Two days later.

Ninghang City.

Lin Yun came to Ninghang City in advance, and before going to find the Ninghang City Ability Organization, he needed to make full preparations.

On Chen Yaowei’s paper, it was written that there were at least fourteen weapons that could hurt him.

There were six laser swords alone, as well as laser cannons capable of firing high-temperature beams, which could injure Lin Yun.

So he needs to prepare, just like playing a game, preparing the materials to pass the level without injury.

“Why is the number of zombies in Ninghang City so small?”

When he first came to Ninghang City, Lin Yun was a little surprised.

Because Yunhai City did not walk through a single street to see three or four zombies wandering.

But on the streets of Ninghang City, it will take a long time to see one or two zombies.

Could it be that all the zombies here have been wiped out by the Capable Ones?

It should be impossible, after all, even if there are a thousand capable people, in the face of hundreds of thousands of zombies, the whole army may be destroyed.



Lin Yun heard a strange voice and immediately turned his eyes to that place

Looking around, I was surprised to find several fourteen and five-year-old children walking through the street, seemingly looking for food.


Lin Yun followed closely behind, and he wanted to see why the environment in Ninghang City was so strange.

“Ah Qiu, we sent it this time!” So much food, must be enough to eat! ”

A chubby little boy holding two large bags of food in his hands.

They had just run out of the supermarket and searched the zombies for food.

“Run fast! Now that there are few zombies, we have to go back quickly! The little boy named Ah Qiu shouted impatiently.

Deeply afraid of being found by zombies, he died here.

“Wait for me, I can’t run anymore!”

The little fat man tried hard to catch up with Ah Qiu, but his tonnage restricted his movements.

After running for less than a kilometer, I couldn’t stand it.

“You shit! Don’t run fast and the zombies will eat you! _”

“Ah! Ah Qiu, don’t scare me! ”

The fat man immediately raised his speed, deeply afraid that the zombie would appear and eat him.

“But, Ah Qiu, do you think the North Campus group will succeed?” So many zombies, how could they kill them all! The fat man asked Ah Qiu as he ran.

“The ghosts know that those adults don’t have a good thing, and Xiaohong was harmed by them!”

Hearing the fat man mention the North Campus, Ah Qiu’s face showed some anger.

In fact, there were not only two of them, but also two female companions, probably fourteen or fifteen years old.

But a few days ago, one of the girls was taken away by a group of strange squirrels who claimed to be capable.

A few days later, they saw Xiaohong’s body in a park, and the death was extremely tragic!

So, from that moment on, Ah Qiu began to doubt the adults and see them as enemies.

“Ah Qiu, I can’t run anymore, so let’s take a break.”

After running for nearly ten minutes, the fat man sat weakly on the ground.

He was out of breath and his strength had bottomed out.

Seeing that the fat man was exhausted, Ah Qiu had no choice but to stop and put the bread in his hand on the ground.

“Fat man, you’re so useless!” Ah Qiu complained.

The fat man did not answer, but waved breathlessly, indicating that he would rest for a while.

Ah Qiu rolled his eyes, turned his gaze to the right, and was surprised to find a man appearing next to him.

“Who are you?”

Ah Qiu took a few steps backwards in fright, and quickly drew a knife from his waist.

“I’m passing by, ask you something.” Lin Yun said to the two.


Ah Qiu stared at Lin Yun warily, and kicked the food that was originally placed on the ground towards the fat man.

Lin Yun looked at the child in front of him, even in the face of humans, he posed in an attacking posture and shook his head helplessly.

He asked, “Do you know why there are so few zombies here?” It is reasonable to say that within a few kilometers is the center of Ninghang City, and the population should be very dense. ”

“Didn’t you hear that?”

Ah Qiu put on a puzzled expression.

“What did you hear?”

“That group of so-called capable people, they have led the zombies of this several communities to the North Campus, as if to take crystallization?” Almost, anyway, I want them to die with the zombies. ”

Ah Qiu’s words revealed a wave of anger, wishing they would all perish.

“That’s the way it is, thank you.”

Lin Yun smiled and took a step forward.

“What are you doing?!”

Ah Qiu suddenly became vigilant, and the hand holding the knife trembled slightly, seemingly afraid of Lin Yun’s actions.

“Since you’re so afraid of me, forget it, goodbye.”

Lin Yun smiled mysteriously, turned around and disappeared into the sight of the two men. Seeing Lin Yun leave, Ah Qiu was relieved.

“What about the others?”

The fat man asked Ah Qiu doubtfully.


Ah Qiu glanced at the fat man and complained in his heart how this dead fat man kept asking these strange questions.

“Are you almost?”

“Take a break.”

Ah Qiu frowned when he heard this answer, and moved forward a few meters, hiding behind a scrap car, observing the situation around him.

Seeing the time slowly passing, Ah Qiu became a little impatient, stomped his feet to the fat man behind him and asked, “Is it okay?” ”

“All right, Ah Qiu, let’s go…”

The fat man’s voice, for some reason, became extremely weak.

Ah Qiu looked at the fat man doubtfully, and was horrified to find that a zombie with a red light in his eyes was biting his arm!

There was a strange smile in that sinister face, as if this was not simply eating people, but tasting the delicious taste of food!

“Red zombies!?”

Ah Qiu was horrified and wanted to rush up to save the fat man.

But his legs were trembling, causing his body to be completely immobile.

“How come! How come! ”

Ah Qiu’s brain began to be confused, where would he have thought that he would meet a zombie at this time!?

“What’s wrong? Chewie!? Your face is so terrible. ”

The fat man’s eyes blinked, as if he was going to fall asleep, it seemed that this guy had not yet reacted, and he was being eaten by zombies!


Ah Qiu let out a heart-rending cry and immediately ran to the hiding place.

The fat man is gone! But he must live.

Ten minutes later, Ah Qiu returned to the hiding place.

He smoothly jumped into the manhole cover and came to the hiding place of less than five square meters below.

And there, there was a girl with short hair, her foot was injured, so she kept curled up in the corner.

Seeing Ah Qiu return, he asked excitedly, “Are you back?” Eh? What about fat people? ”

“Fat man! Fatso! ”

Ah Qiu’s answer was intermittent, repeating the two words of fat man continuously.

His heart was already in turmoil, and at the moment of the fat man’s death, it was as if the sky had fallen, and he had lost his only partner!

“The fat man is dead!”

Ah Qiu choked and replied.

“Dead!? How come! ”

The girl covered her mouth in panic, tears began to slip from the corners of her eyes, and faint cries echoed like babies in the sewers.

“Stop crying! Leaf, I will protect you alive! Don’t be afraid! Ah Qiu hugged the leaf tightly, and now, in the last days, they were left with only each other to rely on.

And, at this moment, the manhole cover above began to loosen, and suddenly, a beam of light fell from above.

Ah Qiu looked up at the top of his head in surprise and saw a pair of eyes shining red, and the face of the fat man who had been eaten half of it!

The red-level zombies have found their hiding place!

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