In the blink of an eye, Lin Yun returned to his villa in Yunhai City.

At this time, several women were waiting in the villa for Lin Yun to return.

Some are reading books, while others are playing badminton, with one exception.

That was Chen Mojing, sitting alone on a stone bench in the doorway.

I don’t know why I always feel uneasy in my heart, but I can’t say that feeling.

“My sister should be all right, right?”

Chen Mojing raised her face, and a pair of large eyes of the water spirit stared at the sky.

I thought about those faces.


Suddenly, Chen Mofeng’s voice appeared in her ears.

Chen Mozhen was surprised to look into the distance and found that Lin Yun and Chen Mofeng appeared in front of her together!

“Sister? What are you doing here?! ”

Chen Mojing rushed to Chen Mofeng excitedly.

Chen Mofeng stretched out her hands and hugged Chen Mofeng’s petite body.

“Why did I come….”

Chen Mofeng looked at Lin Yun with a bitter smile, why did she come here, wasn’t this to ask Lin Yun?

Bring her here.

“What about the others?”

Lin Yun asked Chen Mojing.

Chen Mojing replied, “They are all inside, how’s it going?” Did the woman in Ninghang City solve it? ”

Hearing Chen Mofeng’s question, Chen Mofeng’s face was suddenly red, reminding her of the picture at that time.

“What are you blushing about?”

Chen Mojing looked at her sister doubtfully.

The cerebellum melon is full of big question marks.

“She was caught by me, and Ninghang City is now under your father’s control.”

Lin Yun touched Chen Mojing’s little head.

“Really? Worthy of you! Chen Mojing smiled and hugged Lin Yun’s waist.

“Let’s go first.”

The three entered the villa.

Seeing Lin Yun’s return, the women immediately stood up to welcome Lin Yun’s arrival.

“You’re finally back, this time a week’s delay, right?”

Ye Xuefei skimmed her lips and complained.

Lin Yun chose to ignore her, but said to everyone, “Actually, when I come back this time, I want to take you out of here.” ”

“Get out of here? So where are we going? Chen Yuexin asked doubtfully.

They have been living here for two months.

Although they knew that Lin Yun’s strength was enough to allow them to live outside, there were still many dangers lurking around.

Rushing away is only afraid that an accident will occur.

“I have a better place to go.” Lin Yun smiled.

“A better place to go? Could it be a big villa in some ravine? Shen Qiuyu said jokingly.

Chen Mofeng, who was on the sidelines, had already roughly guessed where Lin Yun was staying.

“You’ll know when you get there, let’s go.” Lin Yun said with a smile.

“Don’t you bring anything with you?” Chen Yuexin was a little surprised to hear Lin Yun say to leave now.

Don’t you have to bring anything?

Lin Yun shook his head and said to the women, “There is everything there, you don’t have to bring anything.” ”

Everyone looked at each other suddenly, and after looking at each other and smiling, they nodded at Lin Yun.

The next moment, they followed Lin Yun to the System World.

Seeing what they saw, they were suddenly surprised and unable to speak.

Where would they have thought that such a place existed.

They rushed to visit this world.

Not only is it full of technology, but everything inside is new!

You can see that there are many robots cleaning in the corridor.

You can also see that there is sunlight shining into the room outside the window, but you can’t see the sun.

Finally, there is the living room in front of you, with a soft and comfortable sofa and a large color TV of one hundred and twenty inches, as if you are watching a movie.

Most crucially, there are no zombies around, only shady woods and gardens full of colorful flowers.

“What the hell is this place?”

The girls couldn’t help but ask Lin Yun.

They were curious about where Lin Yun had brought them.

Lin Yun smiled slightly and replied, “This is my world, I can come here at any time, you are absolutely safe here.” ”

“Your world?!”

The women looked at Lin Yun in surprise, they had seen Lin Yun’s invisibility, space movement, and even the invincible battle suit.

But there has never been a shock to the world in front of you!

Because, this world is completely free of zombies!

It means that everything in this world can become a new place for human beings to reproduce and live.

However, they also knew that Lin Yun could not bring other people here.

Only they will be the masters of this world.


Do you want to go to the prison district!?

Suddenly, the sound of the system came from the ears of the people.

Lin Yun frowned suddenly, why is it that when everyone comes for the first time, the system will prompt whether to enter the prison?

Is there anything strange about this prison district?

“Prison? Where? ”

The women asked doubtfully.

Again, only Chen Mofeng knew where this so-called prison area was.

Isn’t there a white-haired woman being held there?

Chen Mofeng turned his gaze to Lin Yun, not knowing what Lin Yun would decide.

But only to hear, Lin Yun said lightly, “There is Bai Yu Kaoru imprisoned there, do you want to go and see it?” ”

“Kaoru Hakuba? Who is it? ”

Ye Xuefei asked doubtfully.

“It’s the female boss of Ninghang City, Lin Yun is holding her here.” Chen Mofeng explained to the crowd,

“How do you know?”

Yu Qian asked coldly.


Chen Mofeng didn’t know how to answer the other party, and lowered his head slightly.


Hearing that Bai Yuxun was the boss of Ninghang City, Ye Xuefei directly lifted her sleeve.

“Then I’d like to see what makes this woman so powerful!” Let’s go! ”

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