“Impossible! I couldn’t have taken Mo Feng back to Ninghang City! ”

Chen Yaowei roared angrily.

“That’s not up to you!”

Suddenly, a big man with a tiger’s back and a bear’s waist stepped out of the doorway, and two lantern-sized eyes stared dead at Chen Yaowei.

Seeing the comer, Chen Yaowei couldn’t help but frown.

He said, “Lin Mushan, are you trying to forcibly take me away?” You can try it! ”


The big man sneered and continued, “Chen Yaowei, do you think you are still the leader of the military department back then?!” ”

Chen Yaowei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared intently at this former subordinate.

The man he had trusted the most had already thrown himself into the woman.

“Lin Mushan, I am standing here today!” I see if you have the guts to bring me back! ”

Chen Yaowei roared angrily and took a big step forward!

The bones of the body revealed the majesty of the body that could only exist after hundreds of battles!

The voice fell, and the four Li Fan behind them also took a step forward, closely following the people they followed.

At this step, Lin Mushan was suddenly shocked to take a few steps backwards!

However, Lin Mushan was not frightened.

He snorted coldly and said, “Chen Yaowei, do you think that you can stop me with this group of people?!” ”

The next moment, Lin Mushan’s people had already surrounded this room.

The nearly eighty capable people he had brought with him were completely beyond the resistance of Chen Yaowei and others.

Even with the addition of the people of Qinglin City, it could not be Lin Mushan’s opponent.

“Do you dare!?”

Chen Yaowei roared angrily, even in the face of more than eighty people.

That sharp gaze immediately shocked Lin Mushan’s men, making them stunned and did not dare to take a shot.

Seeing that his own people were indifferent, Lin Mushan slapped the face of a person next to him and reprimanded: “What are you afraid of?” Is Chen Yaowei your father? Afraid of a fart! ”

In Lin Mushan’s angry scolding, his talent began to slowly advance towards Chen Yaowei.

However, they did not dare to act immediately, because Chen Yaowei standing in front of them was as majestic as a door god.

The domineering spirit revealed in that strand should not prompt them, even Lin Mushan was frightened into a cold sweat.

“What’s so hilarious?” Let me get involved too? ”

Suddenly, a figure of a person appeared in their line of sight.

His appearance made Chen Yaowei understand that there was salvation!

The man showed up!

“Who the are you?!”

Seeing that someone had interrupted his action, Lin Mushan angrily looked at the person who spoke.

However, it turned out to be a young man in his early twenties.

Laughing, “Huh? Where is a little hairy child who has not yet grown up? Looking for Death…. Yes! ”

Before his voice could fall, Lin Yun’s voice appeared in front of him in an instant.

With just a slight force, Lin Mushan’s tiger-backed bear-backed body fell heavily to the ground!

“Leader Lin!”

Lin Mushan’s people wanted to come up and rescue him, but before they could take a step, Lin Yun’s foot stepped on Lin Mushan’s head.

Just listen to the click!

With a crisp sound, Lin Mushan’s head began to twist severely!

“Ah! Don’t kill me! Don’t kill me! ”

Lin Mushan’s face was fierce, and the pain coming from his face made his voice begin to twist.

“Don’t kill you?” Lin Yun sneered, “Let’s live in the next life!” ”


With a loud noise, Lin Mushan’s head was directly trampled and exploded, turning into a pool of blood plasma.

Seeing this scene, the crowd immediately felt a tumbling in their stomachs.

They never imagined that this person would actually kill Lin Mushan directly without hesitation!

Even with such horrific means!


Not only Lin Mushan’s people, but even Li Fan and others were stunned.

They also did not expect that as soon as Lin Yun appeared, he would directly stomp on Lin Mushan’s head.

Lin Mushan is also a team leader! But in Lin Yun’s hands, he didn’t even have the ability to resist?

How strong is Lin Yun’s strength?

“Captain Lin is dead!?”

“Damn! Who is this man?! ”

“How did he do it? I didn’t even see his movements! ”

Lin Mushan’s people looked at each other, and in the face of Lin Mushan’s sudden violent death, they were a little overwhelmed for a while.

“Who else wants to die? Despite taking a step forward, I sent him on his way! ”

Lin Yun kicked Lin Mushan’s corpse and said.

Where did they dare to go up, no one dared to be that head bird and die at the hands of Lin Yun.

“Okay, a bunch of minions won’t bother you.”

Chen Yaowei hurriedly persuaded.

In fact, Chen Yaowei was protecting them, and if they continued to develop, they were afraid that they would be killed by Lin Yun.

“You want me to let them go?”

Hearing Chen Yaowei’s words, Lin Yun asked with a sneer.


Chen Yaowei was speechless for a moment, and he actually became afraid in the face of Lin Yun’s eyes!

“Just kidding.”

Suddenly, Lin Yun’s expression changed by three hundred and sixty degrees, and he smiled and said, “I came this time to find you something, go in and say?” ”

“Good and good!”

Chen Yaowei wiped a handful of sweat.

Immediately took Lin Yun into the inner room, and before entering the door, he specifically instructed Chen Mofeng to let more than eighty people leave.

As everyone knows, there are already countless zombies outside waiting for them to get out of the base.

Kill them all!

“Lin Yun, are you looking for me this time?” Chen Yaowei asked Lin Yun while drinking tea.

“I want to go to Ninghang City.” Lin Yun said suddenly.

“Going to Ninghang City?”

Hearing Lin Yun say that he was going to Ninghang City, Chen Yaowei’s face became ugly, because he knew that wherever Lin Yun went, he would set off a bloody storm.

Seriously asked, “What to do?” ”

“Nothing, just go around your base and kill a few people by the way.”

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