“Fifth Team! Stop them! ”

Seeing that a red-level zombie had broken through the encirclement, Liu Yuanhe immediately sent someone to stop it.

But when they saw the appearance of the zombie, the whole person froze.

“Qi Yuelin?!”

Liu Yuanhe was shocked, isn’t this Qi Yuelin, the leader of the other groups?

Having disappeared for two days, he turned into a red-level zombie!

Even attacked the base!


Qi Yuelin, who had turned into a zombie, roared and attacked the members of the organization who surrounded him.

Although it is a red-level zombie, after all, it is all made of crystals, and the strength has not been qualitatively changed.

They quickly killed him.

“It was fine! Only one red-level zombie, otherwise you’re in trouble! ”

After killing Qi Yuelin, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Red-level zombies have the ability to shoot bullets and not die, so they are able to break through the base’s defenses.

Although, members of the organization are able to use close quarters to stop the red-level zombies.

But it also means a weakening of the strength of the front.

Once a loophole occurs, it will create an irreparable situation.

After all, they could only barely resist the zombies’ attack.

“Huh? Wrong! ”

Suddenly, the Yanagi River, which was about to return, noticed that something was wrong.

In the zombie horde, there seemed to be a dozen strange zombies rushing out.

Pass through the bullet lines and attack them.

“How come!”

When Liu Yuanhe saw their faces, his heart suddenly cooled a lot.

Because this group of zombies are all members of Qi Yuelin’s group!

That is, all the people in his group turned into zombies! And it’s a red-level zombie!


Liu Yuanhe gritted his teeth and ordered to the crowd, “Prepare for battle!” There are more than a dozen red-level zombies approaching! ”

“A dozen?!”

“Wouldn’t you?”

“How come there are so many red-level zombies!!”

The members of the fifth team were suddenly a little desperate.

Their expressions looked very nervous, a dozen red-level zombies? What the hell is going on with this tide of corpses?

The general tide of corpses is at most three or four red-level zombies, and they are all scattered.

But a dozen heads like this together are unheard of.

“Wrong! You see, there seems to be a man in the zombie horde! ”

Suddenly, a man shouted at the zombie horde.

The crowd looked into the crowd of zombies and saw a young man standing there.

Only to see that the young man waved his finger, and countless zombies once again attacked the base of Ninghang City in groups!

This time! Their attacks are even more ferocious!

Like a flood beast, attack the first line of defense of the base!

“Damn! Full firepower! All the people are in full swing! ”

Yanagami River roared at everyone!

In an instant, all the guns opened fire at the same time, frantically sweeping towards the approaching zombies!

However, the number of zombies is simply too much!

Moreover, there were more than a dozen red-level zombies in front of them, and in less than ten minutes, they appeared at the front of their defense line.

“Damn! Get ready for a white-knife battle! ”

Liu Yuanhe threw away the gun in his hand, and he understood that it was too late to shoot now.

The zombies were already less than fifty meters away from their location.

At this distance, using a firearm is simply a stupid choice.

However, a white-knife battle with zombies, especially this number of zombies, is simply a way to seek their own death.

“Captain Yanagi! Or let’s escape! Can’t stop it! ”

“Captain Yanagi! It’s too late to go any further! ”

“We can retreat in the second direction!”

Although Liu Yuanhe had already ordered to die, in the face of this number of zombies, everyone else had already retreated.

Seeing that the zombies were about to enter the main gate, Liu Yuanhe could only sigh and say to the crowd, “Strategic retreat!” Give up this line of defense! ”


The crowd immediately fled backwards in a frenzy, trying to quickly retreat to the second line of defense.

However, the speed of the red-level zombies is too fast! Caught up with them in an instant!


“Help! Help me! ”

“Damn! Hurry up! Yes! ”

Screams instantly erupted in the crowd, and more than a dozen red-level zombies reaped their lives like the scythe of the God of Death.


Liu Yuanhe had already taken the lead in running into the second line of defense.

But before the man with the heavy weapon could take off his weapon, he was caught by the zombie and drowned in the terrifying tide of corpses.

“No way! No time! It’s closing! ”

said the man guarding the second line of defense.

Even if there were still a hundred people who had not yet run into the defensive line, the zombies had already arrived one step ahead.

“My people haven’t come in yet!”

Liu Yuanhe asked in surprise, “Xu Shan! You can’t close the door! ”

“If you don’t close the door, everyone will die!”

Xu Shan said angrily, “Liuyuan River! It’s your people who gave up the first line of defense! I will not let my people die because of your mistakes! Close the door! ”


Liu Yuanhe wanted to say something, but in the end he still didn’t say it, because the zombies had already come!

This ten-meter-high iron wall is the only way for them to resist the zombies, and if they don’t close the door quickly, this place will also be broken!

“Damn! Let us in! Let us in! ”

“Why shut down! We haven’t gotten in yet! ”


“Don’t come here! Stay back! Yes! ”

Watching his own team members being torn to shreds under the iron wall, Liu Yuanhe closed his eyes helplessly.

The number of zombies under their feet is still increasing, and they are slowly filling the place by their numbers.

“Damn! Come! Bring the explosives! ”

Xu Shan ordered the people to find explosives.


Under Xu Shan’s orders, countless explosive packs were thrown into the zombie masses.


The explosive package exploded in the zombie masses.

Countless severed limbs and broken arms were blown into the air, and for a time, the blood and flesh under the iron wall were blurred, and the bloody scene was like hell on earth!

With the explosives working wonders, the zombies seem to have stopped attacking and begun to find new ways to go elsewhere.

“Hahahahaha! That’s it? Under my dynamite! You’ve got to finish playing! ”

Xu Shan said with a big smile.

Xin Xi had fought off the zombies so quickly.

Only Liu Yuanhe felt very strange, how could the zombies retreat so easily?

They are not flesh-and-blood human beings with thoughts and blood.

They’re just going to brainless them!

At this moment, Liu Yuanhe heard a strange sound.

“What sound?”

The Yanagiyuan River looked into the distance doubtfully.

To their horror, they found that a monster made up of construction waste, scrap car doors, and even manhole covers was approaching in the direction where they were!

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