“Hahahahaha! Captain Qi, you see what we have brought! ”

The group returned to the North Campus.

On the top floor of the North Campus, a man with glasses was observing the zombies below until a squad called out his name and diverted his gaze.

Asked, “Red crystals?” Have you encountered a red zombie? ”

The man’s name was Qi Yuelin and he was the leader of the group.

“That’s right! Our squad has just hunted down a red-level zombie! ”

The man laughed and said.

He handed the red crystal to Qi Yuelin.

Qi Yuelin took the crystal, and his face revealed a little surprise, because this squad was the lowest strength in his jurisdiction squad, but he did not expect to hunt down a red-level zombie.

“Guan Yi, this time your squad has done a good job, and the others will also learn from Guan Yi, have you heard?”


Qi Yuelin’s praise made Guan Yi, a big man, feel a little embarrassed, and put his right hand on the back of his head and said:

“Hahaha, luck, it’s all luck, right team leader, when are we going to do it?”

“Almost there.”

Qi Yuelin’s eyes turned to the zombies below.

In this school, which is only a few hundred acres in size, there are nearly 10,000 zombies gathered around.

They wandered below with their teeth and claws, looking for human tracks.

“By the way, I heard that the boss sent three groups to Yunhai City.” Guan Yi said suddenly.

Qi Yuelin nodded, he naturally knew about it.

And the failure of the three teams has spread throughout the organization.

“It’s hard to imagine that Yue Xingji will die in Yunhai City, that guy’s strength is stronger than mine.”

Qi Yuelin sighed, although he didn’t know exactly what was happening in Yunhai City, but Yue Xingji’s death let him know that there was a hidden crisis in Yunhai City.

“Fortunately, we were not sent to this group, otherwise we would have died.”

The tube easily wipes away the sweat on the forehead.

Fortunately, he was not sent to Yunhai City and died there.

Qi Yuelin shook his head helplessly, he and Yue Xingjian were also friends.

Unexpectedly, just a few days apart, the news of Yue Xingji’s death came.

Sure enough, the hidden crisis in the last days was more terrible than they thought.


Suddenly, someone sensed something was wrong.

Shout into the playground on the right side of the school, “Captain Qi, look there!” ”

Qi Yuelin immediately looked in the direction he was pointing, where a young man was slowly walking from the zombie horde.

The zombies around him, as if they could understand his words, took the initiative to give way to a road.

“How is this possible? How could a zombie not attack him? ”

“Is he a zombie too?”

“What about the wound? What about the characteristics of zombies? He doesn’t have any. ”

The crowd looked at each other, unable to believe what they were seeing.

If he was human, how could a zombie not attack him? But if he is a zombie, why is there no zombie feature at all?

His face was beautiful and even handsome, his eyes were shining, and his sword eyes were starry-eyed, which was not what a zombie should look like at all.

“Attack him.”

Qi Yuelin said to the crowd.

Guan Yi quickly nodded and said to the people around him, “Ready to shoot!” ”

Immediately, a dozen guns were aimed at the young man who was slowly approaching.


Bang Bang Bang!

At the sound of an order, countless bullets swept towards the man.

Only to see that the zombies around the man all fell to the ground one after another.

But the young man seemed to be protected by a protective shield, completely unharmed.

“How can that be!?”

The crowd was stunned by the scene in front of them.

How is this possible?

Is the bullet ineffective against this cargo? This only appears in zombie levels above the red level!

Could this be an orange-level zombie?

However, since he could not guess, the young man had already jumped up and came to the front of everyone.

“It’s impossible! So it’s the sixth floor! ”

“How did he jump up?”

“Is he jumping?” It’s a fly! ”

A group of people were surprised by the man in front of them again, stunned!

“You brought all the zombies here?”

The young man was naturally Lin Yun, who found the so-called North Campus and this group of capable people in Ninghang City.

Hearing Lin Yun speak, the faces of the group of people became worse and asked, “Who are you?” What do you want us to do? ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied, “Nothing, just ask a question, you all shot me, I should not ask too much to ask, right?” ”

“What’s the problem?”

Qi Yuelin and the others were full of vigilance against Lin Yun, and they knew that the origin of the man in front of them was not simple!

Not only will he not be attacked by zombies, but even bullets will not be effective against him, this is simply not human!

“I just want to ask, how many of you are there?” Lin Yun asked with a smile.

“How many of us are there?”

Qi Yuelin was very confused, what does this question mean?

However, he was also a little afraid of Lin Yun’s mystery and strength, so he had to reply, “There are more than thirty of us in the school, do you have anything for us to do?” ”

“No, no, no, I’m just asking this question.” Lin Yun said with a smile.

“Oh? Then dare to ask your excellency to honor the name of the daimyō? ”

Qi Yuelin wanted to name the other party, maybe he could get some useful information.

“Me? My name is Lin Yun, and I have just come to Ninghang City. ”

“Lin Yun? Did the Lin Yun brothers come to Ninghang City for anything? ”

Qi Yuelin naturally had never heard the name Lin Yun, and for a while, he was more curious about Lin Yun’s identity.

“I came to Ninghang City to find someone, a woman.”

“Oh ~ it is so, or a personality lover, then I wish you to find your woman in advance, slow walking and not sending.”

Qi Yuelin already wanted to send a guest, because Lin Yun’s smiling face made him feel afraid.

It was as if he were being stared at by a beast, his nerves tense.

But at this moment, Lin Yun said, “I’m fine, but someone is looking for you!” Come out. ”

As soon as Lin Yun’s voice fell, a hand full of blood actually grabbed the guardrail of the school floor, and then with a strong effort, the whole person jumped to the top of the building.

And when he appeared in front of everyone, the faces of Qi Yuelin and the others instantly became gloomy.

Because, it is not a person who comes up, but a zombie!

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