“Damn! Where did it go? ”

The crowd was horrified that the man had disappeared under their noses.


“Team Leader! Behind you! Behind you! ”

Suddenly, a person shouted in panic behind Yue Xingji, as if he had seen a demon!

Yue Xingchen quickly looked back and found that dozens of green-level zombies had surrounded them!


Before the crowd could take a defensive posture, the green-level zombies pounced on them.


The screams came and went, and within five minutes, the eight-member squad was left with only Yue Xingji.

“Quick! Go and save him! ”

Ye Ju hurriedly sent two squads of men to rescue Yue Xingji, and after some fighting, at the cost of losing seventeen people, the first breakthrough was ended.

“Damn! What the hell is going on in this city! Who the hell is that man! ”

Yue Xingchen angrily slammed his fist on the door of the SUV.

Although the members of the organization are still struggling to resist, they will have to die here when they run out of ammunition!

“We have to find a way to escape!” A group of people must be sacrificed! ”

Ye Ju said to Yue Xingji.

Yue Xing’s brow frowned, and he looked at the remaining group members.

The fifty or so men he had brought with him were now only about thirty left, and if they continued to be consumed, it was very likely that the whole army would be destroyed.

“But who are you going to sacrifice? No one wants to die! ”

Yue Xingchen gritted his teeth and replied.

None of the remaining thirty or so people wanted to die! They all want to go back alive!

“If I hadn’t stayed, I’d have lived for more than fifty years anyway, give young people a chance.”

An elderly team member said to Yue Xingji.

But his leader did not play any role, and the others remained silent.

You can even hear someone whispering, “I don’t want to stay and die.” Such words.

Yue Xingchen frowned, if it was Chen Yaowei’s group of capable people born in the army, they would definitely not hesitate to obey Chen Yaowei’s orders, right?

After all, the people of his Yue Xingjing were just a group of citizens of Ninghang City.

“Second team and three teams, you stay, four teams are responsible for the breakout, five teams follow me!” Do you understand? ”

Yue Xingchen made up his mind.

“Why?” Want us to die?! ”

Some people disagreed with Yue Xingji’s plan.

Yue Xingchen had already anticipated this to happen.

Say to it, “Come here. ”

The man was puzzled and walked towards Yue Xingji.

But as soon as he arrived in front of him, Yue Xingjian slapped him on the face.

Looking at the man’s quilt and falling to the ground, everyone immediately looked at Yue Xingjing in horror.

Only to see Yue Xingchen coldly say, “Who else did not obey the arrangement?” Stand up!! ”

“Watch out!”

Before Yue Xingji’s voice could fall, a member attacked him from behind.

Ye Ju found out and immediately used her body to block it!.

The knife stabbed directly into Ye Ju’s abdomen.

“Ye Ju!”

Yue Xingchen was horrified!

One hugged the fallen leaf chrysanthemum.

“What are you doing?”

The two team members immediately grabbed the person who stabbed Ye Ju and questioned him.

But I only heard the team member who stabbed Ye Ju say, “Leader Yue, Deputy Leader Ye!” Don’t blame me! I just want to live! Don’t you want to? ”

Hearing the man’s words, the others were suddenly gagged, and they wanted to live!

“Captain Yue, don’t blame us!”

“Brothers, kill from the weakest place, whether you can survive depends on your own ability!”

Seeing that someone was taking the lead, a group of people immediately followed him and broke through to the weakest place.

Completely disregarding Yue Xing’s mark and Ye Ju’s life and death.

For a moment, there were less than six people left around Yue Xingji.

“Captain Yue, we…..”

The six of them also had the intention of retreating and wanted to escape.

But they were all friends of Yue Xingji, and they wanted to take him with them.

Yue Xingchen shook his head and said, “Run, don’t worry about me.” ”

After saying that, he looked at Ye Ju, who was already out of breath in his arms.

He knew in his heart that this time the task of Yunhai City had failed!

After hesitating for a moment, the six people immediately fled to the breakthrough.

However, when they were about to catch up with the two dozen or so people who had escaped first, they found that a black pressed zombie was waiting for them in the distance!




I don’t know!

However, just now, those twenty or so people had all died in the mouth of the zombie, and if you looked closely, you could still find their severed limbs or intestines!

“How is this possible!”

The six people suddenly fell into despair, even if they had great ability, they would not be able to escape from the mouth of so many zombies!


The scream came back to Yue Xingji’s ears, and he knew that all his team members were dead!

I watched a large group of zombies slowly approaching me.

Yue Xingchen also gave up resistance.

He raised his pistol and aimed it at his temple.


With a gunshot, Yue Xingjing fell into a pool of blood.

In a building, Lin Yun was watching all this.

He is the young man who controls the zombies, and has teleported here since he was besieged by eight people.

Of course, it is not that they cannot defeat them, but to confirm how many ordinary zombies a squad of fifty people will need to annihilate.

The end result was 2,036!

This is the number of zombies destroyed by the members of Yue Xing’s Trace Squad, including about a hundred green-level zombies.

Moreover, if the members of Yue Xingjing did not escape, this number would increase, that is, the squad of fifty people could kill at least four thousand to five thousand ordinary zombies.

This number couldn’t help but make Lin Yun’s brow tighten, knowing that there were at least a thousand capable people in Ninghang City.

That is, it takes at least a hundred thousand levels of corpse tide to annihilate those thousand capable people.

This number is not something that can be done in one fell swoop, not to mention that the Ninghang City Ability Organization has a better terrain environment, and it is completely delusional to be afraid that it is completely delusional to want to attack.


Suddenly, something appeared in Lin Yun’s perception.

He couldn’t help but tilt the corners of his mouth slightly, “It seems that the bait has taken effect!” ”


Ninghang City.

“boss! What about the Boss? I want to see the boss! ”

Ma Zhenfei, who had just been sent back to Ninghang City, clamored to see the boss of the organization.

“Can you settle down?” If you are not treated for suppurative wounds, you will die! ”

Doctors are cleaning the wound on his broken foot with medication.

Both of his feet were cut off directly, and the severed bones were clearly visible!

“No way! I want to see the boss! We can’t send someone to Yunhai City! Will die! All will die! ”

Ma Zhenfei roared and shouted.

“Dead? Didn’t you just come back alive? ”

Suddenly, a white-haired woman appeared in plain clothes in the ward.

She couldn’t help but frown when she saw Ma Zhenfei, whose feet had been cut off.

The results of this Yunhai City investigation made her very disappointed.

“Can’t! Can’t go! There are killers out there! I remember! I remember! He is able to control the zombies! We can’t mess with him! Ma Zhenfei shouted in panic!

“Control zombies?” The white-haired woman frowned, it was the first time she had heard of someone being able to control zombies.

So, she approached Ma Zhenfei again and came to him.

“You said it more carefully………”



Ma Zhenfei pulled out a dagger and stabbed into the abdomen of the white-haired woman without warning….

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