“Damn! That’s too much, too! ”

At this moment, the members of the Ninghang City Organization had their faces extremely bad.

Two members assigned to the south side of the Science Park guard the back entrance of the Science Park.

It’s full of clutter to keep the zombies going.

However, as the number of zombies continues to increase, this defensive point begins to loosen.

However, they still did not receive orders to retreat, so they had to stay where they were.

“Xu Chaodong, do we want to take something to block it?” I was so flustered to see it! ”

A skinny man suggested to his classmate.

Watching the door being slammed by the zombies and making a creaking sound, he heard his whole body trembling.

It felt like zombies would break through the door at any moment and kill both of them.

“Reinforcement? What can we reinforce? Or wait for the team leader to come! ”

The man named Xu Chaodong shouted.

The thought of running away had already come to mind.

In the past two days, facing hundreds of zombies every day, his nerves have begun to grow.

Both eyes are covered in blood because of lack of sleep, and they don’t know when it will end, this damn doom!

“Come on, I see the group leader, they are all afraid to die, this time I’m afraid I’m going to escape!”

The skinny man complained.

At the time of real life and death, their little minions must be cannon fodder for death.

The only people who can really leave by helicopter are the boss and the group leader.

“Liu Can, shall we escape?” If you stay any longer, you will undoubtedly die! Xu Chaodong proposed to the thin man.

For a small role like them, if they want to live, they have to see themselves.

Bang Bang Bang!

Suddenly, there was a fierce exchange of fire from the direction of the main entrance.

Apparently, the zombies had already begun to attack the gate.

“Escape? Where to escape? With so many zombies, can’t you fly over? Liu Can glanced at Xu Chaodong.

Don’t say that the main gate escaped, there is no escape route!

“So what to do? Can you only wait here to die? ”

Xu Chaodong was a little desperate.

Seeing the zombies constantly hitting the iron door, his guts were almost broken.

Liu Can was also terrified, and he kept thinking in his heart about how to leave this ghost place.

“Yes! I know the location of a helicopter! Or us? ”

Liu Can suddenly remembered that there was a helicopter parked nearby.

If they can leave in a helicopter, they have the potential to survive.

“Helicopters? But if we drive the helicopter away, will we…..”

Xu Chaodong hesitated, if they drove away the helicopter, there would be a large number of people who could be sent out.

However, if they do not drive away the helicopter, the quota for boarding the helicopter will not fall on their heads, leaving them only with death.

“What are you still hesitating about?” Are going to die, don’t you run sooner? Liu Can said, “By the way, we can bring a little more food, and no matter where we flee, we can survive!” ”

Hearing Liu Can’s words, Xu Chaodong was slowly moved.

What does someone else’s death have to do with him?

As long as you live on your own, isn’t it?

“Good! But will you drive a helicopter?! ”

“I know someone who flies a plane, and he should be on standby now, and I’ll take you to him!”

Liu Can immediately left the place with Xu Chaodong.

And at the next moment, a figure appeared at the iron gate, which was supposed to be guarded by them.

Opening the iron door brought countless zombies in.


“Two teams and three teams, keep up!” Others are free to fire! What about missiles? What about mortars? It’s all numb! ”

At the main entrance, two hundred members of the organization are struggling.

They form two squares and launch strafing attacks on the zombies that break through the main entrance.

Countless bullets swept towards the zombies like raindrops, and in a few moments, the piled up corpses were like a hill.

“Damn! The number is still too much! ”

Even after killing thousands of zombies, they still couldn’t see the end of the tide of corpses.

They poured into the base like wild beasts, and if it weren’t for the fact that there was only one breakthrough, they would have lost their position.

“Captain Liu, how’s it going?”

A bald man walked to the forefront.

At this point, it had been thirty minutes since the zombie broke through the defensive line.

In these thirty minutes, the gunfire never stopped, and hundreds of bullets were fired every moment, killing the zombies.

“Not very optimistic.” Leader Liu shook his head, “Although there are hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition in the ammunition depot, tens of thousands of rounds have been fired in just a few moments, but I am afraid that if we continue like this, soon our ammunition will bottom.” ”

“What about the boss? What is she doing? Leader Liu then asked.

The bald man sighed and replied, “Who knows, after hearing about the order, I locked myself in my room and haven’t seen anyone for a long time.” ”

Hearing this, Leader Liu’s brow frowned slightly, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

This wave of corpses was really weird.

In the past, the corpse tide was purposeful, but this time it seemed that the corpse tide was caused specifically to deal with them.

It was as if someone had controlled it.

“Not good! Not good! The back door was breached! ”

Suddenly, a member of the team came running in a fit of rage to report it.

“What? The back door was breached? ”

Captain Liu was horrified, the number of zombies at the back door was more than ten times less than the main entrance.

How could it possibly be breached?

“It’s a side door, I don’t know who opened the iron door, and a large group of zombies poured in!” The man went on to explain.

“Damn! What about Xu Chaodong and the two? Didn’t they guard that iron door? ”

Captain Liu was furious and grabbed the man’s shirt.

“I don’t know! They’re gone! Maybe it was eaten by zombies! ”


“It’s done, it’s just a side door, there are several defensive facilities there, and it is not because the door has been broken through and messed up.” The bald man said calmly, “I sent someone to deal with the zombies at the back door, and the main door will be handed over to you.” ”

“Well, I see.”

Leader Liu took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger.

And just as he turned to prepare to command the team, a zombie suddenly crossed the defense line and came to kill him!

“Damn! Red level zombies!? ”

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