“Let go of me!”

Kaoru Hakuba tried to struggle, but her body seemed to be entangled in an invisible hand, unable to move at all.

Lin Yun returned from the new task, and a pair of eyes turned to Bai Yu Kaoru.

Will you be able to get a side of the world by imprisoning her?

I couldn’t help but smile unbelievably at the corners of my mouth.


Lin Yun’s strange smile made Bai Yu Kaoru suddenly have a bad premonition.

Seeing Lin Yun coming towards him, Bai Yukao was anxious for a moment.

She used all her strength to try to break the invisible shackles, but there was still nothing she could do.

At this time, Lin Yun had already come to her.

“What are you going to do to me!?”

Bai Yu Kaoru stared at Lin Yun fiercely, although she asked this verbally, her heart was clear.

In the last days, a woman herself is bound, and what will be the end waiting for her, who does not know?

Lin Yun did not answer her, and a pair of hands grabbed Bai Yukao’s chin.

This woman he has been looking at for a long time, but there is a point that he does not understand, why can he be so white?

Is it innate?

Not only the skin is white, but even the hair and eyebrows are also there, is that ….. Also?

“I warn you, you’d better kill me, and if you dare to do that to me, I’ll kill you!”

Bai Yu Kaoru said, her right hand actually moved forward a few centimeters!

Lin Yun saw this, his eyebrows were slightly raised, was this a temporary out of control?


Is Kaoru Shiraba included in the system space?

At this moment, Lin Yun’s ear heard the system’s prompt tone.

“Who do you think you are?” You kind of broken shoes are not interested. ”

Lin Yun glanced at Bai Yuxuan, they were all twenty-six years old, most likely only broken shoes, right?

“Oh, rude people!” Bai Yu glanced at Lin Yun, “You are when I am a broken shoe!” Kill me!” ”

Lin Yun glanced at Bai Yuxuan, and when he said this, this woman was definitely still a virgin.

But he didn’t want to waste too much time.

Or finish the task first.

“Income space!”

Voice drops! In an instant, a white beam of light shone on Bai Yukao’s body.

“What is this?! Yes! ”

Kaoru Shiraba exclaimed, she only felt as if her body was being pulled by something, shrinking continuously, and then being incorporated into the white beam!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Yun sucked in his nose, and it turned out that people could also enter the system space, but they didn’t know whether they were dead or not.


Complete special missions!

Bonus: System Space World! The host can return to the system space world at any time!

Get back!

Lin Yun’s mind moved, and Chen Mofeng, who was unconscious, disappeared into this place.

When he opened his eyes, he came to a different space.

It is much like the Blue Star, but there is a forest everywhere, and in the middle of the forest is a huge villa.

Not so much a villa as a castle!

The lights are bright, and in all corners of the castle, there are many eye-catching decorations.

Lin Yun was shocked, this square world is a bit powerful, it is simply the pure land of the end times!

Lin Yun walked into the villa.

The room inside is also very technological, there are many automatic sweeping robots working everywhere, as well as intelligent voice, which can easily use the furniture in the room.

Placing the unconscious Chen Mofeng on the sofa, Lin Yun began to visit the villa.

He was very satisfied with this, this size villa, at least a few hundred people can live.


Is it transferred to the prison area?

The system prompts Lin Yun again.

Prison district?

Lin Yun was a little surprised, there was even a prison?


Lin Yun’s figure disappeared again and came to the so-called prison area.

As soon as he appeared here, Lin Yun saw Bai Yu Kaoru whose hands were bound by two silver chains.

It’s just that unlike before, the clothes on her body seem to be gone.

The whole person sat on the ground with his head bowed.

Seeing Lin Yun’s appearance, Bai Yu Kaoru immediately roared, “Where is this!” Where did you take me!? ”

In the face of Bai Yukao’s question, Lin Yun sneered and responded, “This is my territory, and you are my prisoner!” ”

As he spoke, his eyes moved slightly downward.

It’s really all white!


Kaoru Bai Yu bit her lip, she had no idea what had happened to her!

A white light teleported her here.

But the idea of teleportation is also too ridiculous, right?

Why does this man have supernatural powers?

“You’re going to kill me!” What’s the use of imprisoning me? I’m not going to tell you anything! Bai Yu said angrily.

“I don’t need you to tell me anything, I’ve always wanted to have a dog at home, you’re a good fit.” Lin Yun said lightly.

“You! Hehe! I’m afraid you’re going to be disappointed! ”

When Kaoru Hakuba finished speaking, she bit off her tongue.

Blood flowed out, and her body collapsed to the ground.

Lin Yun frowned, this is suicide? I haven’t done anything yet!


Tip: There is no death effect here! Resurrect this woman in place!

Lin Yun:???

Lin Yun’s face was full of sluggishness, would there be death here?

Only a beep was heard!

The dead White Feather Kaoru opened his eyes again.


Kaoru Bai Yu looked at the scene in front of her in surprise, she couldn’t believe why she hadn’t died? Why is it still in the palm of Lin Yun’s hand?

And she noticed that her bitten tongue was healed and she didn’t even feel any pain!

What the hell is this place?

Who is Lin Yun who owns this place!?

In this regard, Lin Yun brushed the corners of his mouth and said, “Just stay here!” However, before I do so, I have to collect a little rent! ”

The voice fell, and there was only despair in Bai Yukao’s eyes!

Quietly waiting for Lin Yun to attack her

She never dreamed that there would be a place where she couldn’t even die!

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