“One team, two teams, three teams, guns in place!” Four teams and five teams prevent zombies from breaking through the defensive line! Everybody be on the alert! ”

The woman next to Yue Xingchen gave orders to all the teams.

In an instant, the capable people of Ninghang City showed their amazing combat ability, aiming at the zombies in their hands, waiting for orders to prepare for battle!



The gunfire continued like raindrops of rain at the zombies.

Under the dense bullets, even the green-level zombies could not withstand the bullet attack and fell halfway down.

“Damn! More and more! ”

However, everyone was surprised to find that even if countless zombies were killed by bullets, their number did not decrease, but increased!



The mechanical shooting lasted almost ten minutes!

The strafing of several thousand bullets allowed them to kill nearly hundreds of zombies.

However, even if the corpses of the zombies were piled up as high as a hill, there were still other zombies rushing to this place one after another, and they did not give them any time to rest.

“Damn! Damn it! Why can’t you kill it all! ”

“What’s going on in this city! Finished! There are a few just break through the defensive line! ”

“What are you afraid of? Four teams and five teams will solve it! ”

Even with an overwhelming superiority in firepower, the people of Ninghang City began to panic.

Because the number is so much!

“Strange! It’s weird! ”

Yue Xingji, on the other hand, kept his eyes on the man who couldn’t tell if he was a human or a zombie.

He was surprised to find that countless bullets had landed on the man.

But in the face of the bullet shooting, the man did not even care, not even to dodge.

And the bullet landed on him as if it were shot on steel, and it had no effect.

“Ye Ju, get ready, we’re going to break out.” Yue Xingji suddenly said to Ye Ju.

The woman was a little puzzled and asked, “What are you going to do?” Now that the number of zombies on all sides has not decreased, a hasty breakthrough may lead to the total annihilation of the army. ”

Ye Ju was shocked by Yue Xingji’s words, because rushing to break through would only destroy his own fortifications.

Once the opponent’s combat strength is higher than that of his own side, it must be a dead end.

Yue Xingchen shook his head and explained to him, “In this way, we only have one way to die, and if we want to live, we must find another way.” ”

“For example?”

“Slaughter that leading zombie!”

During this time, Yue Xingji had been looking for a way to escape.

Forced a breakthrough with a car?

This number of zombies is only afraid that they will get stuck in the middle of the road.

Break through on the surrounding walls?

It’s enough to choke, because no one knows how many zombies there are.

The only way to do this is to find out the difference here.

That was the young man standing in the zombie horde.

Zombies can’t be organized and disciplined, so something must be controlling them!

“Let me give him a shot, and if we can break through by killing him, as you say, then there is no need for that much trouble!”

Ye Ju set up a sniper on the off-road vehicle.

The pitch-black muzzle of the gun was aimed at the young man standing in the zombie horde, ready to kill him.

Yue Xingchen nodded, indeed, as long as Ye Ju sniped the other party, there was no need to risk breaking through and killing the other party.

But he always felt that it was unreliable.

Even if Ye Ju uses a large-caliber bullet, it may not be able to cause damage to it.

“I’m ready, ready to shoot!” Leaf chrysanthemum reported.

“Oh! Trouble you! ”

Yue Xingchen nodded, a pair of eyes staring dead at the young man, waiting for the next result!

“Let me see! Can you take this shot from me! ”

Ye Ju pointed the scope at the young man.

But when she saw the man’s face, she was suddenly scared and sweaty!

Because she saw that the other party was actually looking at her and smiling!

And not a coincidence!

Ye Ju can feel it! His eyes fell on himself!

Even at the moment when I looked at the other person, I looked over!

What surprised her the most was that the other party was not a zombie! It’s a human!

A living human being!

“Impossible! That’s impossible! ”

Ye Ju repeated the three words in panic.

“What’s going on? Calm down! What do you see? ”

Yue Xingchen asked Ye Ju in surprise, he didn’t understand what had happened that made Ye Ju so panicked.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Ju said, “That guy has no zombie characteristics at all, and he is still looking at me and laughing!” He is definitely a human being! ”


Yue Xing’s brow tightened, and sure enough, the most unlikely option appeared!

“I’m ready to snipe him now!”

Ye Ju once again aimed the muzzle of the gun at the other party, although the other party’s eyes were still intertwined, but Ye Ju was confident that this shot would be able to hit the other party’s eyebrows!

“Go and die!”


With a loud bang, a large-caliber bullet was fired at the target’s eyebrow.

After seeing that the other party did not disappear, Ye Ju understood that this shot must be hit!

“It’s done!”

Ye Ju stood up excitedly!

However, the next moment her face was gloomy to the extreme.

This change of appearance like the alternation of winter and summer attracted the attention of Yue Xingji.

Hurriedly asked, “What’s going on?” Didn’t you shoot? ”

Ye Ju shook his head tremblingly, and replied to Yue Xingji, “Shot, but! He caught that bullet with his bare hands! ”


The crowd was stunned!

Caught the bullet of the sniper rifle with bare hands?

How is this possible?

“It looks like we’re in big trouble!”

Yue Xing’s brow tightened, and a pair of eyes stared dead at the young man.

If they hadn’t killed him, they wouldn’t have been able to break out of the zombie encirclement.

“What are you going to do?”

Ye Ju jumped off the roof of the car and asked Yue Xingji.

“Send a team to kill him!”

Yue Xingchen replied.

“Good! I’ll go! ”

Ye Ju volunteered to be a member of the hunt.

But Yue Xingjing found that Ye Ju’s legs were trembling!

“You stay!” Yue Xingchen did not choose her, “First team, join me in preparing to hunt this man!” Tentative difficulty, above red! ”


The seven people belonging to the first formation immediately took out their weapons and at any time obeyed the orders of Yue Xingji to attack the man.

After getting ready, Yue Xingchen drew out the dagger he was wearing around his waist.

A low shout to the others, “Go! ”

Eight men immediately rushed out of the fortifications and ran in the direction where the young man was.

Others shot from the rear, sweeping away the zombies along the way.

But within two minutes, they were already in front of the young man.

“Hands on!”

Yue Xingjing gave an order.

Eight people attacked each other from different directions!

In the face of this kind of dead-end attack, even an orange-level zombie may be deadly with a knife!

However, in the next moment, the young man in front of them suddenly disappeared from their sight.


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