“How? Did they do it to you in Yunhai City? ”

Chen Yaowei asked doubtfully.

He knew that the boss had sent two hundred people to Yunhai City, and Lin Yun was anxious to go to Ninghang City, which must have something to do with this matter.

Lin Yun shook his head and replied, “I like to solve the trouble in advance, so I am the first to move.” ”

Chen Yaowei looked at Lin Yun in shock.


It turned out that you did it first, and now you have to rush to someone’s hometown?

“Then you’re going to kill fewer people?” Chen Yaowei asked again.

“Not much, until no one dares to do anything to me.” Lin Yun replied.

Chen Yaowei shook his head helplessly, he understood that he could not stop him.

It was even more impossible to persuade peace, because the white-haired woman also wanted to get the secret of Yunhai City, and seeing Lin Yun so eager to deal with Ninghang City.

It must be that he does not want others to discover the secrets of Yunhai City.

“Then it’s up to you.” Chen Yaowei said after taking a deep breath, “But you have to promise me that you don’t do anything to my people, of course, they won’t deal with you, otherwise, I will fight for this old life and die with you.” ”

“Oh?” Lin Yun smiled and patted Chen Yaowei’s shoulder and said, “You don’t have this skill, but I will look at the people who don’t move you on Mo Ting’s face, provided that you greet them and don’t come to provoke me.” ”

Chen Yaowei glanced at Lin Yun when he heard this.

He knew that Lin Yun had never paid attention to him as an old man, but this was too big or small.

“I really doubt it’s a good thing to have my daughter follow you.” Chen Yaowei said dullly.

“What do you think?”

Lin Yun did not answer the rhetorical question and handed over the decision to Chen Yaowei.

“Hahahahaha!” Chen Yaowei laughed loudly and said, “Maybe it’s a good thing, at least she will be safe.” ”

Lin Yun did not answer, indeed, from now on, staying by his side is indeed the safest option.

“Tell me when you’re going to go?” Tomorrow? Or the day after tomorrow? After Chen Yaowei calmed his smile, he asked Lin Yun seriously.

The sudden change of expression made Lin Yun also a little unprepared.

“A week from now.” ”

“Well, then I’ll find a reason to pull those brothers out of the base.”

Chen Yaowei was a little surprised to hear that Lin Yun would not be able to do anything until a week later.

But it also gave him plenty of time.

If there was a week, he would definitely be able to bring more than three hundred brothers out of the hands of the white-haired woman.

“You can do this yourself, and I need you to tell me all the locations of the weapons and ammunition on the base.” Lin Yun continued.

Chen Yaowei immediately took out a piece of paper and drew a rough map of the base and the amount of ammunition on it.

Seeing that he had given himself so decisively, Lin Yun was also a little surprised.

“However, I have one more small request.” Chen Yaowei then handed Lin Yun the map and then said.

“Talk about it.”

“After killing the white-haired woman, I’ll take care of the rest of the mess!”

Hearing Chen Yaowei’s words, Lin Yun understood that he wanted to regain control of the overall situation in Ninghang City.

At present, Ninghang City is not a base for those who can do it, and the number of survivors is definitely not a small number.

If we can gather all of these forces, we may really be able to occupy Zhejiang Province and develop a new country!

“Go with you, go.” Lin Yun threw the paper into his pocket and turned around and disappeared into Chen Yaowei’s sight.

After Lin Yun left, Chen Yaowei rested his head on the chair and took a deep breath.

It was as if the conversation had just been in the water.

“Father, what did you talk to Lin Yun about?”

Chen Mofeng’s doubtful Chen Yaowei asked.

Chen Yaowei lifted his head, and a pair of deep eyes looked at the eldest daughter in front of him.

He thought deeply, “Mo Feng, what do you think of Lin Yun and him?” ”

“Lin Yun?”

Mentioning Lin Yun’s name, Chen Mofeng’s expression was a little low, and he said: “He kills some people without blinking, although the people he killed are not innocent, and he likes women very much, Dad, you don’t know, Lin Yun In addition to Chen Mojing, he has three more women!” ”

Listening to his daughter complaining in his ear, Chen Yaowei showed a faint smile.

At the end, he interjected: “Then do you like him?” ”


Chen Mofeng was directly stunned by his question.


“It’s not enough to like it, it’s just a little bit good.” Chen Mofeng replied truthfully, “And he is his sister’s man, I can’t get along with him.” ”

She said to Lin Yun that she liked it, and more of it was in awe.

Because he is so ferocious that people are afraid.

“Really? Is that how you look at him? It seems that he is already a qualified brother-in-law in your eyes? ”

Hearing his eldest daughter’s evaluation of Lin Yun, Chen Yaowei smiled.

“Maybe, at least he’s strong.” Chen Mofeng explained.

She also didn’t know how Lin Yun should evaluate this person, maybe only if she really had a deep understanding of it, she could judge it.

“Not good! Leader Chen! Something went wrong! ”

Suddenly, Li Fan hurriedly ran over and interrupted the conversation between the two.

“What’s wrong?”

Chen Yaowei asked, not understanding what was happening again.

“She’s here! She came to Gyeonglin City in person! ”


Chen Yaowei suddenly stood up from his seat.

But before he could move, a figure appeared in his line of sight.

“Captain Chen, did I disturb the warm moment of your father and daughter?”

Suddenly, a woman with white hair appeared in Chen Yaowei’s line of sight.

Dressed in a snow-white plain dress, she stepped forward, a pair of dark gray pupils constantly searching for information in the room, and finally landed on Chen Mofeng’s body.

“Are you the daughter of Group Leader Chen?” Sure enough, it was a great beauty. ”

Seeing this white-haired woman, Chen Mofeng’s face showed a touch of surprise.

The beauty of this woman suffocated her, but it could bring her a sense of horror.

It was as if standing in front of him was not a person, but a ghost!

“What are you here for?” Chen Yaowei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and his words were also vigilant.

“What am I here for?” The white-haired woman sneered, “I had already sent someone to order you to return to Ninghang City as soon as possible, but I was still a little uneasy, so I came to you for a special visit, you should feel honored, Chen Yaowei!” ”

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