In the dimly lit prison district, Kaoru Hakuba is being held here.

In this empty area, even full of torture equipment, she had no idea when and where this moment was.

There was only one figure in her brain at this time, and that was Lin Yun.

She didn’t understand, who was Lin Yun?

Why is there such a space?

Moreover, everything Lin Yun did was so magical, as if he was a person who did not belong to this world.

“Is this it?”

Suddenly, a woman’s voice came from her head.

Kaoru Hakuba looked up and saw five or six beautiful people standing in front of her and watching her.

They look different.

Some were surprised, some were slightly angry, and some looked at her arrogantly.

Especially the woman with the long black hair in the lead.

Holding his chest high, a pair of arrogant eyes stared at the face of Bai Yukao.

With a faint smile, he walked straight towards her.

She came to Kaoru Hakuba, her eyes constantly scanning her body.

He even reached for Kaoru’s body and kneaded it at will.

“What are you doing?”

Bai Yu was furious and asked in a low voice.

“What for?” Ye Xuefei laughed dismissively, “What do you do with me?” You’re just a prisoner, you know? ”

Then, her hand landed on Bai Yu Kaoru’s body again, playing with it recklessly.

When Bai Yu Kaoru saw Ye Xuefei’s attitude, her face instantly became very low.

Resisting the resistance of his body, he asked, “Are you the woman of that guy?” ”

“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Ye Xuefei replied dismissively.

“Oh, you and her are really the same, sure enough, it is not a family that does not enter the door, you and Lin Yun are really too matched!” Kaoru Hakuba gritted her teeth and said.


Ye Xuefei smiled slightly and continued to ask, “Then what kind of people do you think we are?” Kindness? ”

Between the words, her hand grabbed the front end of Bai Yu Kaoru’s front end, and with a slight force, she even grabbed it red.


Bai Yu Kaoru couldn’t help but let out a cry of pain and whispered, “You are all selfish and selfish people, and even more cruel in heart, treating the captives instead of killing, but choosing capital punishment and abuse!” ”


Hearing Bai Yu Kaoru’s evaluation of herself, Ye Xuefei let out a silver bell-like laugh, and then her eyes fell on Bai Yu Kaoru’s body.

There were scars all over her body, but these scars were not caused by fighting, it was obviously a good thing that Lin Yun had done.

“It seems that you were rewarded by Lin Yun before?”

“Yuck! The reward of bullshit, that disgusting thing, I can’t wait to….”


Bai Yukao’s voice had not yet fallen, and Ye Xuefei slapped her face with a slap.

The white feather of the fan is a little cloudy.


Kaoru turned her head, and anger appeared in her eyes.



Another slap slapped the other side of her face.

Ye Xuefei coldly looked at the bound white feather in front of her, and the cold breath was like a piece of ice.

“Who allowed you to say bad things about Lin Yun?” Looking for death? ”

Ye Xuefei scolded.

“Huh!” Kaoru Hakuba sneered, “If you have the ability, you will kill me!” You! ”




Ye Xuefei kept dealing blows to Bai Yukao’s face.

One palm, two palms, three palms!

The face of the hit white feather Kaoru was slightly red and swollen, and the corner of the white feather Kaoru’s mouth left bright red blood, and she did not choose to stop.

Only because Bai Yu Kaoru showed disrespect to Lin Yun.

“Snow Princess…”

The other women also saw all this in their eyes, and Chen Yuexin wanted to go forward to stop Ye Xuefei, but before she could take a step, she was stopped by Yu Qian behind her.

Yu Qian said softly, “Don’t do superfluous things, she has her own measure.” ”

Chen Yuexin could only nod her head and stand quietly to the side.

Let Ye Xuefei keep abusing Bai Yukao’s body.

It lasted about five minutes or so.

Ye Xuefei only stopped.

At this time, the white feather Kaoru’s face was already red, and the originally miserable white skin finally had some luster.

In this regard, Ye Xuefei nodded with satisfaction and smiled:

“Do you know your situation?” You are just a prisoner of the order, and if you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will make you live or die! ”

Kaoru Hakuba was not speaking, she knew that she would never be able to escape the palm of these people, and then chose to give in.

If there is a hell anywhere, then this is the hell of her white feather!

“Okay, people who don’t know think you’re specifically engaged in torture to extract confessions.” Chen Mojing, who was next to her, came over and stopped Ye Xuefei.

“How? Do you have any comments on my approach? Ye Xuefei glanced at it and asked.

“What opinion can I have, who dares to have an opinion with you as a bad woman?”

Chen Mozhen shrugged her shoulders.


“You are Chen Yaowei’s second daughter?”

Suddenly, Kaoru Hakuba spoke.

“How? Did my dad tell you about me? Chen Moting asked doubtfully.

“Yes.” Kaoru Hakuba nodded.

Chen Moting glanced at her, “Is that old thing saying bad things about me again?” ”

Kaoru shook her head and said, “I happened to be present at the experiment your father was involved in, how old was I at the time?” Fifteen or sixteen? ”

“Experiment!? What experiment!? ”

Chen Mojing raised her left eyebrow and asked doubtfully.

Bai Yu smiled slightly, and his gaze skimmed over Chen Mojing’s petite body, and he replied, “What other experiments can there be?” Of course, it is a drug that makes people’s body grow, how? Didn’t your dad talk to you about the second side effect of this drug? And why is this why you should take it? ”

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