“Why? Why did he choose me as a subject? ”

Chen Moting seemed very anxious, because with Chen Yaowei’s rights at that time, it was too simple to choose an experimental subject.

Death row inmates and the like are everywhere, why choose his own daughter?

“It’s simple.”

Bai Yu Kaoru replied, “Because the medicinal effect of that pill at that time was unknown, and it also cost a huge amount of money, it was a potion used to strengthen the flesh, and you also felt that your physical improvement was far beyond ordinary people.” ”

Chen Mojing’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Indeed, although Chen Mofeng deliberately tilted all the resources of the Qinglin City Organization to her, her physical improvement was also very terrifying.

Her strength was the top in Qinglin City, and even in Ninghang City, there was no one who could fight her.

Is it really the effect of that pill?

“However, what you eat is only experimental products, and Chen Yaowei has a hard time giving it to your baby.” Bai Yuxuan said with a sneer, “At that time, in addition to inhibiting growth, no side effects had been tested, and Chen Yaowei dared to take it for you to eat, which was also bold enough.” ”

“And then what? What are the side effects? Lin Yun asked.

Bai Yu Kaoru glanced at Lin Yun, sighed, and said, “Who knows, anyway, the experimental products in the back have flaws, such as making people’s skin turn miserable.” ”

Her words made everyone understand that Kaoru Hakuba was also one of the experimenters, and the reason for the tragic whiteness of her whole body was caused by taking drugs.

This also explains why her physique is higher than others.

“Where was the place of the experiment?” Do you remember? Lin Yun asked Bai Yukao.

“I don’t remember, that was ten years ago, I only know that there is a place in Yunhai City, and there is also a place in Yunjiang.” Kaoru Shiraba replied.

Lin Yun frowned, the laboratory in Yunhai City in Bai Yuxuan’s mouth should be the place where he and Yu Qian went together.

But there was nothing there.

Therefore, if you want to get other clues, you can only go to Yunjiang.

As for where Yunjiang is?

It is a province and city west of Yunhai City, and if I remember correctly, most of it is a mountain range, except for a basin in the middle.

I don’t know what it will look like under the attack of the zombies.


Get special missions!

Head to Yunjiang!

Mission Reward: Machine Guard!

Description: Everything is a robot that obeys the orders of its owner, carries firearms and weapons with it, without any energy consumption.

Quantity: Unlimited!

Lin Yun’s eyes lit up suddenly, a robot that could obey his command?

Although zombies can also obey their own orders, their limitations are too great.

On the contrary, robots will be much more convenient.

Moreover, the zombies that they can control are only the highest green level, and the combat effectiveness is far less than that of the robot.

After all, this thing is infinite!

“Okay, then let’s go to Yunjiang.” Lin Yun said suddenly.

“Yunjiang? Are you sure? ”

Chen Moting seemed very excited, she did not expect Lin Yun to go to Yunjiang for herself.

Lin Yun nodded, although most of the reason was because of the system’s task.

But he did it by the way, after all, he didn’t want to watch his woman have an accident.


A few days later.

97 days before the end of the world!

The whole world is shrouded in zombies, the smoke of war rises from everywhere, and human beings can only survive on a small amount of supplies.

Although many capable people have emerged, in the face of a large number of zombies, they are just mantis arms as cars.

Yunjiang, the border of the southern city.

A survivor camp inside.

A group of people were sitting on the ground, all of them skinny and their faces covered with mud.

“Abba, I’m hungry.”

A little girl, who was only ten years old, asked the man next to her.

The man glanced at the little girl, then got up and walked toward the two guards with guns.

“Big brother, can you give me something to eat?”

The man begged the two men, and as soon as he reached them, he knelt on the ground.

Because only in this way can you get a little food.

“Eat? It’s good that we can take you in, and you still want to eat? What about dreaming? Get lost! ”

The guard kicked the man in the air.

Spit spewed from the man’s mouth with blood, and he was slammed to the ground.

But the more than a hundred people present turned a blind eye, and had no desire to help the man, only the little girl ran over and helped her father.

This is the ecology of this place.

Countless ordinary people are protected by more than a dozen capable people, and their lives and deaths are entirely up to that group of people.

After all, in this last days, ordinary people want to live, which is simply a fool’s dream.


Suddenly, the gates of the camp were opened.

A group of capable people who had gone out in search of food returned, followed by three or four women, who looked like vassals they had brought back when they went out.

“Yo? Brought back four women this time? Awesome! Third brother! ”

The guard at the door shouted excitedly at those who had returned.

The man glanced at the guard and said with a foul mouth, “You bunny cub, this is Lao Tzu’s woman, you don’t want to touch it.” ”

“Eh! Third brother! Your words hurt your feelings! Who are we talking to? ”


The man, named Brother Three, led four women into the back room.

More than a hundred people outside were looking at the closed door of the back room.

They were certainly not looking at women, but in that back room, where a lot of food was stored.

This is the case, the capable are in charge of all the food, and if they want food, they must do things, for example, women can trade with their bodies, while men can only go out and find food to bring back.

Or it is to deliver certain possessions, such as rare treasures and the like, after all, even in the last days there are people who like this kind of thing.

“It’s really stingy, isn’t it just a woman?”

The guard snorted coldly and was preparing to close the door.

Suddenly, a hand pressed against the iron door.

“Huh? Who are you? ”

Facing the sudden appearance of the man, the guard was somewhat surprised.

Looking at the man in front of him wearing a black sweatshirt, handsome looking, and sword-eyed and star-eyed, everyone was a little confused.

In this last days, can there still be such a decent person?

Only to hear the man say, “Who is your boss?” I want to see him. ”

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