
The eyes of the crowd looked out the door.

At this moment, Lin Yun stepped into the room with a step to meet the eyes of everyone.

Chen Mojing, who was originally fried hair, immediately became well-behaved and cried out to Lin Yun: “Big Demon Head! That red haired man said I was only twelve or thirteen years old! ”

Red-haired man: ????

He was full of doubts, wasn’t he?

Besides, when did twelve- or thirteen become a curse?


Lin Yun’s gaze immediately turned to the red hair and asked, “Is that what you scolded?” ”

“Nope! I didn’t scold either! Isn’t it twelve or thirteen years old? Red Mao panicked, he didn’t know where he was wrong.

“I see you’re living impatiently!” Let me give you loose bones! ”

Lin Yun didn’t say a word, just do it!

With his right hand in a fist, he sent a sharp blow at the red-haired man.

The red-haired man was horrified and immediately resisted with both arms.

However, when his hands touched Lin Yun’s fists, he only felt like he was being run over by a large truck.

The whole person actually flew straight out backwards and fell heavily on the wall.


“Are you okay?” Li Fan? ”

The other three were stunned.

You must know that the red-haired man may not be the most powerful person in Ninghang City, but the strength is also upstream.

However, when facing Lin Yun’s punch, he had no ability to resist at all?!

“Ahem! See if you dare to say that this girl is twelve or thirteen years old, a little skimming! ”

Chen Moting spat out her tongue.

The red-haired man who collapsed on the ground struggled to get up.

There was only shock in his heart, because the oppression that Lin Yun gave him with that punch was really too great!

Moreover, unlike the others, he could clearly feel that Lin Yun had gathered his strength!

That’s right!

Lin Yun’s fist retracted when it hit his arms!

Otherwise, he might be broken by Lin Yun’s punch and the bones of his arms would be directly reduced to a waste.


Name:Fan Li!

Strength: 144!

Agility: 146!

Intelligence: 121!


Name:Chao Huang!

Strength: 146!

Agility: 147!

Intelligence: 116!


All the information of the four people poured into Lin Yun’s brain.

Their attributes were all very close to one hundred and fifty points, except that the girl was slightly lower.

“This time it should be a lesson, and the next time I dare to say bad things about our family, I will not let you go.” Lin Yun smiled and said to Li Fan.

Li Fan wanted to cry without tears, he didn’t know which sentence he said was wrong.

As a result, Chen Mofeng, who was next to him, explained to him: “In fact, my sister and I are twins, and she is only five minutes younger than me. ”

“Twins? That’s it?! ”

The four of them spoke in unison and made a cry like a pig killing.

“Is this little dot your twin sister?” That means she’s nineteen years old? Li Fan shouted in surprise.

But because Chen Mozhen glanced at him, she immediately covered her mouth, “I shut up, I shut up!” ”

“Twin sisters?” It doesn’t look like it. ”

The man with thick eyebrows was also full of doubts.

In addition to the somewhat similar face shape, the two basically have nothing in common, especially this little guy is only a meter and a half tall, and you say that it is Chen Mofeng’s daughter, which is not exaggerated.

Chen Mofeng was also not easy to explain to several people, so he had to change the topic, “Let me introduce you to you, this is me…”

Chen Mofeng shifted her gaze to Lin Yun, but did not know how to explain Lin Yun and her identity.

Saying that he is his maid?

It’s also weird.

But for a while it was impossible to say a clear relationship.

But at this moment, Lin Yun said, “I am the future son-in-law of your group leader Chen, called Lin Yun.” ”

“Captain Chen’s future son-in-law?”

“Wouldn’t you? Didn’t Mo Feng just say that she didn’t have a boyfriend? ”

“Oh, maybe you don’t want us to know.”

“Indeed, you two are also good matches.”

The four of them immediately blew at Lin Yun and Chen Mofeng.

As everyone knows, the main lord beside Lin Yun was already full of anger.

Lin Yun and Chen Mofeng also did not explain, one was too lazy to explain, and the other did not know how to explain.

Chen Mofeng only took it as Lin Yun’s joke, after all, she was a servant of Lin Yun before she snatched Chen Mowen back.

Let it be manipulated.

“That’s right, brother!”

Suddenly, Li Fan rushed to Lin Yun’s side and asked him, “Are you and her the same?” ”

“I’ve had it twice.” Lin Yun replied without fear.

“I Cao! Cow cow cow! ”

Li Fan’s envious eyes burst out with golden light, “But you have to be careful, our leader Chen is a well-known daughter, if he hears that you have harmed her, he is eager to peel off your skin!” ”

Lin Yun didn’t answer, just smiled and nodded.

Instead, Chen Mofeng, who was next to him, listened with a confused face.

Which one, that?

Just then, a low voice came from the back room.

“Which bastard wants to be my son-in-law?” Don’t look in the mirror either, do you deserve it? ”

“I Cao! Group Leader Chen woke up! ”

“How to wake up at this time!” Brothers! Something went wrong! ”

Chen Yaowei’s sobriety made everyone panic.

It’s like when you go to school, the class teacher raids you, which is really scary.

“Oh Foam! Come in and let Mo Wei and the bastard come in by the way! ”

Chen Yaowei inside the room said to Chen Mofeng.

“Good father.”

Chen Mofeng led the two into the inner room.

The others watched nervously as the three entered the house and speculated wildly.

“You say, will Leader Chen accept that Lin Yun?” Murray asked.

“It’s hard to say.” Huang Chao shook his head.

“That guy is strong! Super strong! ”

Li Fan, who had been punched, said.

“And Huo Zhengbi?”

Huang Chao asked.

After pondering for a moment, Li Fan replied, “Even stronger than Huo Zheng!” As for how much stronger, I don’t know, at least the four of us are on together, not his opponents! ”


When the other three heard this, they were shocked.

Even the four of them together were not the opponents of that Lin Yun?

And how is that possible?

“Oh, by the way, and Chen Mofeng’s sister Chen Mofeng.”

Suddenly, Li Fan added: “That little girl is not simple, but I am afraid that she is stronger than all four of us!” ”


They wondered again, Lin Yun was not better than that, how could he not even compare to that little girl?

Is this serious?

“Who are the four of you?” What to do here? ”

Suddenly, a woman’s voice came into the ears of the four people.

They immediately turned their gaze to the rear, which was okay not to see, and suddenly held their breath when they saw it!

Because, behind them, there was a woman with a fairy-level face!

And even a few points better than Chen Mofeng!

Charisma value: (Chen Mofeng 95) Yu Qian(97)

“You you, you: Hello, Beauty! ”

Li Fan was so shocked that he could not speak.

However, Yu Qian only glanced at him and then asked, “What about Lin Yun?” Didn’t he just come in? ”

“Lin Yun?”

Everyone was even more surprised to hear that this woman had come to find Lin Yun.

Li Fan asked weakly, “So?” Offense ask, what is the relationship between you and Lin Yun? ”


Yu Qian thought for a while, and finally replied: “I am his woman, what about others?” ”

Four: ?????

They never dreamed that Lin Yun had a more beautiful woman besides Chen Mofeng!?

Is this something a man can do?!

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