“What do you know!?”

Chen Mojing’s small hand grabbed Bai Yuxuan’s chin and pressed her to ask.

She never thought that the pill she took had another hidden feeling.

Bai Yu Kaoru saw that Chen Mojing was so excited, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a faint arc, and said, “It seems that you don’t know anything, why did your father give you a reason to take that pill!” ”

“You make it clear!”

Chen Mojing took a step forward with her small feet, and a nervous face was only half a step away from Bai Yu Kaoru.

Her hands kept retracting, making Kaoru Hakuba feel the power coming from her petite body.

“Clear? Hehe. Kaoru Hakuba sneered, “Why?” ”

“Are you qualified to bargain?”

Ye Xuefei’s eyes narrowed slightly, although she was not used to Chen Mojing, but in the face of this kind of thing, she would still stand on Chen Mojing’s side.

Chen Moting clenched her silver teeth and asked clearly, word by word, “What do you want?” ”

“Requirements? Put me away. ”

Kaoru Hakuba seems to have found a life-saving straw.


Chen Moting naturally couldn’t agree to this request, she didn’t want to make Lin Yun angry.

After seeing that this request was impossible, Bai Yu had to change it.

He said casually, “So, you tear her clothes to me, and then beat her, and I’ll tell you!” ”

Bai Yu Kaoru said, and then turned his eyes to Ye Xuefei.

She naturally wanted to be angry about the fact that Ye Xuefei had just beaten herself, and since she couldn’t escape from the palm of their hand, she would also have to lose both.


In the face of Bai Yuxuan’s request, Chen Mojing couldn’t help but hesitate.

She looked at Ye Xuefei, and at the end she shook and replied, “Change one, I won’t agree to this.” ”

“Oh?” Bai Yuxun naturally saw the hesitation in Chen Mojing’s eyes and said deliberately, “Then forget it, when I am in a good mood, it will be possible to tell you, or you can ask your father directly to see if he will tell you.” ”


Chen Mojing clenched her fists to teach some of this vile woman a lesson.

She knew that she could not ask Chen Yaowei and deliberately said this to anger herself.

Most crucially, she did it!

“Is that all you ask for?”

Suddenly, Ye Xuefei on the side spoke.

“Yes, that’s all.” Kaoru Hakuba smiled strangely.

“Okay! Chen Mojing, you do it, I will not resist. Ye Xuefei said to Chen Mojing.

“I’m not going to do it.”

Chen Mozhen shook her head, she couldn’t really do anything to Ye Xuefei, this was Bai Yuxuan’s plan to split their trust.

“What’s not to like?” I don’t mind. ”

Ye Xuefei wanted Chen Moting to do something to herself, but Chen Moting was never moved.

“Isn’t it just humiliating Ye Xuefei?” How about you don’t let me come? ”

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of the women.

“Are you here?”

“Lin Yun!”

Lin Yun was late in coming, just now because he was handling the materials of the system, some wasted time.

But as soon as I arrived, I heard the conversation of several people and immediately joined the battlefield.

Seeing Lin Yun, Bai Yukao couldn’t help but frown, she knew that there was nothing good about this man’s arrival.

Lin Yun walked to the middle of Ye Xuefei and Chen Mojing, smiled at Bai Yuxuan, and asked, “Just tear her clothes and teach her a lesson, and you will tell everything you know, right?” ”

Bai Yu Kaoru first glanced at Lin Yun and said coldly, “Well, that’s right. ”


Lin Yun agreed.

Subsequently, he grabbed Ye Xuefei’s shoulder.

Shocked, Ye Xuefei asked, “What are you going to do?” ”

Lin Yun smiled slightly and returned: “Of course, I obeyed her request and taught you a lesson, and you will be wronged for a short time.” ”



Before Ye Xuefei could say anything, the clothes on her body were torn to shreds by Lin Yun.

The women looked at Ye Xuefei, who was all naked and slippery, in surprise.

What is Lin Yun going to do? I always feel that the next plot will be a little inappropriate.

Seeing that her clothes were torn up, Ye Xuefei immediately covered her private parts with her hands, and her face was red like an apple.


Ye Xuefei was trying to speak, but she was interrupted by Lin Yun.

Only to see Lin Yun grab Ye Xuefei’s waist again, smile and say to Bai Yuxuan, “I’m going to start teaching her now, don’t blink.” ”

As soon as the voice fell, Lin Yun launched an offensive against Ye Xuefei.

The poignant and majestic picture made others cover their eyes.

Kaoru Hakuba was also scared silly, which was not the same thing as saying a good lesson to her!

It lasted about thirty minutes before Lin Yun stopped moving.

Striding over to Kaoru Hakuba, he asked her, “Can you say it now?” If you’re going to repent, I don’t mind teaching you a lesson again. ”


Bai Yu Kaoru swallowed a mouthful of spit, glanced at Ye Xuefei, who was covered in filth, and shook her head in fear.

Return: “Chen Yaowei was ordered to test the efficacy of a drug, and the object of his test was you, Chen Mojing!” ”

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