“Zombies! Or red? ”

“Damn! Get ready for battle! ”

The crowd was startled by the zombies that jumped up and hurriedly raised the weapons around them.

This is a zombie whose whole body is embedded in the flesh by rubble, steel bars and other messy things, and the disgusting appearance makes everyone fear.

Only one face could be seen clearly, it was the face of a teenager.

“This and this! This is! ”

Seeing the appearance of this zombie, Guan Yi’s eyes stared at the boss for a moment.

Isn’t this the little boy they met an hour ago when they hunted down red-level zombies?

Why is it here?

“Kill you!” Kill you! ”

The zombie Ah Qiu kept muttering these four words in his mouth.

A pair of pupils glowed reddish-green light.

His wound-covered hands slowly lifted, clearly ready to attack.

The sky was getting darker, and the bright red sunset was shining on everyone’s faces.

Qi Yuelin and the others stared nervously at the zombie Ah Qiu in front of them, always on guard against each other’s attacks.

“It’s a red-level zombie, don’t be afraid!”

Qi Yuelin shouted to the crowd.

With the strength of their group, a red-level zombie could still handle it.

However, Qi Yuelin’s face was still very embarrassed.

Because there is Lin Yun standing behind the zombies!

The young man just stood there quietly, with a strange smile on his face, and seemed very happy to watch a fight between zombies and humans.

The most important thing is that this person will not be attacked by zombies at all, and even zombies are still a little afraid of him!


The zombie Ah Qiu let out a roar.

The figure exploded in an instant, like a wild bull running wildly, and launched a charge against Qi Yuelin and the others!

“Watch out!”

Qi Yuelin’s brow furrowed slightly, and a saber appeared in his hand.

With just a few breaths, the zombie Ah Qiu had already arrived in front of Qi Yuelin’s eyes, waving his steel-like claws towards Qi Yuelin.

Qi Yuelin was also a capable person with an attribute point of about one hundred and fifteen, and he could easily face the red-level zombies.

Just a sideways dodged Ah Qiu’s attack.

Subsequently, he quickly stabbed the dagger in his hand into Ah Qiu’s brain.


Qi Yuelin stabbed at it with all his strength.

He wants a fatal move!

However, at the moment when his knife was about to pierce into the back of Ah Qiu’s head, he fell into despair!


A crisp sound sounded.

The sharp tip of the knife did not pierce the flesh and blood of the zombie?!

“How is this possible?”

Qi Yuelin couldn’t believe his eyes, the blow he had just struck used all his strength.

Even because of the reaction force, he felt his hand still shaking!


The zombie Ah Qiu didn’t give them time to think about the problem, and his arms suddenly attacked Qi Yuelin.

“Captain Qi! Watch out! ”

A member of the group immediately pushed away Qi Yuelin, who was about to be injured by the zombie, but he himself was torn in half by those iron arms!


Qi Yuelin gritted his teeth in anger, how could there be a zombie with such hard skin?

“Let’s go together!”

Qi Yuelin’s team members immediately launched an attack on the zombies, and the various weapons in their hands stabbed at the key points of the zombies.

“Piercing or not?!”

“Can’t cut it!?”

However, even in the face of a number of sieges, it is still impossible to break through the zombie defenses!

Not even a single scar was left behind!

“This! How is this possible! ”

Everyone couldn’t believe their eyes.

Qi Yuelin revealed the same doubt, why was the skin of this zombie so hard?

Lin Yun, who saw the scene in front of him, nodded with satisfaction.

Ah Qiu, who had been forcibly stuffed with ten zombie crystals, mutated a little.

His cracked skin seemed to heal and melt the things next to him into the flesh.

Although this was only a very garbage ability, Lin Yun stuffed a little fragment of the suit into it.

Suddenly, it became a monster with extremely strong combat power!

Turned into a monster with an orange zombie threat even if it is only a red zombie level.

“Damn! Prepare to retreat, get ready to retreat! Qi Yuelin found that something was wrong and immediately issued an order to everyone to retreat.

However, it was too late!

Ah Qiu’s attack has fallen!


The screams of the crowd echoed through the air.

They didn’t even have a chance to escape, so they were slapped into pieces by Ah Qiu!

A few were even directly bitten off their throats, bright red blood spurted out, and the air here was suddenly filled with a bloody smell!


Qi Yuelin turned his gaze to Lin Yun.

This monster was brought by this man!

Just kill him!

Qi Yuelin moved! He slaughtered Lin Yun! I fantasized that if I killed him, maybe I could solve the dilemma at this moment.

“To Die!”

His knife flashed cold and aimed at Lin Yun’s throat.

“Don’t hide?”

He was surprised to find that Lin Yun had no intention of hiding at all.

Just stood quietly where it was, without any response.

“If you don’t hide, you die!”

Qi Yuelin roared angrily, and the knife fell from his hand, and a knife slashed at Lin Yun’s neck.

“Or … No effect!? ”

However, Qi Yuelin found that Lin Yun was still standing where he was, leaving no scars on his neck at all.

“Deal with me?”

Lin Yun smiled slightly, admiring Qi Yuelin’s boldness, but…


Lin Yun grabbed Qi Yuelin’s neck and lifted him high.

Sneering and saying, “What are you thinking?” Not even a zombie can deal with me, you deal with me? ”

“Who the hell are you!?” Who are you! ”

Qi Yuelin’s face was full of despair.

He didn’t understand at all, who was the man in front of him?

Why deal with yourself?

However, he only saw a faint smile at the corner of Lin Yun’s mouth and asked, “Do you know at the hands of whom the three teams sent by your organization died?” ”

Hearing Lin Yun’s words, Qi Yuelin’s pupils instantly spread.

His whole body trembled slightly in despair, because he already knew what Lin Yun was going to say later and his own death!

“I killed them all!”

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