesome! Someone in Qinglin City was able to kill my mother and son zombies! ”

The man sneered and said to Lin Yun.

“Your mother-and-son zombie? I can’t pretend I haven’t heard that. ”

Lin Yun’s brow suddenly twisted into a twist.

The appearance of this man in front of him will unravel the mystery of this mother-daughter zombie.

“Hahaha! It was just a small toy I made casually, and I didn’t expect it to be solved after forty days, which was really unexpected to me. The man continued.

“You said this is a little toy you made?”

Chen Mofeng asked in surprise.

When the crowd heard these words, they also showed their surprise, they never expected that this pair of mother-daughter zombies was actually from the hand of the man in front of them.

However, in the face of Chen Mofeng’s question, the man’s face instantly darkened.

Coldly said, “You’re not qualified to talk to me, roll!” ”

As soon as the words fell, a white beam of light exploded towards Chen Mofeng!

Lin Yun immediately threw out the female zombie in his hand and took the damage of the white beam instead of Chen Mofeng.


Chen Mofeng saw the female zombie in front of her who had been burned out of a large hole, and she was too frightened to speak.

The female zombie’s body can be described as invincible, and only Chen Mojing’s weapon has the opportunity to pierce her skin.

But the man in front of him is just a look that causes such a huge amount of damage?

Who the hell is he?

“What a quick move! Worthy of being able to beat the toys I make, and if I can, I want to make a friend with you. ”

When the man spoke to Lin Yun, his tone was much calmer.

It’s like meeting a deceased person I haven’t seen for a long time.

“Make friends? I want you to die!” ”

Lin Yun’s eyes widened in anger, and his body exploded, instantly appearing in front of the strange man.

But when his fist fell, he was surprised to find that what remained in place was a remnant!

“Almost almost hit, almost hit by you.” The man in black said with a smile.

His figure appeared tens of meters away from Lin Yun.

Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he found that he could not read the other party’s attributes?

Moreover, the speed of the other party is definitely not a star and a half faster than his own, if you want Lin Yun to estimate the agility value of the other party.

That’s at least three hundred upwards!

“You’re running fast.”

Lin Yun smiled and said, “But now? ”


The man looked at Lin Yun doubtfully and asked, “What did you do?” ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly, did not speak, and threw his fist into his face.

The man shook his head helplessly, ready to continue his escape.

But I was surprised to find that my feet were out of my control!

“What’s going on! How can it be? Why can’t my body move!? ”

The man in black asked in surprise.

But the next moment, Lin Yun’s fist landed on his face.

Only to see that he was like a shooting star, the whole person flew out backwards, and fell heavily on the hard tiles.

The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth rose slightly, even if you are fast, what can you do?

In the face of mind control, you will always be a younger brother.

“It was incredible! You are definitely the strongest human being I have ever seen! ”

The man in black laughed and said.

He couldn’t move his whole body now, but he was still smiling, and he didn’t seem to care that he was controlled by Lin Yun.

Lin Yun walked up to him and asked, “Who are you?” And how did you make this pair of zombies? ”

“Huh.” The man in black lying on the ground smiled and shook his head: “Although I still want to talk to you for a while, but this body has no time, I hope we will see each other again in the future!” ”

“Wait a minute!”

Lin Yun just found out that something was wrong and wanted to stop the other party, but found that the man in black had lost his breath.

But Lin Yun knew that the person who had just spoken to him was definitely not dead, and he could be sure that the other party was definitely not human!

“Lin Yun, is it all right?”

Yu Qian and the others walked towards Lin Yun.

Although they heard the conversation between the two, their brains were confused, and they did not understand the identity and purpose of the person at all.

“It’s all right, the mother and son zombies have been killed, let’s go back.”

Lin Yun said, slowly walking to the female zombie’s body, his large hand reached out, and an orange crystal was pulled out of it.


Chen Mofeng nodded and quickly commanded everyone to prepare for the return journey.

However, just after leaving the Universal Plaza, a member of the remaining members of the base rushed over.

Shouting to Chen Mofeng, “Sister Chen! Not good! Big deal! ”

Chen Mofeng frowned and asked, “What happened?” ”

“Your father is back! He’s at the base right now! It also brought four capable people from Ninghang City! ”

“My dad?”

“Stinky Daddy?”

Chen Mofeng and Chen Mowen’s faces were full of surprise, they never dreamed that their father had actually returned to Qinglin City at this time.

“I didn’t expect Chen Yaowei to come.” Lin Yun on the side touched his chin, and said lightly: “Go, let’s go see his old man’s house, since the last time we met, I also miss him!” ”

Chen Mofeng, Chen Mofeng: “??? Have you seen my dad? ”

== Last change today, a little late ~==

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