Chen Mofeng woke up from her coma, and she looked around in doubt.

“Where is this?”

Chen Mofeng looked at the unfamiliar environment around him and was very confused in his heart.

All she remembered was that she had been knocked unconscious by the white-haired woman, and then she woke up and came here.

Looking at the clean rooms in front of him, Chen Mofeng was becoming more and more confused, was he dead?

Is this heaven?


Do you go to the prison district?

Just when Chen Mofeng wanted to visit here, a strange voice came from his head.

Chen Mofeng’s eyebrows were slightly picked, what is this?

And prisons?

But hearing the two words of prison, Chen Mofeng was a little afraid, should there be a bunch of strange things?

“Don’t go!”

Chen Mofeng immediately refused.

“Input command failed! A host has been detected and is being teleported to the host! ”


Chen Mofeng’s face was sluggish, what is the host?


While she was still thinking about the words in her ear, the whole person began to teleport.

A beam of light fell, and it came to Lin Yun’s side.

However, when she saw what she saw, the whole person froze.

Lin Yun was staying with the white-haired woman, but one was standing and the other was lying on her stomach.

The key is that both of them ….


Lin Yun sensed that someone appeared behind him and immediately turned his head to look.

Seeing Chen Mofeng’s figure, her eyebrows suddenly rose upwards, how did she get here?

“I didn’t see anything! Nothing was seen! ”

Chen Mofeng hurriedly covered her eyes with her hands, where she thought that Lin Yun was running errands.

And the object was the white-haired woman, who had to cover her eyes when she didn’t see anything.

But it was too late, Lin Yun had already discovered her existence.

Seeing that someone had appeared, Lin Yun had no choice but to loosen the chain.

As for the white feather on the ground?

Already because of the pain, the cold floor trembled slightly, and the devastated unconscious.

Lin Yun touched his nose and said to Chen Mofeng, “Next time before you come in, knock on the door first.” ”

He was also a little surprised by Chen Mofeng’s appearance, and did not know what the reason was, this Nizi would appear in the prison area.

However, he didn’t mind being seen by Chen Mofeng, as long as he wasn’t a man, he could accept it.

Chen Mofeng: ¥%……**¥#

She wondered if there was no door!

In the blink of an eye, she was in this place, and she didn’t want to!

Glancing at the imprisoned Bai Yu Kaoru, Chen Mofeng asked in a low voice, “Isn’t she the boss of the Ninghang City Ability Leader Organization?” How do you get with her…..”

Lin Yun cleared his throat and explained, “She is now captured by me, and you didn’t see anything just now.” ”

Chen Mofeng couldn’t help but tremble his body.

She didn’t know what had happened during the time she was unconscious.

Looking at this look, the ability organization in Ninghang City had most likely been destroyed by Lin Yun.

“I know you men like to be pretty.” Chen Mofeng then asked, “But she….. You’re not going to let her go later, are you? ”

“Let her go?” No way. ”

Lin Yun immediately refused, “She will stay here for the rest of her life, and she can’t survive or die.” ”


Chen Mofeng couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of spit, she swore that she would not be able to provoke Lin Yun in this life, otherwise she might end up with the white-haired woman.

“By the way, what about my father?”

Chen Mofeng suddenly remembered his father.

Lin Yun looked at the time, and it was time to go back.

“I’ll take you away.”

“Huh? Eh! ”


Before Chen Mofeng could ask, they returned to the Ninghang City Ability Base.

At this moment, the base has become dilapidated!

There were corpses and traces of explosions everywhere, and as for the zombies, they had long since disappeared without a trace.


When Chen Mofeng saw the scene in front of him, he was a little frightened.

Everything here, just by seeing the results, you can know how tragic it was at that time.

“It seems that I didn’t run away!”

Lin Yun looked at the helicopter that had been destroyed, and it seemed that none of Liu Yuanhe and the others had escaped from this tide of corpses.

But this is also good, save yourself to solve the trouble.

“Lin Yun! Foam! You’re all right! ”

Suddenly. A figure appeared in front of the two.

Naturally it is Chen Yaowei.

He and the others watched from the sidelines, waiting until all the zombies had receded before he led the crowd to clean up.

Behind him, there were more than three hundred men and women, who were the people who were imprisoned in the base, Chen Yaowei.

Fortunately, the zombies did not rush into the area where they were being held, leaving their men unharmed.

And among them, there were more than a hundred people who were bound.

They were the white-haired woman’s men who survived the tide of corpses.

“It seems that by going to the system space, you have disconnected from the zombies.”

Lin Yun touched his chin, and the reason why they were still alive was only because the zombies had disconnected from Lin Yun.

After killing most of the people, the corpse tide disbanded.

After all, they were all under Lin Yun’s control.

“Lin…. Lin Yun. ”

Chen Yaowei looked at Lin Yun, and after he saw Lin Yun’s means, the whole person had not yet reacted from the tide of corpses.

“What’s the matter?”

Lin Yun asked expressionlessly.

Chen Yaowei took a deep breath and continued, “What about that woman? Was he killed by you? ”

Chen Yaowei naturally wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of the white-haired woman, he asked people to search all the areas, did not see the body of the white-haired woman, most likely was taken away by Lin Yun.

Lin Yunbai glanced at Chen Yaowei and said, “What? Do you have something to do with her? ”

“It’s all right!”

Chen Yaowei shook his head, “I’ll just ask, since I’m dead, I’m relieved.” ”

Hearing his father’s words, Chen Mofeng couldn’t help but frown.

Afraid that it would make Chen Yaowei uncomfortable, Bai Yuxun was not dead, and he was imprisoned by Lin Yun….

“If it’s okay, I’ll go first.”

Lin Yun said to Chen Yaowei, “You can solve the rest of the mess, find a way to gather all the survivors in Zhejiang Province, don’t ask me to wipe your ass when the time comes.” ”

“I’m also your husband-in-law, can’t you show some respect?!”

Chen Yaowei’s face turned red.

Lin Yun smiled lightly and continued, “Then this place will be handed over to you, Chen Mofeng, you follow me.” ”


Chen Mofeng’s face was sluggish, Lin Yun actually wanted to take her away?

Lin Yun touched his nose and said, “Don’t forget your identity, you’re just one of my maids, gone!” ”

He pressed one hand on Chen Mofeng’s shoulder, and the two disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

A group of people looked at the vanished Lin Yun in disbelief, and their hearts were only shocked.

“Leader Chen, what the hell is he?”

A person asked Chen Yaowei curiously.

Chen Yaowei sighed and responded, “Don’t care who he is, as long as you know, he can’t provoke him, even I, the old man, are a little afraid of him.” ”

“But, Captain Chen….”

“But what is it?” Everyone obeys the order and starts rebuilding the base! No matter how nonsense, give Lao Tzu military law disposal! ”


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