“Why! Why! ”

Ah Qiu roared with tears in his lungs, he didn’t expect that this red-level zombie actually followed him and found a hiding place!

You know, this is under the manhole cover!

There are no other exports! So in front of this red zombie, all that awaits them is death!

“How could it be! Ah Qiu, what should we do! ”

The girl next to her cried out in despair.

However, Ah Qiu could not give her any reply, and could only watch the zombie slowly climb down.

“Damn! Damn it! Damn it! ”

Ah Qiu tightly grasped the dagger in his hand and aimed it at the zombie that was constantly climbing downwards.

His body began to tremble violently, and fear and despair had long spread throughout his brain.

“Ah Qiu! You kill me, I don’t want to be eaten by zombies. ”

Suddenly, the girl said to Ah Qiu.


Ah Qiu didn’t hear the girl’s words, but the next moment.

The girl slammed her chest into the dagger in Ah Qiu’s hand.

In an instant, blood gushed out, directly taking the girl’s life.

“Ah! Yes! ”

Ah Qiu hugged the girl in his arms, and his heart was full of guilt and regret, because he attracted the zombies and caused the girl’s suicide.

It was also his proposal to go out at this point in time to find food, which led to the death of the fat man!

It’s all his fault!

He aimed the knife at his own throat.

Since they were all dead, he chose the same path as the girl.

“Sleeper, how did this zombie drill into the manhole cover?” Kill it! ”

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside.

The zombie realized something was wrong and quickly drilled out the manhole cover.

But it was too late, and countless weapons stabbed at him, directly turning him into a hedgehog!

By chance, this red-level zombie died in the hands of humans in an instant.


Ah Qiu looked above in amazement, and the faces of several men appeared in his line of sight.

It was the group of capable people who happened to pass by here and saved Ah Qiu!

“There are two children in there.”

“It’s like the woman is dead.”

“Just live a man?”

“What’s the use of that?” Let’s leave him to fend for himself. ”

“Bring it back, what if there’s potential?”

“Have you been bitten by a zombie?” I suggest killing it outright. ”

Several people were talking about how to deal with Ah Qiu.

By this time, Ah Qiu had climbed up from the sewers.

He looked at the slain zombies, and his heart did not know why, more desperate, how he hoped at this moment, he could die in the mouth of the zombie.

Instead of being saved by them!

“Boy? What happened to you? ”

“I just said don’t be nosy.”

“This only seems to be a red-level zombie, this time it earns hair!”

“The staff were very friendly and helpful. The team leader will definitely reward us! ”

A group of people cheered happily as they hunted down a red zombie.

Only Ah Qiu was alone and overwhelmed by the crowd.

After a long time, he muttered, “Why didn’t you come earlier?” ”


“What do you say?”

They didn’t hear Ah Qiu’s words clearly and asked him again.

“I ask you why you didn’t come early! If you had come earlier, she wouldn’t have died! Ah Qiu said angrily.


A slap on his face abruptly slapped.

The person who slapped him said to him coldly, “Stinky boy, we saved you, do you still have so many bullshit requests?” Looking for death? ”

“Okay, don’t get mad at a kid.”

“I think let him kill himself here.”

“Let’s go.”

A group of people prepared to leave, and they abandoned Ah Qiu.

Ah Qiu wiped a handful of tears, this group of people did not think of saving him, but had the opportunity to hunt down the red level zombies, just to shoot.

He pulled out the knife and aimed it at the group.

“You guys, damn it!”

After finishing the speech, he sped up and rushed over.

But where is the capable person he can deal with?

Turning around was a slap and flapping him out more than ten meters away.

“, do you still want to sneak up on Lao Tzu?” Find Death! ”

The man rolled up his sleeves and was about to kill Ah Qiu.

But was stopped.

“Okay, don’t waste your time here, there are so many zombies around, just let the monsters kill him.”

“That is, let’s hurry up!”

A group of people left the place in a conversation between you and me.

Leaving Ah Qiu, who could not move after being slapped by a slap, waiting to die in the same place.

In a few moments, several zombies appeared in Ah Qiu’s sight from all directions.

The zombies who first approached Ah Qiu began to nibble on Ah Qiu’s stomach, and the bloody picture was really disgusting.

The pain made Ah Qiu’s consciousness more and more blurred, as if he was about to die, even if he was nibbling at his own zombie, he could not see clearly.

Then, the second and third zombies came one after another, extending their claws to Ah Qiu’s body.

However, just as they were about to devour Ah Qiu’s essence, they magically stopped moving for an instant.

And the next moment, a familiar figure appeared in his blurred vision.

Lin Yun appeared, and he walked towards Ah Qiu’s position.

Looking at Ah Qiu, whose whole body had been chewed up, only one breath remained.

Laugh bitterly.

This must be unsaved, but…

Lin Yun pulled out a large handful of green crystals and stuffed them into Ah Qiu’s body.

According to Wang Zhengsheng’s practice, doing so can increase the strength of the zombies.

Just wait for him to have the virus break out and turn into a zombie.

At the next moment, Ah Qiu’s body began to slowly rise from the ground, standing in front of Lin Yun like a walking corpse.

No, he’s the walking dead, he’s already infected as a zombie!

“Good value for money”

Lin Yun nodded satisfactorily, and sure enough, this method could enhance the combat effectiveness of the zombies.

The only drawback is that he can live to do it, and when he mutates, he can greatly increase his combat strength.

He probably stuffed ten green crystals into Ah Qiu’s body, and the zombie that Ah Qiu had turned into was about half the strength of a red zombie.

The corners of Lin Yun’s mouth hung a faint smile.

Although he still can’t control the red-level zombies, he can find another way.

Counting the green crystals in his hand, at least twenty or thirty pseudo-red-level zombies could be returned, and if this number of pseudo-red-level zombies attacked the Ninghang City’s Ability Base would be a disaster!

Lin Yun’s gaze looked in the direction that those few capable people had just left, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The next moment, it disappeared into the darkness…

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