
Chen Mofeng and a few others entered the inner room.

On the couch sat a man with gray hair, several scars on his face, and a dark green military uniform.

A pair of glowing eyes stared at the three people who entered the room.

“Stinky old man.”

Seeing Chen Yaowei, Chen Mojing put on a disgusted face.

Sitting on the sofa opposite Chen Yaowei, Yi Yi turned his face to the right.

However, Chen Yaowei’s attention was not focused on the two at all, but on Lin Yun behind them.

Looking at the young man sitting across from him, Chen Yaowei couldn’t help but frown at him.

He seemed to have seen the young man somewhere, but for a moment he could not remember.

After a moment of silence, Chen Yaowei said to Lin Yun, “Bastard boy, I heard that you want to be my son-in-law?” ”

“No, no, no!”

Lin Yun shook his head and replied, “It’s not that I want to be your son-in-law, but I’m already your son-in-law, and the two are different in principle.” ”


Chen Yaowei sneered and asked, “Are you a little too confident?” If you want to marry my daughter, it must also be with the consent of her son. ”

“Now that it is the end of the world, where are there so many so-called etiquette? Isn’t it who has the hard fist and who has the final say? Lin Yun’s gaze became cold and he said, “Besides, if it wasn’t for you, I would have entered the military department a long time ago.” ”

“Are you?” Chen Yaowei was now convinced that he had seen Lin Yun.

“My surname is Lin, a single word a cloud.”

“It was you!”

Hearing the name Lin Yun, Chen Yaowei couldn’t help but show a hint of surprise.

“Dad? Do you two know? ”

Chen Moting and Chen Mofeng were also very surprised, and from their father’s expression, it could be seen that the two of them really knew each other.


Chen Yaowei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued, “I remember telling you that there was a man in our unit named Lin Junsheng. ”

“Lin Junsheng? Lin Yun? Could it be that Lin Yun is…..”

The two daughters suddenly realized that Lin Yun was the son of their father’s comrade-in-arms!

No wonder the two knew each other, but why had they never heard their father mention it?

“That’s right, Lin Yun is his son.” Chen Yaowei sighed deeply and said, “Four years ago, this boy took a military registration exam, and he was the best of those people. ”

“The one with the best hands? Then why didn’t I see him in the military headquarters?”

Chen Mofeng was very curious, she had been in the military department for nearly three years, and she had never seen Lin Yun’s appearance.

“Because I deliberately made it easier for him to get into the military.”

Chen Yaowei explained.

“And then what? Did he fail? ”

“No, this boy succeeded.” Chen Yaowei shook his head and continued, “And he also perfectly completed the difficulty that should have been achieved by the special combat team, but because he was exhausted, he fell while crossing a puddle, causing his foot to twist and lose his qualifications.” ”


The two women did not expect that it was such a reason, Lin Yun did not succeed in entering the military department.

In this way, his father is still Lin Yun’s sinner.

“Didn’t you hurt that?” Make Lao Tzu’s difficulty so high! Lin Yun glanced at Chen Yaowei and continued, “But I later thought it would be nice not to enter the military headquarters, at least not after death, even the body could not be found.” ”

“Lin Yun….”

The two women looked at this Lin Yun silently.

They had heard their father say that Lin Jun had died in a mission.

Because it was a mission in the sea, Lin Junsheng’s body has not been found.

Five years have passed since then.

“Actually, at that time, I was going to recruit you into the special combat team.” Chen Yaowei said the old things at that time, “Although I have no friendship with your father, he is one of the few people I respect, and I see his shadow in you.” ”

Lin Yun heard Chen Yaowei’s words, shook his head with a bitter smile, and his participation in the military inspection was also a moment of fever, because his father’s death could not be accepted.

There is no point in talking about this now, after all, the arrival of the end times has long since washed away everything that came before.

“Okay, don’t mention my dad, I don’t want to hear anything from him.” Lin Yun beckoned, wanting to change the subject.

Chen Yaowei frowned, but he scolded: “You little bunny cub still has a face?” After the end of the military inspection, I slipped away without a word, I can’t find you, now it’s good! Soak my daughter as soon as she appears!? Looking for death!? ”

“What does it have to do with you that I soaked your daughter?” We’re two lovers, you know?! Lin Yun immediately retorted.

“How come your temper doesn’t look anything like your father?” Your dad is very honest, but your mom is still chasing after it! Chen Yaowei pulled a face and asked, and then turned his eyes to Chen Mofeng, “Mofeng, who do you like, Lao Tzu can’t control, but can’t be sloppy, Lin Yun This boy is good, but he still has…”

Chen Yaowei didn’t pull a bunch of words, but Chen Mofeng was completely confused.

“Not Dad, you listen to my explanation…”

Where did she want to get, Lin Yun’s joke, this time really have to take it seriously!

And she herself is not ready, suddenly multiple boyfriends or something, so that she is a little unacceptable for a while.

“Hey! There’s something wrong with you two, right? Who said Lin Yun liked his sister! ”

Chen Moting, who was on the sidelines, could not listen to it any longer, and the filming interrupted the conversation between the two.


Chen Yaowei and Chen Mofeng suddenly looked at Chen Mofeng with a sluggish face, and looked at Chen Mofeng in disbelief.

Only to see that, Chen Mojing shouted angrily, “Stinky old father, you have listened to me well!” Lin Yun likes me! Not an older sister! Get it? ”


Chen Yaowei turned his gaze to Lin Yun, and when he saw Lin Yun nodding, his face suddenly became gloomy.

“You’re not right!”

Chen Yaowei never expected that it was Chen Mojing who was with Lin Yun, his second daughter!

“What’s going on? Honey? ”

Chen Mofeng is also sluggish, this is only a few days?

How did her dear sister get along with Lin Yun?

“I’ll make it clear to you!”

Chen Moting climbed onto the table and said condescendingly to the two men, “I! I have already done that kind of shameful thing with Lin Yun! Bastard Daddy, don’t you want to be in one bite of a froth? I’m so tired of hearing it! I am Lin Yun’s woman, you know? ”

Hearing Chen Mojing’s speech, Chen Yaowei’s face suddenly turned blue, and a pair of eyes stared at Lin Yun fiercely, asking: “What she said is true?” Do you want to marry a moo? ”

Lin Yun nodded and replied, “Yes, you want to send Chen Mofeng to me, and I don’t mind.” ”

“Good boy! The appetite is still big! Chen Yaowei laughed loudly, “But do you have this skill?” Can you protect your woman in this last days? ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and said, “You can try.” ”

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