
As the smoke cleared, Lin Yun’s figure once again appeared in the sight of the leader of the Ma Group.

Seeing that Lin Yun didn’t have any wounds on his body, the whole person of the leader of the Ma Group collapsed!

Nearly fifty men of firepower! Bazookas were even used.

You actually told me not to break through the other person’s armor?

This is unacceptable to anyone!

“You you you!”

The leader of the horse group was frightened and a little slurred.

Seeing that dozens of people finally left him alone, there was only despair and fear in his heart.

Lin Yun slowly walked towards the leader of the advance team in Ninghang City, and from the perspective of the attributes given by the system, this guy and Chen Yaowei were of the same level.

The title is also in line with it, he should know most of the things about the Ninghang City Ability Organization.

“Tell me everything you know, your boss boss, what information you want from the tide of corpses!”

Lin Yunjiao asked.

Facing Lin Yun’s approaching step by step, the leader of the horse group retreated backwards in fear and tried to escape.

But he had only just moved his steps, and a cold light had already fallen, splitting his legs horizontally!

“Ah! My leg! My leg! ”

The leader of the horse made a miserable cry, and blood kept flowing from his fracture, staining the ground red.

Not only that, the smell of blood and the noise just now attracted countless zombies to this place.

Lin Yun stepped on the body of the leader of the horse group and asked again, “Give you another chance, what information do you bosses really want to get in the corpse tide?” Don’t say you don’t know! ”

“Kill me! Hugh wants to get any news out of my mouth! ”

The leader of the horse group roared with tears in his lungs.

“Kill you?!”

Lin Yun sneered, and the knife in his hand fell again, piercing the palm of the horse leader’s hand.


The leader of the horse group let out another scream.

The pain coming from the wound almost made him pass out on the spot.

“If you don’t say it again, I’ll cut your flesh off with a knife!” Let you experience the feeling that life is better than death! Lin Yun threatened again: “Why should it be so?” The organization is not opened by your mother, so why should you let yourself suffer this before you die? Isn’t it all right when you say it? ”

The leader of the horse group clenched his teeth and roared in resentment: “You dream! ”

“Good! Have guts! ”

Lin Yun laughed loudly, pulled the knife out of the horse leader’s hand, and took a few steps backwards.

This move made the leader of the horse group feel very confused.

Was this guy touched by his own loyalty?

Want to let yourself go?

However, the next moment, he found that the real despair had only now officially begun!

“Since you don’t want to say anything, then I can only use the most evil means!” Lin Yun sneered and lightly snapped his fingers.

“What are you going to do!?”

The leader of the horse group asked in horror.

“What for?” Lin Yun sneered, “You can look around you!” ”


The roar of the zombies came from the head of the horse group.

He looked around in horror and saw countless zombies coming towards this place!

There is even no shortage of green-rated zombies!

“How could it be! Why are there so many zombies here? Didn’t I already ask someone to clean it up? ”

The leader of the horse group couldn’t believe his eyes.

He clearly remembered that he had already asked someone to clean up the place.

But where did these hundreds of zombies come from?

“Won’t you say it yet?”

Lin Yun’s voice covered the roar of the zombies into his ears.

Let him suddenly look in Lin Yun’s direction.

He was surprised to find that the zombie had actually ignored Lin Yun and walked straight towards him?

How is this possible?

Do zombies still pick prey?

That’s not right!

“You still have ten seconds left!”

Lin Yun’s voice fell again like a demon’s whisper.

The incapacitated leader of the horse doesn’t even have the ability to struggle, and all that awaits him is being torn to shreds by zombies!


“Don’t! No! No! ”

In the face of the slowly approaching zombies, the leader of the horse team finally panicked.

If being killed by Lin Yun is only physically tortured, then being eaten by a zombie is simply mental and physical torture!

“I don’t want to be eaten by zombies!” No! No! I said I said it all! You don’t let the zombies eat me! ”


Only to hear Lin Yun snap his fingers, countless zombies actually stopped their steps at the same time and stood in the same place in a daze.

The leader of the horse group looked at all this in surprise, why did the zombies seem to be stationary, motionless in the same place?

What surprised him even more was this young man, who was he?

Capable of controlling zombies? How did he do it?

“Say it.”

Lin Yun walked from the zombie horde to the leader of the Ma Group.


The leader of the horse group swallowed a mouthful of spit in fear.

In the face of this man who can walk in the air, hold a super weapon, and even control zombies, he can only obediently obey!

“She wants us to find out why the tide of corpses started and ended, but I don’t know what she’s going to do, we just do what she tells us!” The ghost knows what that woman is going to do! Leader Ma replied.

“Woman? Is your boss a woman? Lin Yun was horrified.

“Yes! It’s a woman! A woman with white hair! ”

Lin Yun was suddenly a little curious, how could a woman defeat Chen Yaowei? And it’s a trick?

Moreover, listening to Chen Yaowei, this woman was still sent down from above.

The mysterious identity and strong strength made Lin Yun begin to doubt the origin of this woman.

I’m afraid that if I want to have no worries in Zhejiang Province, I must kill her first!

“Then what is the relationship between her and Chen Yaowei?” I’ve heard that the two have a bad relationship. Lin Yun continued to ask the leader of the group.

He wanted to make sure that Chen Yaowei had not deceived himself.

“Chen Yaowei was the leader before the woman came, and only after being defeated by her did he become the same leader as me. The relationship between the two has always been very poor, and it is rumored that Chen Yaowei still has the idea of leaving the organization, but he does not know why he canceled after a conversation with the boss. ”


Hearing this news, Lin Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed that there were still some secrets between the two of them.

“There’s only so much I have to say, you kill me!”

The leader of the horse group stretched his neck and waited for death.

Lin Yun sneered and said, “Kill you? No! You’re still useful to me! ”


In the middle of the night, Lin Yun returned to the villa.

He had just turned on the light, but was surprised to find that his women were all sitting on the sofa in the living room waiting for him.

This made Lin Yun a little confused and asked, “Why are you sitting here without sleeping?” ”

“Still not waiting for you again?” Leave without a word! You’re going to kill us?! ”

Ye Xuefei glanced at Lin Yun and said angrily.

“That is, I thought you and Yu Qian came back together, but when you ran out, you were gone.” Chen Yuexin lowered her head and tugged at the skirt, her eyes moist as if she had just cried.

“So what the hell are you going to do?”

Chen Moting jumped up from the sofa and questioned Lin Yun.

Lin Yun laughed bitterly and said, “I’m just going to do something, you don’t need everyone to wait for me to be so late, right?” ”

“Also, in your eyes, anyway, we are just a tool for venting our desires, and we have lost the goods after using them.”

Ye Xuefei glanced at Lin Yun and said excitedly.

The other girls also looked at Lin Yun with a certain longing in their eyes. (Except Shen Qiuyu and Keqi)

Lin Yun shook his head helplessly and smiled, “Since you all think so, then I will teach you a good lesson, so as not to be like a resentful woman, and there are some messy conjectures in your head!” No one wants to run today! ”

“Will the four of us still be afraid of you?” Who taught who today is still uncertain! Sisters, on! ”

Tonight’s moon is exceptionally bright, causing the wolf king to howl in happiness in the moonlight…..

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