At the junction of Yunhai City and Qinglin City, a group of capable people from Ninghang City were driving to this point.

The leader is a man with pigtails, his face painted with thick smoky makeup, and he thinks it is a character from a comic.

“Yue Xingji, this time the boss sent us to Yunhai City, what exactly is it for?” Just to figure out the cause of the corpse tide? ”

The woman with a sniper rifle in her hand asked the man.

The smoky man took a deep breath, smiled and said, “The cause of the corpse tide? No, no, no, the boss is not interested in the corpse tide. ”

“So what does she want?”

The woman asked doubtfully.

“What does she want?” Yue Xingchen sneered and replied, “She wants the secret hidden in Yunhai City.” ”


The woman looked around, just like other cities, several zombies attacked them, and they were quickly hunted down by the ables.

This is very ordinary, huh?

What’s the secret?

Yue Xingjian took out a nail clipper, trimmed his pale pink nails, and then smiled, “I heard that there is a strange person in Yunhai City who is engaged in scientific research, zombies.” ”

“Oh? Is anyone even interested in zombies? Isn’t it just a bunch of monsters that only eat people? The woman said.

“You’re not right.” Yue Xingchen shook his head and continued, “Although there is no way to turn zombies back into humans, human beings have never stopped studying zombies, such as how to keep their minds sane after turning people into zombies.” ”

Hearing Yue Xingji’s words, the woman couldn’t help but frown.

And this strange experiment?

“Captain Yue! We found the horse leader in the front! ”

Suddenly, a soldier driving a motorcycle reported to Yue Xingji.

“Ma Zhenfei? Is he here? ”

Yue Xingchen was a little surprised, how could Ma Zhenfei, who had first traveled to Yunhai City, appear here?

“Take me!”

Soon, Yue Xingji and the others came to Ma Zhenfei’s side.

But he was surprised to find that Ma Zhenfei only had one breath left, and he had lost two feet, and if it was a little later, he would die of excessive bleeding.

“Damn, what’s going on?”

Yue Xingchen couldn’t believe that Ma Zhenfei, who was the same level as himself, could end up in such a tragic situation?

What did he go through in Yunhai City?

“Do you want to deal with him like this?”

The woman frowned and asked Yue Xingchen if they didn’t care about Ma Zhenfei, then he would be dead.

“First take him to treatment, then send someone to send him back to Ninghang City, and we will set up camp on the border between Yunhai City and Qinglin City.” Yue Xingchen commanded.


In accordance with Yue Xingji’s order, the woman asked someone to send Ma Zhenfei to an off-road vehicle back to Ninghang City.

It’s almost midnight.

Yue Xingchen stood alone in a clearing, looking at Yunhai City, which was still more than ten kilometers away from him.

He was a little curious about what was in this Yunhai City that had caused Ma Zhenfei to be so seriously injured.

“Ma Zhenfei woke up, and he said that in Yunhai City, there was a murderous demon.” The woman walked over to Yue Xingchen and said with some sadness, “All the people in their group are dead, and only he is left.” ”

“His crew is dead?”

Yue Xingchen was quite surprised, to know that Ma Zhenfei’s group was even stronger than his group strength, and they were all dead?

How powerful is this killer?

“Is there anything else he said?” Yue Xingchen continued to ask.

The woman shook her head, “He said he didn’t remember much, but he warned us not to enter Yunhai City without perfect preparation.” ”

“It seems that this small Yunhai City is also a place of right and wrong.” Yue Xingchen narrowed his eyes and pondered, “But we don’t have much time, tomorrow we are ready to enter Yunhai City, since there is a killer demon we can avoid, there is no need to confront him.” ”



The next day, after sending someone to send Ma Zhenfei away, Yue Xingchen led the convoy towards Yunhai City.

But when they arrived in Yunhai City, they were surprised to find that this place was so quiet and frightening!

Moreover, the zombies around them were also stunned, and had no desire to attack at all.

“What the hell is going on?” Yue Xingchen looked at all this in front of him in surprise.

He didn’t quite understand why the zombies here kept hitting the wall like a bunch of zombies.

And the whole city was quiet and frightening, not to mention whether there were survivors or not, not even the roar of the zombies, all standing motionless on the street like mutes.

“It’s not very clear, is it that all the zombies here have degenerated?” Lost the desire to eat people? ”

The woman guessed, but immediately vetoed the idea.

“It doesn’t matter, this is also a good thing for us, as long as we can bypass the killer in Ma Zhenfei’s mouth and find an insider of the corpse tide, we will immediately leave Yunhai City.”

Yue Xingchen said that he now felt that the city was very strange.

There are huge waves of corpses, zombies with strange behavior, and killers who kill people without blinking.

What are these things?

Or after completing the task, it is better to leave quickly.

“Wait a minute!? There seems to be someone over there! ”

Suddenly, the shouts of a man caused the crowd to turn their eyes in that direction.

They were surprised to find that in the middle of the zombie, there was a young man sitting.

“People? Or a zombie? ”

Yue Xingji’s eyes narrowed slightly, he couldn’t see the other party’s appearance very clearly, but the guy who could sit in the middle of such a large group of zombies and was not attacked by zombies was most likely a zombie.

“What is he doing?”

“Like pointing a finger at us?”

The crowd suddenly noticed that the young man in the zombie was raising his right index finger and pointing it at them.

“What is this for?”

“I don’t know, it may be strange behavior in zombies.”

But in the face of his actions, Yue Xingji’s group members just smiled and shook their heads, not taking it for a moment.

However, at this moment, for some reason, countless zombies began to pour in their direction!

Without a hint of warning, the water that surrounded them in an instant could not be drained!

“How is this possible? Why are there so many zombies all of a sudden? ”

“Aren’t there just a few scattered?” How come? ”

The crowd was horrified, they didn’t understand why, the number of zombies would increase dramatically in an instant!

However, Yue Xingji understood the reason for the sharp increase in the number of zombies!

Because every time they pass by, the zombies in that area will quietly follow them!

He thought it was an illusion at first, but occasionally he saw two similar-looking zombies.

Only now was he convinced!

This is not an illusion!

This was deliberate! Deliberately led them into the encirclement!

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